Chapter 70

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Later that day, The couple never left the little girl's side. Cheryl sent Joan with Eric and the girls to have some rest because they have been up for almost 24 hours and they need to get some rest.

Its already seven in the evening when Athena was feeling very weak and is now slipping in and out of consciousness. She wants to fight but she already lost it and now she just wants to be let go. So she can move on with a peaceful heart and soul. And she thinks that the time has come as she starts to wheeze and this alarmed the couple making them stand up and Simon was about to call the doctors but the voice of his daughter stopped him in his tracks.

"D-Daddy, please stay." Simon turned and looked at his girls and saw Cheryl looking shattered while she stare at Athena before slowly going back to them as his heart broke little by little with the sight in front of him. But Simon insisted that his daughter needs a doctor so he push the button instead and made the doctors come to them.

"It's gonna be okay baby just hold on. The doctors are on the way okay" Simon said firmly and softly placing a kiss on top of Athena's forehead. Athena was having a hard time to breathe but still she follows her father and try to hold on. Maybe there will be a miracle that she could make it. Just maybe...

Soon enough, doctors came rushing in making the couple step aside for the doctors to do their work. Simon held Cheryl as she cries in his arms while he stares at their daughter catching a glimpse of her and seeing her having a hard time and in pain is hurting him more than he could ever imagined. And for some reason some part of him is saying that if Athena can't move on anymore maybe its better if they let her go, right then she wouldn't be suffering her pain anymore. Cause its pretty obvious, she wants to go maybe they are just blinded by the thought of their daughter fighting this through especially Cheryl.

She can't imagine her life without her daughter in it again. She just got her back, they got through battling her cancer and now this is happening. And somehow she was starting to hate the world, hate herself and everyone around her. Because everytime that there's a good thing that will happen something worse will come after that and she had enough.

After quite sometime, The doctor came up to them and with the look on his face tells the couple all they need to know.

"There is no sign of recover. Her lungs are nearly in shut down but we already attached a tube to her to help oxygen to enter her body and for now that's all we can do, I'm really sorry." Simon just looked at the doctor before looking back to Athena looking quite lost. The doctor sigh and though its best to leave them alone so without a word he left the room leaving the three alone.

The couple went back to their place sitting on each side of the bed leaning closer to their daughter.

"Y-you did great baby. I'm proud of you. Soon you'll get better okay, and we'll get you out of here then we can go wherever you want. Anywhere you want." Cheryl said making Simon glaced at her with total sadness in his eyes. He then glanced at Athena seeing as her eyes are already half shut.

On the other hand, Athena can feel that she might not wake up in the morning. And somehow, she doesn't want her parents to feel that way because then it will hurt them. And now she can't speak anymore so even if it hurts her so bad, she reached for her mother's hand and gripped on it until she can. While she felt Simon hold her other hand making her let out a smile. She can't control time or even control her life but whatever happens she just wants to feel her parent's touch until she completely goes.

Cheryl placed a kiss on her hand and on her cheek before stroking her hair. Simon then turned to Athena and placed a kiss on top of her forehead before letting out a shaky breath silently wishing that her daughter will fight this through.
Few moments passed and still Simon and Cheryl are wide awake staring at their daughter monitoring her breathing. Athena has gone back to her sleep after Cheryl hummed her to sleep.

They're both feeling scared on what's going to happen next now that their daughter has finally woken up. Will she stay or go. They don't know and there's nothing they can do. Its all up to Athena now.

Simon glanced from his daughter to his wife who's staring at Athena with hopeful eyes as she stroked the girl's hair while holding her hand. It broke his heart, he can't imagine how painful must be for Cheryl. She just got her back just to be brutally beaten and now her life is on the line.

Suddenly, a phone rang from the room making Simon took his phone out of his pocket to see their lawyer on the phone and for some reason he wanted to speak to him in private. So he stood up and walked out of the room leaving Cheryl alone with her daughter giving her the chance to talk to her alone.

"Baby, My angel. I know you're having a hard time already.. But please just hold on and stay." Her tears flow down her cheeks as she tries to talk to her.

"I can't go on if you leave. I need you here. I'm really sorry that it all lead to this. We're sorry if we didn't save you earlier. Believe us we did everything.. All I'm asking is for you to stay. Please sweetheart. I promise this won't happen again. I promise I will keep you safe always. Just please don't let go." Cheryl buried her head on the side of the bed crying her heart out. She was hoping that Athena is listening to her. Hoping that in the morning her daughter is still alive.

On the other side, Simon is in a conversation with their lawyers and they're talking about Athena's case.

"We are willing to go back to Canada for the first hearing. I just want those f*cking b*stards to rot in prison." He hissed as he sat down on the bench putting his head in his hand.

" Okay Mr. Cowell, The first hearing will be next week."

"Okay bye."

"Bye Sir." Simon hungs up before burrying hos face in his hands and somehow his tears were becoming evident. It was something he's been keeping for a long period of time. He just doesn't want to be seen in tears because he's suppose to be the one who's strong. But he was falling apart with all that is happening.

What he pictured when they found Athena is her being fine but that was the total opposite of Athena's state right now. The little girl is close to death. Even though she's asleep, you can hear her wheezing breath. It was something he's scared about and can't take it off his mind. They can't handle the thought without Athena in their life and now he's silently wishing and praying that their daughter will fight and stay. Because they couldn't cope. They wouldn't cope.


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