Dick Grayson!Robin x Reader

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Hi everyone! I hope you guys like this one. This features an older Robin (sixteen years old). And before any of you super hardcore fans go crazy and try to correct me on everything,  I'm going to try and explain the timeline for a bit, so bear with me.

You guys are ten/nine in the flashback, and after that there's a six year time skip, the last three of those years belonging to the actual time skip in YJ. As far as I can figure out, Dick became Nightwing after being sixteen for a while or maybe when he just turned seventeen. Then Jason came along, died and did his resurrection thing, and then came Tim, all while Dick was seventeen-turning-eighteen. And the all the other members of the team all appeared when Dick was . . . . I'm gonna go out with either the later months of sixteen or seventeen. He's supposedly born on the December 1 in the YJ universe, so this is going to take place three weeks after that, with your birthday somewhere in between.

Just humor me, okay? Even if I'm wrong (And if I am, please comment and correct me. I need to learn)

I really hope you guys aren't confused by this because my brain just hurts thinking about it. It's way too complicated for a one-shot this simple. 

Hope you guys enjoy

Requested by DafneMellers


You scrambled to the top of the jungle gym and looked triumphantly around the park surrounding it. At ten years old, the wide expanse of concrete, monkey bars, swings and slides seemed enormous to you. A breeze made loose strands of your [H/C] dance wildly about, making you brush them away from your eyes carelessly as the warm sun shone down on this fine spring day. "I'm ruler of the world!"

A boy with short black hair and blue eyes concealed by a pair of dark shades effortlessly climbed his way next to you, scowling. "No, you aren't! Girls can't be rulers of the world!"

"Yes, we can!" you protested, folding your arms indignantly. "And besides, you said that whoever got to the top first would be the ruler of the world!"

The boy, whose name was Dick Grayson, let out a defeated sigh and grinned crookedly at you. "I did say that, didn't I? Okay, fine. You can be ruler, then." Even though Dick was ten, and you were nine, you were an inch-and-a-half taller than him, a fact that you took pride in since you were the shortest in your family.

You hadn't planned on racing Dick to the top of the jungle gym. In fact, you hadn't even met the kid until two hours earlier, when you first noticed him showing off to a group of kids by performing flips on the monkey bars. You, having taken acrobatic lessons since the age of five, quickly challenged him to a friendly competition to see who could do better. Even though it ended up being a tie, it was the start of a beautiful new friendship.

Now, you bit your lip as you thought about your new position. "Dick, you know what? I don't want to be called ruler. It sounds too. . . too evil. Like a bad guy. I don't wanna be a bad guy! I want to be someone like. . . like Batman! I want to be a hero."

Dick frowned at you. "[Y/N], sometimes being a hero isn't always good. Sometimes bad things happen when you're a hero. People can get hurt."

"But isn't that why heroes exist?" you asked, head tilted in confusion. "They help people. They know the risks. And they do it anyways, because that's what they're meant to do."

"Well. . . okay," Dick reluctantly agreed. "You can be a hero then. But you have to choose a good name. Every hero has a good name."

"I'm going to be [Y/SH/N]!" you said, striking a pose.

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