Chapter Fifteen: Gajeel Gets Sick, And it's Funny as Hell

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Gajeels POV:

He could really feel this sickness taking a toll on him. He could barley see straight and his head hurt like hell. When the two finally left, Levy offered to come over and help, and as he refused her help, he tripped over air and crushed into a passing Dory.

Levy helped home after gathering some medicine.

He sat on the couch, glaring at the ceiling. He was hot, yet cold. Very weird feeling. His nose felt like a rainforest then a dessert the next. He didn't get sick, like, ever.

Levy sat next to him, "I hope you start feeling better..." He looked at her, and nodded, "I feel like Death punched me in the face." Levy chuckled, "Well, you better rest, I'll come check on you before I go to school tomorrow."


Gajeel slept way into the day, and when he woke up, the apartment was silent and dark. He thought it was still night, but when he sat up and pulled back the curtain he was blinded by a very bright light.

"Oh yeah... The sun..." He grunted, falling back on the couch. He wanted to sleep forever.

He reached for his phone, which was sitting on the table next to him, and looked through it. Levy sent him a text that he forgot to answer, Lilly did too, Salamander sent him a snapchat, like he cared.

He checked the time, and was surprised to see it was a half hour before school is let out. He put his phone down, covering his face with his blanket. He was feeling a bit better, but his headache was slowly getting worse. Oh yeah... He wasn't supposed to look at his phone... Levy said something about the light making him nauseous or something.

He didn't care.

He didn't know how long he lay their, but suddenly he heard voices, and then the door opened. "Hey... Are you awake?" Levy asked, sitting down on the floor. "Mmmph."

She giggled, "Lucy said she had some kind of medicine that should help..." He only grunted in response. "Wow, why is it so dark in here?" Lucy suddenly said, flipping on a light. He glared at the light, "Turn it off..."

Levy laughed, "Come on, you gotta get up and eat something you big lug." He shook his head, burying his face into the pillow. "Wow, this is a nice place... Here, I'm gonna get some of this in a cup." Lucy shook a glass bottle, and walked into the kitchen.

"Wow, you're really out of it aren't ya?" Lilly said, making him look up. "I didn't hear you come in..." He laughed, "Well, probably cause you look like crap." Gajeel finally sat up, rubbing his eyes. "I wonder what you got... You don't have a stomach flu.. Maybe it's just a really bad cold?" She looked at Lilly.

"I think it's a cold." Lucy said, walking in with a cup halfway full with some weird green thing. "I have to drink that?" She nodded. "It should help, but trust me, it's gross..." She handed it to him. He took it, downing the whole thing in a gulp.

"Ive tasted worse." He shrugged, setting the cup down. Lucy smiled, "Well, I better get going, get better Gajeel!"

Levy waved goodbye before standing and walking into the kitchen. "So, what we do today?" Gajeel asked, looking at Lilly. "We didn't get any new projects thankfully, we got a test coming up in Training, and you just missed a great game of Natsu getting beat up by Erza."

Gajeel smirked, nodding. "I wanna sleep again..." Lilly nodded, and was about to say something when Salamander slammed into the door, and the laugh of Gray came outside.

Lilly opened the door, laughing at Natsu sprawled out on the front porch. "You idiot!" Gray yelled, and helping him up before the two walked inside. "Hey! Heard you got sick!" Natsu said, sitting on the couch and kicking his feet up on the coffee table. "I'm to sick to punch you." Gajeel growled.

Gray nodded, "Yeah, you look like it." Levy walked back in, "Oh hey guys!" They waved at her, "We came to see if Gajeel was better." Gajeel scoffed, grabbing his blanket and wrapping it around his shoulders. "Why is it so cold?"

"It's summer, you should be asking the other question." Natsu said, and Gajeel picked up the glass and threw it at him. Well, it didn't travel far, it just landed next to him. Natsu laughed, "Geez, you are out of it."

Levy just sighed. "Well, it's getting late and I'm sure Gajeel wants to-" she was interrupted by Erza bursting through the door, carrying a basket, "I HAVE BROUGHT THE FALLEN WARRIOR A TREAT!"

Gajeels headache was getting worse.

"Thank you Erza, how nice." Levy smiled, looking inside, "Well...this is some very interesting things..." She pulled out a few surgery treats and drinks, and then a bottle of NyQuil.

"You're most welcome, now get better, finals will be nearing soon." She grabbed Natsus scarf, and Grays hair, tugging them out of the apartment. "WE MUST PRACTICE!"



Lilly followed them out, saying goodbye and shut the door. They could hear the arguing go on outside for a few minutes before they where up the street aways.

"I gotta get to work, but if you need anything give me a call." Levy kissed his head, and walked out.

Finally, some damn peace and quite.

He grabbed the NyQuil, drank a few gulps, and buried himself in the couch and his blanket.

A/n Hey! So sorry for this being a strange chapter, next chapter will probably just be around Juvia and Gray. Also, I'm going camping for four days so, I'm terribly sorry for not updating tell then. Thank you guys so much for reading!

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