Chapter Eighteen: Zeref and Mavis

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Zeref and Mavis's POV:

Natsu sat next to Zeref, eating a sandwich. Happy chewed on a fish, looking happy as ever. Mavis sat next to him as well, she leaned her head on his shoulder. Lucy was also with them, she looked over, "Hey Zeref, whats yours and Mavis's story? Everyone has one."

Zeref tilted his head, looking at Mavis, who was brushing her beautiful long, golden locks aside. "Oh, it's quite an interesting one."

Mavis nodded, "Yes it was. But it was also wonderful."

It was a cold, summer night, a storm was blowing over head, and Mavis didn't have her jacket. She walked back toward her home after visiting her almost built school. The snow started to fall, and Mavis knew she was in some deep trouble. There was no taxis in Magnolia, so walking was her only hope of getting home. 

"Excuse me!" Mavis turned to see a black haired kid walk up to her, he had a jacket wrapped around him.  She really wished she had one. "Yes?" Mavis answered as the boy neared her. He slipped off his jacket and put it on her shoulders, "You look cold. And you should know better to walk home alone." 

Mavis smirked, pulling the jacket around her shoulders. "I'm Zeref." The guy said, putting his hands in his jeans pockets. "I'm Mavis...Thank you. I-I bet your cold..." He shook his head, "Nah, I'm alright." They started to walk. Mavis couldn't help but recognize the smell of his coat. They walked past all the shops, and into the thousands of houses. Zeref stopped at on, and looked at it, "Is something wrong?" 

"I live here." Zeref said, and Mavis couldn't help but smile as she could see through the windows a small bright pink headed kid run around the couch, an older man with red chasing after him. "Your family has interesting hair colors." Zeref laughed. 

"Where do you live?" Zeref asked, continuing down the sidewalk. "Your still going to walk me home?" Mavis said surprised. He nodded, "Come on, it's about to snow." Mavis caught up with him, "W-well, I live just up here..." Mavis and Zeref walked quietly,  the snow finally starting to fall. "Wow, how pretty..." Mavis whispered, watching the flakes stick to the ground. 

Zeref wrapped an arm around her shoulders, "Be careful, the ground is gonna get slippery." She could feel his warm breath on his cheek, and she couldn't help but blush. "U-uh, okay." Zeref let her go, and she must of gave off a uncomfortable gesture. Well, at least he knows to respect people...

Mavis pretended to slip, wanting him to hold her hand again. She just didn't expect to actually slip. She fell backwards, Zeref catching her in his arms. "Are you okay?" He asked, fear in his eyes. Mavis couldn't explain how she felt right now. They only met and he already cares for her. Or was this a trick? 

Zeref was about to put her down, "I think I twisted my ankle." She mumbled. Zeref froze, "Really? Do you mind if I carry you then?" Mavis couldn't believe he was asking for permission to carry her.  "I don't mind." Zeref started walking, and Mavis leaned her head on his chest. He was really warm surprisingly, and she was surprised to find herself dozing off. 

"Is this your home Miss Mavis?" Mavis looked at the house he stopped at, her wrecked car sitting in the garage. "Yeah..." She said sadly. Zeref walked toward the front door, setting Mavis down on the stairs that where dry. He took the key hidden under the mat, opened the door, and helped Mavis inside. 

"My ankle isn't hurt at all." Mavis admitted finally. "I know." Zeref smiled, standing outside. "Well Miss Mavis. I hope to see you soon." Zeref turned, "Wait Zeref." He stopped. Mavis ran in to her kitchen, writing her number on a paper, and running back. But when she got back, Zeref was gone. 

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