Chapter 74

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Cheryl's P.O.V.
Two days have passed and since then Bella barely wakes up. She would be up once a day for less than an hour before going to sleep the rest of the day.

It was very hard for us to cope each day knowing the condition of my daughter. Everyday, when a doctor comes in, the hope in us will spark but then it would just turn out with the news that he'll give  us 'no changes'. Every day and every night I would talk to her even if she's asleep hoping she might remember us because that's the most painful thing, when one of the persons you love most forgets about you.

I know she's already having a hard time and I'm starting to forget my daughter I once knew because Bella is far from her now. Her bruises are still dark but they were slowly healing, her stiches, her broken legs, she even became thinner that her cheeks had sunken down exposing her cheekbones.

But even though I know that she's having a hard time, It never cross my mind that I would let her go. I know its quite a selfish act but I need her. We need her here and even though it takes a month, a year that she'll be on life support. I won't still let them turn it off because I know in time she'll get better. She just needs time.

Later will be Christmas eve already. I never planned that I would get to celebrate Christmas here in the hospital. We're supposed to be on a vacation right now if all of this never happened. Bella might be safe with us but then I failed her. I should be looking out for her but then she got taken away and beaten black and blue which confirms the nightmares I had before.

Now, her life is on the line and I can't even do anything   to make her feel better. She doesn't even remember us anymore and its hurting us so much. I know my daughter is my soldier and she should keep fighting but as time goes by, I'm starting to ask myself, why isn't she fighting anymore. Is she giving up already? And I'm scared to know the answers to that. Because I might not be ready or rather I'm not ready at all.
I was woken up by a hand on my back making us look up to see Simon looking down to us with a downhearted look. I looked up and saw that our relatives are already here busy chatting with each other. I then turned to my daughter and still nothing had changed.

"Babe...Can we talk?" Simon whispered making us confuse on what he's all about. He held his hand out and I just looked at it before glancing at Bella.

"Joan's here she'll look out for her. We'll just talk outside." He says making us sigh and took his hand before he pulled me up to mu feet. He said something to Mam and with that we walked out of the room. Simon's actions makes us nervous and scared and I never really liked that feeling.

"Simon, is there a problem?" He never did respond and just sat us down on the bench nearby before sitting beside us.

"Babe..." He slowly look up to us and paused before he lets out a loud breath tuening to us.

"Cheryl, I-I talked to the doctors earlier." My heart starts to race cause I think I know where thid is going.

"They told me that...Athena isn't showing any signs of re-"

"No" I cut him off. I know what he's going to say and I don't like it.


"I said no. End of discussion." I was about to stand up but he pulled us down making us fall back on the bench and it was making us irritated.

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