Chapter 113

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I don't know what to do

Kimberley can sense the desperation in her bestfriend's voice. It's something she can hear every time she's at her breaking point and that scares her.

"Tell me what to do Kimba. Everything's falling apart" Kimberley sat down by the balcony trying to think of a way to calm her and its not easy with just a phone call.

"Hey, hey. I need you to breathe for me babe." She says as soon as she hears her breathing get heavy. "You need to calm down. Everything will be alright"

Cheryl tries to calm herself and steady her breath. She can't have a panic attack right at this moment. She needs to control it.

"First tell me what happened" Kim eventually said. She needs to understand what brought this on.

"Bella had an episode yesterday, when Simon came home from work" Cheryl paused waiting for Kimberley to react but she got nothing ao she continued.

"At first I thought it was one of her few episodes but this was different she's so terrified and you can see it in her eyes and I knew then from the moment I walked to my husband I knew why she reacted that way."

"Go on." Kimberley was so intrigued that she listens to every detail of her story.

"He smelled of cigarettes. He smoked. You know he never smoked since we got together, you knew that Kimba but he did it and maybe that's what triggered Bella's episode." Kimberley lets out sigh of disappointment for Simon but she can't blame him to be honest with their situation right now maybe he thought that it will give him some sort of a temporary escape from everything.

"We talked last night..." Cheryl whispered in a sad tone and it squeezed Kimberley's heart. Since Simon came in Cheryl's life, it was very rare for her to witness her sad. Simon makes her best friend the happiest that's why he got her approval on their relationship so it hurts her to witness Cheryl in this state.

"He told us everything. He's slipping in Kimba and I don't know what to do. What happened in Cannes really struck him, maybe because its everywhere, the telly, the papers. I want to fix this and I'm so torn between saying it to the public that we're still together that we didn't broke up and keeping it in and not saying anything."

"If you ask me Chez, Maybe its not bad to tell the public that you two are still together because you know it will never go away if you just keep it in. You know the paps they won't stop until you give them what they want." Cheryl lets out a loud sigh realizing that Kimberley's right. They won't stop until they get what they really want.

"About Simon, I know he's having a hard time with everything that's going on. Babe all you can do is just be there. He needs you more than you'll ever know."

"I know" She sighs " I just don't like him keeping things to himself you know. Its making him do stuff like smoking and drinking, I just want him to open up to us anytime."

"That's Simon babe, he would try and be strong for you guys until he can. Maybe now that he's at a point that he's slowly falling, he doesn't know how to deal with it because he's use to being the 'big guy'. That's why he needs you."

Cheryl realized that maybe Kimberley's right maybe Simon's just used to being the one who fixes everything for their family and that he doesn't know how to fix himself. Now that his husband needs saving maybe its time for her to step up.

"You're right Kimba. You really know what to say."Cheryl wiped the tear that had fallen as her lips cracked into a small smile.

"I'm here for you always you know."

"I know. Well, thank you Kimba" Kimberley smiled upon hearing this. Its just means that maybe she gave a point to Cheryl that will help her understand the situation. She just hopes everything will soon be okay for the Cowells


"Dad" A whisper woke up Simon from his slumber and slowly opened his eyes to be met by huge pale ocean eyes staring at him and somehow, at first he couldn't quite tell whose eyes are them not until he really opened his eyes seeing her daughter's lips slowly cracked into a small smile.

"Hi Daddy" She whispered before putting her arms around her father slightly squeezing him. She missed him. This made Simon sigh in relief and immediately held his daughter closer.

"Good morning princess" He says before pulling away and giving his daughter a kiss on the head.

"What happened last night?" Athena asked as she sat up straight looking at her Dad confusion is evident in her face. This made Simon confuse and quite figure out that every time she has an episode she won't remember it.

"Don't you remember?"

"Nope" The girl shook her head. "All I remember was I saw you came home and the rest is all a blur. I didn't even know how did I get here in my room. Did you brought me here? Did I fell asleep?" Simon sighed before sitting up facing his daughter.

"No, your mam did." He says studying the confusion on her daughter's face.

"You had an episode last night sweetheart" This made the little girl look up to his father trying to process what he just said.

"Again?" She whispered, disappointed from what she just heard. She started to try and remember what happened but nothing's coming up its like she was asleep the whole time but in fact she's in the middle of a nightmare.

The sudden touch of her hair made the little girl flinch and snap out of her thoughts and this made Simon immediately withdraw his hand afraid to scare her off.

"I'm sorry, I see you're a bit shaken up still. I'm really sorry princess"

"Why are you apologizing Dad?" She said as she lets out a sad laugh. Simon lets out a huge sigh before looking into her daughter's eyes.

"I think I triggered your episode last night" The girl didn't respond for quite some time making him continue.

"I smoked half a cigarette before I came home and forgot I sm-"

"Why are you smoking?" That caught him off guard and somehow he sees pure disappointment in his daughter's eyes and doesn't help with his situation.

"Daddy, why are you smoking?" The girl repeatedly said with disappointment laced in her voice. This made Simon break eye contact and released a sigh of defeat.

"I thought it was going to make me feel better because I was missing you guys so much but Daddy's wrong. I won't ever touch that stuff again. Never. I promise" Athena sighed and nod her head before launching herself in his father's arms truly she misses him so much. Now she feels safer with both her parents with her at the moment. She just hopes, she won't get any episodes happen for the next few days.

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