When I come back from changing Justin is in the VIP area with his shirt off and his golden chains glistening against the pale skin of his tatted chest. He stands up and reaches for my hand and I take it eagerly, ignoring the stares of the boys that surround him.

"Who's this Biz?" A guy asks as Justin settles me quite comfortably on his lap he plays with my hand for a little bit and for a moment I think he's forgotten the question.

"I'm Anya" I tell the group though one leering boy in particular makes me wish I'd said Seven.

"Hi Anya," they chorus like they're in an AA meeting and that makes me giggle.

"She's so cute Biz. You're so cute Anya" says the guy closest to Justin and I smile and thank him when he reaches to shake my hand,

"I'm Alfredo. You can call me Fredo though" I nod

"Nice to meet you Fredo" he blushes and takes a sip of his perspiring Corona. Justin offers me a sip of his whiskey but I turn it down. There were some yummy fruity looking drinks at the bar that I was dying to taste.

"We playing the name game?" A dude across from me wonders and I shrug and nod as a chuckle rumbles through Justin's chest.

"Okay so from left to right here we go. You ready Anya?" I nod again and he points at himself,

"I'm Za. That's Ryan, next to him is his boyfriend Chaz th-"

"Fuck you Za!"

"Yeah Za fuck off man it's not funny anym-"

"Then we got Cody" the boy whom Gigi had gone to sit with at the award show gives a brief wave before going back to his cigar.

"My boy Tyga" a man with enough tats to rival Justin's throws up a deuce and shoots a friendly wink before downing his booze.

"Last but definitely not least we got the plug, Dante" the last guy, the one who'd been eyeing me hardcore, offers a slow appraising look one I had seen time and time again on the face of my clients.

(Dante is played by my other baby daddy Quincy Brown) 

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(Dante is played by my other baby daddy Quincy Brown) 

"What you hit Anya?" Dante asks and his voice is smooth with a rolling accent of some kind.

"She isn't about that life Te leave her alone" Justin scolds but Dante continues to stare at me,

"Oh that's my bad Biz. Baggie on me tonight aight?" Justin coughs in uncomfortable intervals and seems almost too relieved when Kendall and Kylie enter the  section.

"Hello boys, and Anya" Kendall says with a grand wave and then I'm being yanked off of Justin's lap bye Kylie's Cartier clad wrist.

"Dance with us Anya!" Kylie insist and when I peer behind the two sisters I notice that Gigi had come thru as well. She does a tiny shimmy and a Coke hither motion and I turn to Justin.

"Go have fun baby. I need a smoke break anyways" I lean down and capture his lips In a kiss before being led away by the girls.

"You and Biz have totally done it!" Kendall shouts over the music and I throw my head back and laugh,

"What makes you so sure?"

"He's all over you!"  Gigi shouts dancing languidly next to me.

"I thought he was going to tell you you couldn't come dance with us!" Kylie yells and I shake my head,

"Justin isn't like that! He's really lax!" Kylie and Kendall give each other a lol before starting to dance again.

"Question!" I'm the one yelling this time and Gigi responds with a loud,


"Why do you guys call him Bizzle?" Kendall smirks and Kylie mimics it before they encircle me to a quieter portion of the dance floor.

"So remember when he was such a good boy, rocking the bowl cut and mismatched shit on the red carpet?" I nod even though I'm totally unaware. I hadn't ever followed him or his career.

"So after he and Selena broke up he did a complete 180" Kylie continues and I lean in, intrigued.

"Tattoos, drinking, smoking" his tattoos were all sexy as hell in my opinion and he always seemed to drink in moderation around me of course, and the smell of cigarette smoke and some cannabis never really bothered me.

" he's just reinvented himself,"

"Sexier music"

"Sexier clothes"


I nod and digest the new info.

"You're good for him Anya" Gigi says sincerely and Kendall nods in rapid agreement,

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because he's never introduced us to a girl he has around"

"Never" Kylie promises and Kendall holds up her pinky with a solemn expression. Never.

- Hey guys there's going to be some pretty serious drug usage in this story so read at your own risk!-

SEVEN- JBWhere stories live. Discover now