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Those two remaining months went by too fast for my liking. I couldn't control time though. Ruby and Weiss really helped me in that time. They got me to smile more, laugh again even if it was just a bit, and be myself again. Everyday I wore that piece of Yang's scarf around my wrist. I felt like I had my partner still with me even though she wasn't really here. Now the moment of truth stands before us. Today was our graduation, the day where we go off on our own into the world. "Blake Belladonna, Ruby Rose, and Weiss Schnee," Professor Ozpin announced. The three of us walked up on the stage, receiving our diplomas. "Congratulations you three. You made it through even through the toughest of times. I wish you all luck."

"Thank you Professor," Weiss said on our behalf. Then we walked off the stage and sat back down in our seats. We listened to each name called, applauding with the others as everyone received their diploma.

"Congratulations to you all. You've done wonderfully here at the Academy. Now you put your skills to the test out on the real world as official huntsmen and huntresses," Professor Ozpin said into the microphone. That was the conclusion of our ceremony. Ruby, Weiss, and I met up with JNPR afterwards.

"Well, we made it," Jaune said with a smile.

"That we did," Ruby added. I looked into the crowd and I thought I was hallucinating. I blinked my eyes a few times and shook my head, seeing if this was just my imagination playing tricks on me. But it wasn't. She was really there. "Blake, you alright?" I was on the brink of tears as I continued to look at her. JNPR and my teammates looked in the direction I was, seeing what I was seeing. The blonde casually walked up to us. I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe.

"Yang," Pyrrha questioned in disbelief. She nodded. Yang had a scar across her right eye and onto her cheek. My tears slowly fell.

"What the fuck! Do you have any idea how much damage you've caused," Weiss shouted angrily.

"I'm sorry, okay. I couldn-"

"You're sorry? Is that all you have to say for yourself? You're sorry?! How could you even do this to me?! To all of us," I shouted.

"Blake, I-" I slapped her across the face, not caring at all. Yang didn't get angry or anything. "Okay, I deserved that."

"You shouldn't have come back here Yang," Jaune said. Yang looked at him in confusion.

"What do you mean? Can't I come and see you all graduate," the blonde asked, starting to get irritated.

"You made us believe that you were dead. You think that it's completely alright for you to just pop up out of nowhere after four years? Blake was in ruins, even to the point where Weiss and I could barely help her get back on her feet. That's all because of you. You made your own partner suffer for four years, taking the blame upon herself every single time for what happened. Why don't you just go off and disappear again? To be honest, we were all just getting to terms with your death," Ruby said, growling at the end. That was when Yang kissed me in front of everyone. I didn't kiss her back though. I pushed her off of me instead.

"Don't you ever do that again," I hissed.

"Blake? Don't you still love me," Yang asked, sounding hurt. I did still love her, I won't deny that, but I can't have this happening.

"I love you all right. I loved you so much that I nearly killed myself in front of your sister and Weiss two months ago! I thought that I would see you again by dying! But no, I lived another day in Hell because I was still blaming myself for letting you fight alone. Every single night, I had to watch that day play over and over again, plaguing me with this traumatic nightmare! You've done more harm than good in all of this Yang Xiao Long," I cried. Yang was about to reach out to me when I bolted, tears running down my cheeks.

*      *      *

We all watched Blake run off to who knows where. I clenched my fists in anger. I glared at my sister shortly afterwards. "Thank you so much Yang. Now we have to start all over again on bringing her back," I harshly spoke.

"What? How is this my fault," my sister argued.

"You just had to show up again! Why didn't you contact us to tell us that you were still alive? Uncle Qrow was the one who was sent out to recover your body and only found a piece of your scarf. Sounds a little too familiar. Oh wait, that's right, all they found of mom was a piece of her cloak!"

"I had no choice Ruby! I wanted to tell you guys that I was still alive but I couldn't! I was under orders not to speak to any of you!"

"Orders from who?! This is some lame excuse Yang," Nora growled. Ren glared at the blonde, as did Pyrrha and Jaune. Weiss and I were beyond furious right now.

"From me," the headmaster said as he approached. Yang turned and faced Professor Ozpin. She handed him something and she looked at us as if we were no longer there. "I asked Ms. Xiao Long to do a special assignment for me and that meant to have you all believe that she was dead. It was crucial to have you not interfere with her mission. Now, Yang, is there anything else you need to share with me?"

"No sir." Ozpin then walked off, leaving us as we were before he intruded on our heated reunion. "Dammit," Yang cursed under her breath. She brought her left hand up to her right arm, groaning almost.

"What are you groaning about," Weiss sassed.

"Hey, you would be groaning or whatever if you lost your arm," Yang snapped, her eyes flickering red. She lost her arm? "I guess I'll leave you all alone since apparently I'm not welcomed here." Yang had the look of hurt written in her eyes.

"Yang, it's not that you're not welcomed, we're just shocked to see you again after all of this time. So you can understand why we reacted the way we have. It's going to take some time for us to have this settle in. It might take Blake longer," I said. Yang sighed.

"Just contact me when you're ready to. I understand. Tell Blake that I really am sorry for doing this to her. Give her this for me, will you?" Yang held something in her hand. I took it from her.

"Just know that she may not want it right away if at all," I said. Yang nodded and then walked off. Well, maybe I should actually say vanishing into thin air. We all looked at each other. "Well, looks like we have something else to deal with now."

"You think," Weiss sassed harshly. "Now we have to work twice as hard to help Blake. Now she's back to being stuck in that dark hole of hers. Face it Ruby, we screwed either way." She was right.

"Let's just go get our things and get out of here before anything else happens. Hopefully Blake hasn't run off yet," Jaune said. We all agreed to that. When Weiss and I walked into our old dorm, Blake was already gone. Or so we thought.

"I stayed to just say goodbye to you guys," she said solemnly, scaring us in the process.

"But Blake, what about sticking together," Weiss asked.

"I...can't do this. If Yang asks about me, tell her that you don't know what happened to me."

"Do what you have to Blake, but don't you dare take your own life. If you need us, don't be afraid to contact either of us. I know you may not want to take it, but Yang asked us to give this to you," I said, holding out the thing Yang handed me. She stared at it and hesitantly took it.

"Thank you for everything you've done for me over the years. I can never thank you enough. I can never ask for better friends than you two." She hugged us, trying to hold back her tears. "I love you guys so much," she said as her voice wavered.

"We love you too Blake. You've been a great friend. You've become family even," Weiss said softly.

"I know," the Faunus said in reply, wearing a smile.

"Good luck Blake. I hope you find what you're going to look for," I said, wiping away my tears. Blake kissed my forehead and then Weiss'.

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