Chapter Eight: Something is Heating Up

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Natsus POV:

Natsu and Happy sat on the roof top of their house, looking out at the houses around them. Happy chewed on some fish, looking as happy as he could be.

"When do you think dads gonna be home?" Happy asked, looking up at Natsu.

"Hopefully soon. I miss the ol'guy, and I bet Zereph would be thrilled." Happy nodded, "Yeah. I could tell he seems kind of lonely. Why doesn't he come back to school?"

"He graduated a long time ago. Probably around when you where born. He was a pretty strong guy and the youngest to leave a wizarding school." Happy smirked, finishing off his fish.

"Hey Fire breath!"

Natsu looked down to see Lucy and Gray walk up to his front porch. "What?" Natsu called down, insulting took effort and he had none today.

"Wanna go swimming?" He asked, looking annoyed. Natsu jumped off the roof, Happy catching him before he crashed into the ground. "Yeah!"

"HEY ZEREPH IM GOING SWIMMING!" Natsu called. The door opened and his brother tossed something at him. It was his phone Makarov took.

"Oh. Hey, thanks." He smiled at him, and Zereph waved him goodbye before walking back inside. "Hey, I heard Lyon is in town?" Natsu asked as he pocketed his phone and walked down the street with his two friends.

"Yeah this was his dumb idea." Gray said, suddenly missing his shirt. Natsu didn't blame him, it was starting to heat up. But thanks to his power, he could handle the heat.

"Hey guys!" Levy ran toward them, Jet and Droy right behind her. "Hey! Glad you could make it!" Lucy called, hugging Levy when they reached them. They walked down the street toward the lake they hung out at all the time. "So where are we going?" Lucy asked as they started into the forest.

"There's this lake we always hung out at when we where all little kids." Gray explained. Lucy nodded, seeming a bit hesitant suddenly. "Yeah, but I think they've thrown in man eating fish, you know, to keep the wizards busy." Natsu smiled, wiggling his fingers at Lucy.

She punched his arm, "DON'T SAY THINGS LIKE THAT GOOD GOD!" Natsu laughed, poking fun at her some more.

"You guys sure take your time." Gajeel, Lyon, Juvia, Elfman, and Lisanna all sat on a picnic blanket, the shade of a huge tree covering them. "OKAY! LETS MAKE A SWING THAT ACTUALLY WORKS!" Natsu yelled.

Elfman whooped, and pulled some rope out of a bag. "I couldn't bring a tire this time. Mira took my truck." Elfman explained as they made their way up the tree. They climbed across the thickest branch that hung over the lake, and tied it as tight as they could.

Elfman almost broke the rope again.

"Hey guys. What goes on!" Bickslow yelled, Evergreen and Freed walking behind them. "Oh hey Evergreen!" Elfman called, his dumbness got him and he slipped off the branch and into the water.

Natsu was laughing so hard he joined him.

Lucy's POV:

After a long day of messing around and swimming with her friends, she slowly made her way with Natsu back to his place.

"That was a blast!" Happy laughed, flying around their heads. "Yeah it was!" Lucy smiled, watching the kid fly around.

Wendy and Carla along with Panther Lilly showed up a few minutes after Evergreen and her friends showed up. So did Erza and some other guys. Elfman and Natsu argued over who was going to try the swing first, before Erza jumped on it and broke the whole thing.

Lucy smiled, she had some crazy friends.

They arrived at Natsus place just as the sun was starting to set, "Well, I better get heading home. It was great seeing you Natsu." Lucy waved, but Natsu grabbed her arm.

"Hey, why don't you stay for awhile. You're not busy right?" Lucy shook her head, so happy that this was happening.

Natsu lead her inside, walking over to his TV and starting up a video game. Lucy scoffed, "Dark Souls? Really?" Natsu scoffed, "Hey, I'm actually pretty good at this game!"

Lucy watched him run around, trying to beat a boss. "Alright, let me try." Natsu huffed, handing the controller to Lucy.

She watched the monsters attacks, and quickly moved around them, getting hits in every time. Finally, it went down, and she only lost half of her life.


"Natsu. Language." Zereph called from upstairs.

Lucy laughed. "Well, it's getting around that time." Lucy stood, walking over to the dining room and gathering her stuff.

She looked up right as Zereph came down, looking panicked.

Natsus POV:

Natsu raised an eyebrow at Zereph, surprised by his sudden anxiousness. "He's here. She needs to leave." Natsus eyes widened.

"Lucy, you need to go." Natsu ran over to her. But the door opened right at she reached over for her keys.

Natsu panicked, turned around, and burst into flames. He heard Lucy gasp, but saw her walk out the back door right as his dad walk into the dining room.

"Hello. Why are you in fire?" He asked. Natsu shrugged, "Cause, ya know, Zereph scared me again."

"Ha ha Natsu."

Lucy's POV:

She held her breath as she tried not to cry from her arms. They had so much pain washing over them.

She didn't know where she was going, but she had to walk off her pain.

It wasn't working.

She couldn't believe Natsu just erupted in flames without telling her. She was just trying to grab her keys. She felt tears fall down her face, and she couldn't help but screaming.

"Lucy! What happened to you?" It was Loke. He walked over quickly, his eyes widened when he saw her arms.

"Woah, hey, let's get you to the hospital, those are pretty bad."

Lucy let Loke guide her toward a tall building, but all she could remember was flashing lights and talking before she woke up in a hospital bed the next morning.

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