Chapter 3

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Three weeks had passed and the Britains Got Talent is already on the telly. But Athena didn't watched at all. Instead, she spent most of her time admiring the white roses in the garden or in her room.

Now, its noon and she sat by the window watching the younger kids laugh and play.

She used to be liked that. She used to play with other kids, laugh with other kids. But in a blink of an eye, she changed into the complete opposite of what she was before.

She now finds comfort in her room while before, she finds comfort with other kids. She doesn't like being alone but now she prefers to be alone just to make sure she's safe.

I've changed.

Suddenly, a car pulled up by the driveway and it was unnoticed by the little girl cause she was too busy watching the kids in the playground.

She was not aware of what's coming at her.

A couple walked in the shelter with all smiles.

"Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Thompson. Its good to see you" Marvin greeted the couple.

They look nice people

Lisa thought as she watched the three have their conversation. She knew they're here for Athena. She also knew she will be taken away now. She just didn't tell to avoid another episode.



"Can you get Athena ready, her new parents will take her with them. " Lisa just nodded and went upstairs.

Athena heard three knocks at her door immediately knowing who it was. She turns to the door at the same time the door slowly opened revealing Lisa.

Athena stood up and walked in front of Lisa giving her a small smile.

"Babe, I- I need to tell you something"

"What is it?" Athena looked at her in confusion and it made Lisa sigh.

"Honey, there's a couple downstairs that adopted you." She says in a hurry but Athena heard every single word.

She wants to tell Lisa that she doesn't want to go or she wants to stay, but there's nothing much she can do right now.

" I-Is that so...I'll just pack my things" Lisa watched Athena in pure sadness as she walks away from her. She feels bad that she can't even do something with Athena's situation. She knows the girl doesn't want to go but she was being forced to.

"Here, let me help you with that." She says as she walks over to Athena and carry the suitcase she's dragging before placing it on the bed.

Athena sat on the bed as Lisa got her things ready. She got into her own world.

She doesn't want to leave but she feels like her voice doesn't matter, her opinion doesn't matter. There's a couple downstairs that she barely even knew but then they're giving her to them.

But she can't do anything but follow orders. She wasn't in control of her life. They control her, they decide for her. She doesn't control anything.

"Babe.." Athena slowly looks up at Lisa as she felt her hand on hers.

"You're gonna be fine.. Remember to always take your meds. Don't skip any meals.. Take care of yourse-" Lisa was cut off by Athena's arms around her. She was thanking her by the use of physical contact cause she knows that the moment she'll talk she might burst into tears.

"I'm gonna miss you Athena" Lisa pulled away and took her phone out of her pocket and hand it to Athena.

"Take this. The number of the shelter is already there. Call us if something's wrong okay.." Athena gave her one last hug as Lisa placed a kiss on top of her head holding the little girl tight.

"Okay, Let's get you downstairs. They're waiting for you."
"Welcome home" Athena steps into the house and lets out a cough cause of the smoke that fills the air.

She scans the house. It was simple yet an odd house. She looks up to Eloisa, her foster mother, and the woman gave her a smile.

She then heard the lock making her turn around and saw Kevin, her foster father, locked it. She gulped at the intense atmosphere of the house. She doesn't like it.

"Your room is upstairs second door to the right."Athena gave Eloisa a nod before dragging her suitacase upstairs.

As she walk through the hallway she already doesn't like the atmosphere of the house. It actually gives her goosebumps. Stained walls, old furnitures, creaking hard wood floors.

She stands infront of a dirty white door clutching her chest before opening it. She slowly steps in closing the door behind her before scanning the room.

The room was small but its enough for her. It has a bed, a closet and a chair that was set by the window. She walks over the window, opening the blinds letting some light in.

She lets out a shaky breath as she looks out the window to see her father  talking to several strange men. And when someone caught her stare, she gasped and staggers back until her back hits the wall. She drops down curling up.

I'm scared
"Jake! Where the f*ck are you! Give us back my daughter!" Cheryl founds herself walking in a dark alley finding for Jake. Her daughter's cries echoes and its stabbing her heart each step she takes.

"JAKE!! Where are you!" Cheryl was in tears as she figures that her path is leading her nowhere till she came across a door.

"Jake!" She stormed in the door to find Jake holding her daughter and a vodka bottle on the other hand.

"Jake! Please give us m-"

"Stop it! Cheryl." He took a swig of his vodka bottle making Cheryl's heart race. She doesn't know what to do.

"I told you before to abort this kid, but you didn't listen"


"This thing here ruined my life. They took my car, I was kicked out of school, My parents depised me."

"That's not my daughter's fault nor my fault. Its your wrong doing." He lets out a smirk.

"What if I just kill the ki-"

"Jake! NO PLEASE! I'm begging you." He lets out a chuckle and that'a when everthing went black.

"NOOO!!!" Simon woke up when he heard a scream and when he look to his side abd saw Cheryl thrashing, he was alarmed.

He grabbed her wrists and pinned it to her sides to avoid her from hitting herself.

"Cheryl! Wake up!" Cheryl's eyes shot open as she lets out a deep breath. Her eyes traveled to Simon and immediately launched herself to him crying uncontrollably in his arms.

"You're okay...I'm here, no one's gonna hurt you." Simon tries to calm her wife down. This is the second time Cheryl had a nightmare in the past three weeks and he's not liking it.

"Sshh, you're fine. Its just a dream."

"I-Isabella" Cheryl cries and it made Simon soften. Its now he realize that he really needs to find Isabella cause he hates seeing her wife in this state.

"I promise you, we'll find her yea. I'll hire an investigator okay. I'll find Isabella." Simon pulls back and wipes the sweat of Cheryl's face replacing it with comforting kisses.

I'll find Isabella

Breathe (Cheryl Fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora