Chapter Twenty-Five: Gajeels dad returns

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So sorry for the long wait....

Natsus POV:

Natsu and Happy raced to the park, leaving Zeref and Igneel behind. They ran into the park, the volley ball net set up already. Natsu glared at Gajeel, Lilly, and Levy who got there before Natsu did.

"Oh hey, took you long enough!" Gajeel yelled as Natsu ran over, "Yeah, well..."

Levy giggled, "Come on, let's get the ball and play for a bit." Natsu grabbed the volley ball, hitting it around.

Eventually all the friends showed up, and the tournament was on. Gray, Lucy, Erza, Elfman, Wendy, and Happy where all a team, and Elfman was wrecking everyone.


Natsu and everyone were having a great time, tell Igneel paused the games and told them to grab some Watermelon and some water before the die of dehydration.

"Wow Elfman, you're actually pretty good at Vollyball." Lucy laughed as she finishes off a water bottle within .2 seconds. Natsu finished five.

Gajeels POV:

They all finished up, and where about to get into the games when Grandina showed up with an announcement. "A very old friend of ours will be here soon, he has a cool game for all of you too play so hurry with the volleyball games."

Everyone was suddenly very excited. Elfman and his team won the tournament, Igneel giving them candy bars and laughing as they all tilted their head in confusion. Zeref later gave them a small trophy with a ball on it.

Gajeel smirked as they danced around like idiots. He looked around, trying to find Levy who somehow disappeared. He saw her walking toward the exit, looking a bit nervous. He slipped past everyone, going after her. "Hey, where are you off too?" Gajeel asked as he joined her. She rocked on her feet, looking up and down the streets.

"I'm... Waiting." She smiled, but not her usual one. Gajeel looked up the street as well. "For what?"

"You'll see. Try not to cry."

"The hell are you talking about?"

Suddenly a very nice gray car pulled up, and Levy clapped her hands together excitedly. Gajeel just glared at the car.

"Wow, still got that nasty look in your eye don't ya?" Gajeel heard as a man stepped out of the car.

Gajeels heart dropped, his mind going blank.

"Metallicana?" Levy smiled, "Yeah... He's back!"

Levy's POV:

After a little research Levy contacted him, he was very kind and was surprised to have someone call him. He was very quite when she mentioned Gajeel.

Apparently he had to leave him, someone threaten his life, but what he didn't expect was to here how horrible Gajeel turned out, he legit started to cry on the phone. Levy was surprised to see he cared so much for Gajeel, and he was so terribly sorry for what happened.

Gajeel was suppose to go to a friend of his, who didn't do shit for Gajeel. Levy assured him that he's okay and living a very good life. Then she got a text asking if Metallicana could come out for a few days and see Gajeel. But he wanted it to be a surprise.

So here it was, he walked around the car, his black leather jacket and soft Blue Jeans really made him stand out, and his hair with black and gray steaks really made him look cool.

"Hey kid, you've grown." He smiled, and Levy looked at Gajeel, who was standing stone still. Slowly he relaxed, and he looked down. "Where the fuck have you been?"

Metallicana was surprised to hear him swear, but he sighed, "I've been everywhere, but I couldn't come back here for 15 years... When I found you I was pushing it. And thanks to my stupidness you lived in hell forever."

He looked at Levy, "I'm glad you found someone who takes care of you better than I did."

Gajeel nodded, kicking the ground. "Fuck it." Gajeel cursed and leaped at his dad. Matallicana hugged him back after almost falling over. "I'm glad you don't hate me to much."

Levy was the one who was going to cry now. This was all too much.

Igneel and Grandina walked over, smiling widely, "Glad to see you made it." Igneel laughed as Gajeel finally let go of his dad. The three walked into the park, laughing about something. Gajeel walked over to Levy, "Did you do this?"

"Please don't be mad." She sniffed.

He hugged her, burying his face in her shoulder, "Thanks."

Lucy's POV:

Lucy and Natsu walked over to a small bakery after everyone went home from the park. She was so tired she could only drag her feet as they walked toward the bakery.

Happy slept on Natsus shoulder as they walked. Natsu didn't walk with all the energy in the world like he usually does, but he seemed unfazed by today's activities.

They walked into the bakery, ordering a dozen donuts and took a seat by the window. "Wow, I'm going home and napping forever." She laughed.

Natsu sat Happy down on a chair. "Yeah, I'm actually feeling tired myself." Natsu chuckled as he rested his head in his hands. Lucy looked out the window, watching cars drive by and people passing.

"Hey Lucy, how about we do something tomorrow. I've been wanting to tell you something..." Natsu didn't look her in the eye.

"Is it something bad?" She asked.

"No..." Natsu sighed and whispered, "I hope." Lucy didn't comment on it, "Well, I'm looking forward to it then. I can't wait tell school is out though..." Lucy sighed.

"Yeah, Elfmans wedding is then. God, he's getting married..." Natsu laughed, and Lucy giggled along. Their donuts arrived and they ate in silence.

Happy refused to wake up, so the finished them off, and went their separate ways.

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