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I'm in love with the tittle

Lucy's POV:

Finally, school came to an end. Pictures where taken, plans where made. But what everyone was excited for, was Elfman and Evergreens wedding. The invitations where obviously made by Elfman, as they said, "Come to the most MANLY wedding of a life time."

Lucy hung that one up.

Lucy couldn't help but remember what Natsu showed her awhile back. They walked forever, but it was worth it. They walked into a hidden waterfall and pound, where they swam and had lunch. The whole time, Natsu really wanted to say something.

But he didn't.

She had fun though, and wished to do it again. But, next time with Natsu so damn nervous. The time rolled around to leave for the wedding, she hurriedly dressed into a short orange dress and pulled her hair into a bun.

A knock came from down stairs as she was putting matching shoes on. "One sec!" She called, but whoever knocked was already inside because she heard them bang around her kitchen.

She walked downstairs, and instead of seeing Natsu, Erza sat on a bar stole eating some cake. "Oh hey." Lucy laughed. Erza turned around, and dropped her fork. "Lucy...YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL! Better than me almost." She picked up her fork, and tried to fit the cake all into her mouth at once.

"Wow, thank you Erza, so what's up?" She asked as she sat next to Erza, "Nothing, I'm just waiting for you."


"Cause Jellal is gonna show up late..." She murmured.

"Well, I guess I do need a ride." Lucy sighed, and smiled at Erza. "I'll give you one! I promised Gray and Loke one as well." Lucy nodded.

"I'll just give them a text that where-"

"ERZA I NEED A RIDE TOO!" Natsu suddenly yelled as he burst through the front door. "I don't have room for Happy." Erza snarled as she put her dishes away.

"He's riding with Wendy so don't worry." Natsu assured and sat on a stole. Lucy was speechless.

He was dressed in a tux, his hair still a mess but you could tell he tried. He was actually very nice looking. Lucy smiled, "Wow, great job, you look awesome." Natsu smirked, "Yeah, Zeref and Igneel didn't know shit so I had Gray help me pick this out."

Lucy giggled and Erza rolled her eyes, "Well, let's get going, those two should be here soon."

A half hour later they hit the road, Lucy had the honor of sitting up front, Gray, Nastu, and Loke where all sitting in the back. A disaster was about to brew if you asked her.

"Gray, stop being so fat."

"I'm not, youre the fat one."

"Guys please, we all know both of you are fat."


Erza growled under her breath, and the three fell silent.

But it started up again...

"Gray stop touching me."

"Trust me, I'm trying not too."

"You're still touching me."

"Natsu, where in a damn car how the fuck do you expect me NOT to touch you."

"Jump out the window."

"Hey, great idea Loke!"

"STOP!" Erza yelled.

They went silent again.

They where half way there when another fight started. "Loke let's play eye spy." Natsu prompted.

"Please no..." Gray growled as Natsu started.

"I spy something.... Brown."

"Uh, tree."


"I spy something... With bark on it."


"No a log."


Gray yelped as he burst to flames, and Loke screamed a very girlish scream as Natsu tried to grab him.

Gray punched him in the face with his ice, making Natsu even more angrier.

Erza slammed on the breaks, and the three slammed into the seats. Luckily Lucy was buckled up.

They all settled down, looking out the window. Natsu slugged Gray, and the two did it for awhile before Loke was suddenly punching Gray square in the face.

"THE HELL!" Gray yelled, smacking the lion. "

"Kay, start walking." Erza snarled.

They where quite for the rest of the trip.

They arrived, and everyone bolted for the building. It was a very tall building, and when they walked inside, the whole room was crowded with people. Laxus was hugging Evergreen and Elfman was being attacked by his two sisters.

"Hey, this place is awesome." Lucy laughed.

"Yeah, apparently the wedding doesn't start for another few hours so Evergreen came out to say hi before she got on the dress." Lisanna said, waving her hand.

"I guess they suck at timing..." Lucy giggled.

Natsus POV:

Finally, the damn thing started. Natsu and Lucy sat next to each other, and the room was filled with quite whispers. "Hey Natsu..."

He turned to Lucy, "Wouldn't it be awesome to get married in the woods..." Lucy smiled as she looked at the ground.

"Yeah, that would be cool." Natsu made a mental note of her idea.

The music started, Evergreen came down the aisle, then they kissed, and then the party.


Natsu and Lucy walked into the next room, the lights low and the DJ starting up. He was so ready to light this place on fire....

With his cool dance moves.

They all sat at tables, and speeches where past around. Natsu suddenly got an idea....

Grays POV:

Gray was wondering if he was going to say something, when Natsu stood up, and suddenly it was like the whole room sighed at the same time.

Natsu cleared his throat.

"I know you guys think I'm gonna say something stupid, and this probably is, but I just wanted to say congrats to you guys because you guys found each other, and decided you wanted to stay together, forever.

My mom died when I was younger so I never really knew what it was like to have such love come from someone. But I did have my brother and dad. Every time my dad talked about my mom, he was always so happy.

And I just can't wait tell I can say, I did it, I found the one I want forever. But anyway, I hope you guys live a great life and have many kids, I'm a great babysitter by the way!" Natsu smiled, and sat down.

The whole room was silent.

Erza started to clap, and everyone joined in. Gray was so shocked he couldn't lift his hands. Lucy was as well surprised and sort of just, sat there. Erza was legit crying, and Elfman just yelled, "WHAT A MANLY SPEECH."

Finally, night rolled around, everyone was tired and full of food. They all said goodbye and walked toward the car. Gray grabbed Natsus shoulder, "I had no idea you actually have a brain to say such touching stuff." Natsu punched him and Gray laughed as they walked toward the car.

Juvia walked over before he left, smiling. "That was fun. I'm glad you came as well." Gray kissed her head, and told her he would see her at home.

The drive home was full of everyone sleeping.

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