Chapter Ten: Gray, Just Stop.

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Juvias POV:

Juvia sat with Lucy and Erza, who where talking about a project. "Hey, you've been really quite, are you okay?" Juvia looked up, and nodded sadly, "Yeah..."

"THAT BRAT GRAY! I PROMISED TO BEAT HIM UP FOR YOU!" Erza yelled, making the two jump. "It's fine, maybe he's right...Gajeel, before he stopped hanging around with me, always told me I was a bit clingy."

"I DON'T CARE!" Erza slammed a hand down. Suddenly, Gray walked in. "What are you guys yelling about?" He asked Lucy, avoiding looking at Juvia.

She clenched her fist. She didn't mean to, but he was just so kind and handsome. He sometimes had that far away look that made her heart melt, and the way he would smile whenever he found something amusing.

Juvia looked down, holding back tears. "HOW DARE YOU BE SO RUDE TO POOR JUVIA!" Erza decked him, catching him off guard, "WOAH WHAT THE HELL!"

Erza beat Gray to the point where he couldn't even stand. "Dont be a douche to Juvia, or you'll experience more pain!" Erza held up her hand in a fist, "I HAVE AVENGED YOU FATHER!"

Juvia sighed, "I think she just made this a hundred times worse..."

Lucy nodded, "She seems to do that..." Erza smashed Juvia in a hug, "Let's celebrate this victory with Strawberry Cake!"


Juvia walked outside, she didn't go to watch Gray at P. E. Which made her heart shrivel up and die... She would never love again. She walked down the sidewalk, tears falling from her eyes. "Why are you crying pretty lady?"

Juvia looked up at a gang of guys, who where making their way toward her. "Stay back, I'm warning you. I'm a wizard." They laughed, smacking the bats and wooden boards against their palms. "We are too."

Julia felt a horrible pain in her side, making her scream. "Ha. Grab her boys. Let's teach those Fairy Tail freaks their nothing against Raven Tail."

"Stay awa-Gah!" Juvia screamed again, a girl with red hair grabbed her wrists and burned them. She tried to use her water power, but it was useless. She pulled and screamed, but the guys only laughed. Juvia could smell her flesh burning, and the pain was numbing her brain.

"HEY! BACK OFF!" Ice flew past her, smashing into the head of the girl. "SCRAM OR YOULL GET IT!" Gray yelled, putting his fist in his palm.

They all went after him, but Gray took them all down, only getting hit a few times. They finally ran away, Gray yelled at them to never touch another Fairy Tail member again. Juvia was crying again, she couldn't help it. The pain was so intense, she couldn't move her arms.

She now knows what Lucy feels.

"Are you okay?" Gray touched his wrists gently, trying not to hurt her more. "It's fine... Once I get some water it will go away..." Gray pulled out a water bottle, "Uh, does this help?"

Juvia took it, pouring it onto her wrists, making the burn markes go away. But the pain was still there, less painful then last time though. Gray helped her stand, brushing her hair away gently, "Anything else? I'll beat them up if they did anything else." She shook her head.

Juvia was enjoying the closeness, but she knew it was because Erza made him come apologize to her. "Thank you for your help..." She pulled up from him, and started to walk when Gray joined her side. "Why don't I walk you home? Make sure you're okay and no one tries to get you..." Juvia blushed.

"T-that would be nice..." She looked at Gray, who was looking at his phone, before putting it away and smiling at Juvia. Her heart soared.

"Thank you..." She said, folding her hands behind her. Gray nodded, looking forward.

There it was, the far away look.

Natsus POV:

"Yeah, Gray is kinda a jerk." He said listening to Lucy talk about what happened today. Natsu was wondering why Erza was tromping around in her purgatory armor. Lucy walked with him to his house, she noticed the new car sitting in the parking lot.

"Is that your dads car?" Natsu nodded. He turned toward Happy, who was already inside. "Well, I better go, thanks for walking with me. It's gets pretty boring just walking with Happy."

Lucy smiled, nodding, "Yeah, no problem." Suddenly someone came outside, "Is that your girlfriend Natsu?" Natsu went red.


Lucy's POV:

Lucy's eyes widened when she saw Natsus dad walk out. His dad laughed loudly, smiling wide. He reminded her of a dragon almost. "Hello Mr. Dragneel!" Lucy waved, smiling widely at him.

He waved back, "Thanks for making sure he didn't get in any fights!" He called.


Lucy chuckled, and started to walk toward her place, "I'll see you tomorrow Natsu." Natsu waved, smiling his usual dorky smile.

Lucy had to admit... She was kind of falling for the idiot.

Gajeels POV:

He cleaned the hole Diner, with no help, he wouldn't let anyone help. He baked a really cool apple pie, (thanks to Levy), and made Levy's dad laugh more than twice.

He felt like he did a great job today.

Now, he sat in his apartment, (that he was not to use to yet) with Lilly playing a game of League of Legends.

"See Gajeel, this is how you live." Lilly smirked. Gajeel hated how he's been pointing out how relaxed he's been lately or how focused he's been on school.

The matter of fact, it's probably cause he finally got his life put together.

"So how are you and Levy?" Lilly asked.

"Her dad likes me, not so sure about Jet. He's the oldest right?" Lilly nodded, "But Droy is the youngest."

"Man, I probably should get to know her more." Gajeel sighed, leaning in his chair as the game finished. "Take her on a date?" Gajeel laughed, "I'm as romantic as a piece of clay." Lilly smiled.

"I'll help you."

"Oh God, I'm going to regret this."

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