Wally West x Reader

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Hey everybody! Lady Skyla's back. School is almost out for me, which means. . . 


I hope you guys like this one

Requested by DamiensBeloved


"Class, this is [Y/N]. She's new here. Make her feel welcome, okay?"

It was six months into the sophomore year and you had just switched schools, from Rio Grande High to Keystone High. As you surveyed your new class, one particular student caught your eye: a redheaded boy was staring out the window, obviously bored out of his mind. His face was half-hidden as he was sitting all the way in the back, but you could see the rest of him just fine. He had a lean, muscular build that seemed familiar to you, but you couldn't quite place it. 

The teacher seemed to notice where the boy's attention was and said sternly, "Mr. West, since you missed the introduction, I believe you should be the one to give [Y/N] the official school tour."

The student jolted back into reality. "Wait, what?"

Your heart beat faster as the boy turned to face the room. You recognized those green eyes- how could you not? You've seen them full of fear and excitement and determination every time you went on a mission with your team. "Wally?"

"[Y/N]?" Wally's jaw dropped in disbelief. "What are you doing here?"

"I moved here just a few days ago," you explained. "I had no idea that you, uh. . . "

"Yeah, well, I don't exactly like advertising certain parts about my life," Wally retorted. To the other kids in the class, it was just a harmless remark, but to you it was something else- immediately, you flashbacked to the one time the team had played Truth or Dare after a mission and cringed at the memory.

It had not ended well.

"You two already know each other?" the teacher said. "Well, that certainly makes things easier! Who knows, [Y/N], you might be a good influence on this kid. Heaven knows he needs it. . . why don't you go ahead and take the seat in front of him?"

You slowly walked down the aisle, past the other students who whispered and looked at you funny. Judging from their reactions, you assumed that Wally was either the most popular and adored kid in the entire school or he was the annoying jokester who picked a fight with the popular ones.

It was probably the latter. 

It wasn't long before the bell rang, and since you had a ten-minute break between first and second period, Wally pulled you into an empty classroom to "interrogate" you. "Okay, seriously, what are you doing here?"

"Is it really that hard to believe all I did was just switch schools?" you demanded, crossing your arms. "It's not like I'm stalking you or anything."

"That's not what it sounded like last week," Wally muttered, gazing at you intensely.

You felt yourself flush as your eyes flitted to the ground. "Wally, I'm really sorry about that. I didn't mean to- I mean, it's not like I. . ."

After a surveillance mission in Australia (which turned out to be more than surveillance, as usual), you and your friends had decided to spend a day trying to get to know each other better by relaxing in the cave for an entire day. Things had been going fine until Artemis suggested a game of Truth or Dare, and when it was your turn you had dared the speedster to reveal his most precious and private secrets after Wally claimed he was an open book and had nothing to hide. Practically a millisecond later, you two were having a shouting match with the team trying to calm you both down.

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