Chapter 5

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Cheryl woke up with small kisses being planted on her face. Her eyes flutter open and saw her son making a wide smile spread her face.

"Good morning Mammy" Eric plants a kiss on her mother's nose as he giggles making Cheryl melt. Eric held out the white rose he's been holding and giving it to her mother.

"Aww, Thank you my little man" Cheryl stared at the white rose as she takes it remembering the strong significance it held to her. She placed it on the bedside table before turning back to her son.

"Give us a kiss." The little boy giggles at her Mam before giving her a kiss. He then lay back and cuddles to her mother which brought a huge smile on her face. She placed a kiss on top of head anf starts ro stroke his hair. Eric looks up and giggles making Cheryl raised her brows with a cheeky smile playing on her lips.

"Why're you giggling. You're making fun of us." Cheryl starts to attack her son with tickles making the little boy squirm. Laughter and giggles filled the room when Simon got out of the bathroom.

"Wha- Did I miss something?"

"Daddy! Save me!" Simon lets out a grin as he looks to Cheryl who caught his daze.

"Simon, don't you dare." She hissed but Simon ignored it and launched to her wife tickling her along with Eric.

"Okay, okay. S-stop now! I'm out of breath." They all collapse in bed catching their breaths.

After a few seconds, Eric sits on top of his Daddy and lets out a pout.

"Daddy, I want pancakes." Simon lets out a smile at the same time Cheryl rolls over and rest her head on Simon's chest looking up to him with a pout.

"Yea, Daddy we want pancakes!" Simon rolls his eyes. They know that they can get everything they want with that pout cause Simon can't resist it. Its his weakness.

"Alright! Get off of us little monkey so I can make them"

"Aww, My baby's not a monkey. He's too handsome to be one." Cheryl cooed as she takes a giggling Eric off of Simon and cradling him in her arms.

"Cheeky" Simon mutters before he got on his feet. He watched her son cuddles to her mother which made a smile form on his face.

He's really a mama's boy

He thought before turning around to walk out of the room just to be stop by his wife.

"Hey! You're leaving us without my morning kisses" He turns to an unimpressed Cheryl and sighs. He leans forward capturing his wife's lips.

"Good morning my beautiful wife." Cheryl smiled against his lips.

"Good morning my sweet husband." Simon smiled widely. Cheryl gave her one last kiss before Simon pulled away.

"Now go and make them pancakes."
"Semi-finals starts on Saturday. Are you coming?" The couple sat by the garden watching their son as he runs around the open space.

"Yea of course. And besides, I want to meet Athena" Cheryl rests her chin on her palm as she looks at Simon with a smile on her face which made Simon melt.

Remembering Athena, she felt so attached to the girl already. There was something about her that he can't get off his mind. He remembers her last words to her

'Thank You'

It sounds so soft and innocent. Maybe she was mysterious and different from the other young contestants he had encountered, but he thinks she's not like that. She just became like that. He wants to know that so bad.

"You want to meet her?"

"Yea, It intrigues us when you described her. She's..I dunno, mysterious."

"She is. But she kind of reminds me of you."

"Am I mysterious?" Cheryl pouts as she tilt her head in confusion.

"Not that." Simon chuckles taking her wife's hand lacing it with his.

"Then what?"

"I don't know. She just reminds me of you. You'll see."

"Hmm" Cheryl sits back to her seat with a small smile playing on her lips. She instantly felt excited about Saturday, about seeing and meeting Simon's mysterious golden buzzer.

Her smile fades when suddenly Eric tripped and fell causing the little boy to cry. Simon sighed and stood up.

"That's it." He says as he walks to his crying son. "Playtime's over" He picks up Eric carrying him as they walk back to Cheryl.

Cheryl stood up aswell when she saw her two boys walking towards her.

"Mammy!" The little boy cried as soon as he saw his mother. Cheryl took Eric in Simon's arms and cradle him resting his head on her shoulder and putting her little arms around Cheryl's neck.

"You're tired. You need a nap" Cheryl placed a kiss on her son's shoulder as they all made their way to their mansion.
Athena's parents were out which gave the little girl some relief. For the first time, their house was filled with complete silence. It eased the fear in her.

She has the chance. The chance to escape from the hell she's been living in for this past days. She has the chance to go out to the woods and breathe some fresh air. But then she chose not too.

She was afraid her parents might come back and found out that she's gone. Who knows what they might do to her.

Now, she sits by the chair near the window just watching cars and a few people pass by their house. She wants to scream for help but then she went against it.

Her legs are still sore but she can walk on them already with an occasional whimpers coming out of her mouth. Her back still stings but not like before. She haven't eaten anything in almost three days and she's growing weak already

Ring ring

Athena snapped out of her own world and looks over her bed where she noticed the phone under her pillow glowing. She pulls herself up and step by step, she made her way to her bed biting her lip with the pain that's coming from each leg.

She slowly sits down on the bed and took the phone seeing the shelter's name flashing through the screen so she immediately answered it

'Hello' Athena made sure she sounds normal. That she's okay. She doesn't want to be a bother anymore.

'Hi babe. Its Lisa. How are you?' Tear fell down her eyes. She wants to tell her so bad. That she's not fine. That she's hurt. But she just can't

'I'm fine..Everything is good' She lied as she tries to hide the tears in her voice.

'Really, That's good' She replies. 'Well I'm just ringing you to tell you that you have rehearsals tomorrow for the show the day after. You want me to pick you up?' Athena's heart starts to race. She doesn't want Lisa to go to her hell. As much as possible, She doesn't want Lisa to see her.

'No its okay Lisa. I'll ask my parents to drive me there. And besides, I want to keep my performance a surprise.' Yet another lie.

'Oh is that so... Alright, I'll just see you on Saturday.' She silently release a silent breath. She was somehow felt relief. Lisa won't have to see her like that.


'Well, I have to go.Marvin's going to chop my head off.'

"Okay Lisa, I'll see you soon"

'See you babe. Bye'  And with that the line goes dead. That's when Athena burst in tears.

She had the chance, she just talked to Lisa. She could've said something. She could've tell her. She could've been save. But she didn't. She didn't spoke up.

She doubts that she can come to rehearsals let alone the show. She's locked up, she's too weak to escape. If she tells they might hurt her again and she knows to herself she can't take another beating anymore.

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