Chapter 36

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Author's P.O.V.

Morning came and the couple's phones ,that was blasting with missed calls and unread messages, had woken Simon up. Squinting through the light, he tries to see who was calling and saw his personal assistant calling him.

'Hello, Pete. It's like six in the morning.' Simon grumbled as he buries his face on his pillow.

'I'm sorry Simon but there's a lot of stories in the papers today and you might want to check it out. Do you want me to send the papers there?' Though Simon was a bit alarmed by what he just heard, his mind wasn't working because sleep is still taking over him.

'Yea, whatever. I'm going back to sleep.." He hang up not giving a Pete a chance to reply and just moved closer to his wife taking her in his arms. He was about to slip off when Cheryl's phone blasted making him open his eyes. He cursed under his breath as he took Cheryl's phone to see Lily calling and since Cheryl doesn't seem to have plans on waking up, he was the one who took the call.


'Simon, Where's Cheryl?'

'Still asleep. Now what is it because I'm not gonna lie Lily, I'm still tired.' He sighed before hearing Lily do the same.

'There's a lot going on in the papers today-'

'Tell me what is this about already because Pete just called me a minute ago talking the same thing.'

'There are stories about you and Cheryl actually thinking that maybe something's going on. They think Cheryl's pregnant with the several visits at the hospitals but mostly the stories about Athena...' Upon hearing his daughter's name, his energy boost up. His father instincts are kicking in and is getting more overprotective of his children.

'What? Athena? Why do they know about?' He hissed as he got off the bed and sat at the edge of the bed with his head in his hands. He was boiling.

'Everyone is aware that Athena is your golden buzzer on BGT and for the people see her last night at the final sat on your lap as she sleeps made the crowd judge her.'

'What are they saying?'

'It said here that, you probably knew her before she joined the show and her sudden disappearance on the show that made them think that there is totally something going on. Some papers are saying a total different story. They said that you just pressed the golden buzzer out of sympathy because they found out that Athena's an orphan and..." The sudden pause made Simon's heart pound. He knows that what is next won't be what is expecting.

"They found out about her past and she's getting beat up."

"WHAT?" Simon said loudly that made Cheryl wake up, she turned and saw an empty space beside her before her eyes travels to her husband who's sat on the edge of the bed.

"Babe" She croaked but Simon didn't turn. He was too lost and focus on his anger right now that he didn't hear Cheryl's call.

'Lily, can you bring the papers here asap please..' Cheryl was confuse as to why Simon has her phone and why is she talking to Lily. Simon hang up and sighed before turning around to his wife who's looking at him with a blank expression on her face.

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