Chapter Sixteen: Lyon meets Natsu

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Grays POV:

Gray sat outside after school, waiting for pink head to stop flirting with Lucy. Natsu was the one to insist on meeting Lyon since he was going to be in town for a while. Even though Natsu has seen pictures of them, he never actually got to meet him.

It was a ridiculous idea, but Gray just went with it. "ILL SEE YOU GUYS LATER!" Natsu waved at a few people, before running over toward Gray, "Hey! Sorry for keeping you." Natsu and Gray started there way down the sidewalk toward Grays place.

The whole time Natsu went on and on about anything that came to mind. But he didn't really care, they didn't seem like it, but they where actually great friends. "GRAY!"

They both turned to see Juvia skip toward them, a smile on her face. "Sorry, I got a little behind. Hello Natsu!" Gray suddenly wanted to smack himself.

He promised he would wait for Juvia today.

"Oh hey!" Natsu waved. Juvia smiled and walked with them. Eventually Natsu and Juvia started to talk about football finals.

"We are totally gonna win! Specially with Erza on the team." Juvia laughed, "Yes, Juvia agrees."

Gray didn't like how close they where getting.

What the heck, why was he getting jealous!?

He didn't realise he was falling behind when Natsu and Juvia stopped and told him to catch up. They finally made it to his place where a familiar white head sat on the porch.

"Hello..." Lyon stood up, slowly walking toward them. Natsu waved a hand, "Hey! You must be Grays brother!" Lyon nodded, stoping as he got to the small group. "And you must be Natsu."

Natsu smiled, "Yeah! Where you at mid-finals?" Lyon nodded again, "Yes, it was quite a remarkable game. Who are you playing against for the finals?"

"Sabertooth sadly." Natsu shrugged. "Sadly?" Lyon asked.
"I have some buddy's in Sabertooth. But I'm still gonna smash them in the ground!"

Lyon chuckled, "Would you guys like to join us then?" He looked at Juvia, who was standing behind Gray shyly. "I'd love too!" Natsu smiled, throwing an arm around Lyons shoulder. Lyon was surprised by the sudden gesture, but didn't try to pull away or anything.
Gray smirked, and walked with them. Eventually Lyon slipped out of the idiots grasp and fell back where Gray was walking, "You have some... Interesting friends..." Lyon said, rubbing his neck. Gray laughed, "Yeah, wait tell you meet Erza."

They walked into an ice cream shop, but that's when Juvia stopped. "Juvia must go home..." Gray nodded, "Oh... Okay, I'm sorry..." Juvia laughed, "Don't worry about it. I'll see you tomorrow." She walked down the sidewalk slowly, as if she didn't want to leave.

Surprisingly, Gray didn't want her to leave.


Gray and Lyon made there way toward Grays apartment after they walked home with Natsu. Igneel and Zeref where outside when they showed up. He could tell Lyon was a little awkward around them, which made him feel a bit guilty for inviting over Natsu without him knowing.

"I know your feeling a bit guilty about showing up randomly with your friends. I want you to know it was okay. If I'm gonna be hanging around here for the next two months then I might as well get use to your friends." Lyon spoke up, running Grays thoughts out of his head. "Oh... Yeah."

Gray opened the door, flipping on a few lights, and threw his shirt over the stair railing. He walked into the kitchen, and suddenly felt something was wrong. "Lyon... Do you smell something?"

"Yeah... Where's it coming from?" Lyon called from the living room. Gray walked into the living room, then ran up stairs. When he got up there, he still couldn't find what was going on. It smelt like something was burning, but he couldn't find anything. Natsu didn't step a foot in there as well.

Gray opened his door, and was hit with smoke. He stepped back, coughing. "DAMMIT!" He tripped over something, slamming his head into a doorknob. Lyon was suddenly at his side, helping him up. "What the heck!?"

"Why didn't the smoke detector go off?" Gray asked as they ran outside. Lyon called the fire department, and they where over within minutes. Grays head pounded, and he couldn't help but think his laptop was probably the cause of this. The cord was making the outlet spark a few times, blew out at least three of the outlets in his room.

"Gray, youre bleeding, did you hit your head?" Lyon asked as he looked at the back of his head. "I'm alright..."

"GRAY!" Gray turned to see Juvia, Lucy, Natsu, and Erza run up toward him. "WHAT HAPPENED!?" Erza yelled, watching the fire fighters go inside. "Please don't yell..." Gray grumbled. His head was making everything go fuzzy, and loud noises made him want to pass out.

Juvia wrapped her arms around him, "I'm glad you're okay..." Gray nodded. "Gray... Maybe we should get someone to look at..."

But everything went fuzzy, and he felt himself fall to the ground.

Juvias POV:

Juvia and Lyon helped Gray over to an ambulance that showed up. They looked at Gray, promising he would be okay. Juvia couldn't help but start crying. Lucy tried to comfort her, but Juvia just couldn't help but let it out. If she would have stayed with him, this wouldn't have happened.

"We might need to go into the hospital to look at it a bit more. It was a pretty bad hit on the head..." The guy who was looking at Gray said to Lyon. "Okay..." He whispered, and Juvia realised how scared he was. Gray was his only brother, his only family. Their parents died a long time ago, and there foster mother died as well. There was no one left for them.

That only made Juvia cry harder. "Juvia, would you like to ride in the ambulance with Gray?" Lyon asked, walking over toward her. She nodded, trying to pull herself together. "I'm going to stay here and clean up after theyre done inside. Please make sure he's okay..."

Juvia nodded, "I'll keep you updated..." Erza said she would run home and grab her car so the rest of them could meet them there.

Juvia couldn't help thing how all this was going to end up even worse.

A/n heyyyy I'm back! So I just wanted to say, sorry for the sad chapter, the next one will be happy I swear! Anyway, thanks for reading.

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