Chapter Twenty-Three: Igneel

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Natsus POV:

"DAAAAAAAAAD COME ON!" Natsu groaned as Igneel kept talking to Grandina. "Natsu, Just give me a second. Why don't you go look around the store?" Natsu huffed, and sat down on the floor, refusing to move. They where suppose to be going to a movie, but noooooooo. They had to come to the store and talk to Grandina. Wendy and Carla where standing next to her as well, and only chuckled at Natsus childish behavior. Happy lay on the ground next to him, "I want some fish..." He groaned.

"I want to leave!" Natsu snarled at Igneel, who only sent him a teasing look. "How come Zeref isn't here?" Happy said, throwing an arm dramatically over his face. "Mavis and him are off doing something today." Natsu answered as he watched people walk by and give them weird looks. "Why are we on the floor again?"

"I'm tired of standing..."

"Natsu? What are you doing?" Natsu looked up to see Gray and Juvia walk over. "Waiting FOR MY DAD!" Natsu yelled, but Igneel ignored him. "Hey, would you guys like to come to a movie?" Natsu asked as Gray joined him on the floor. "Sure, where not doing anything today."

"Hey dad, Gray and Juvia is coming along."

"HEY CARLA, WANNA COME TOO?" Happy yelled. "Yeah, Wendy, why don't you guys come along too." Wendy smiled, "Okay! Thank you for inviting me!" Natsu smiled, "I wonder if Lucy is doing anything..." He suddenly remembered Loke and Lucy where a thing...

"Are you okay Natsu, you suddenly got really depressed." Happy stated. "Yeah, I was gonna invite Lucy but she's probably off making out with that idiot Loke..."

"They broke up, didn't you hear? " Juvia said, tilting her head.

"THEY DID!" Natsu said way to happily and way to loudly, "Why are we talking about girlfriends?" Igneel suddenly said, and Natsu just glared at him, "SO NOW YOU LISTEN!"

Igneel chuckled, "Come on, looks like we got a crowd with us." Natsu jumped up, "YEAH! MAKING EVERYONE WAIT ON YOU!" Igneel smirked, but started to walk out, "WAIT WHY DID WE EVEN COME TO THE STORE!?"

Igneels POV:

Let's just say it's been a rough day, and going out with Natsu and Happy was relaxing. To him anyway, some people say it would be a nightmare, but Natsu was just a big ball of fury and hidden emotions. He didn't expect to suddenly have Grandinas kids, Gray and his girlfriend, and Natsus girlfriend all show up at the theater. "Hey Natsu?" Lucy said as she was walking down the street toward someone's place. Lucy decided to tag along so, that was cool.

When they got there, Metallicas son was there with HIS girlfriend. Geez, why did everyone have a girlfriend?
When he asked Natsu and Gray if the other two where their girlfriends they just blew up at him, but Gajeel just rolled his eyes and mumbled yes.

Igneel walked in, the kids coming in with the noise of a heard of elephants. "Hey, what do you guys wanna see?" Igneel was practically brought down when Natsu jumped on his shoulders to look at the tittles a bit better, "Let's go see the Hobbit." Lucy said, pointing.

"Nah, let's go see Winter Soldier."

"Oh that's out already? What do you guys think?" Lucy said, everyone agreed with it. Igneel was about to pay for it all when every single kid gave him twenty dollars. "Wow, thanks guys." Igneel laughed, and bought everyone their own jumbo sized popcorn along with other snacks.

They sat down and watch it, but Igneel slowly fell asleep, he wasn't much for sitting still for almost two hours without sleeping. Finally it ended, and they left with Natsu almost lighting the screen on fire. "That was the greatest!" Natsu exclaimed as they made their way home, "Hey, you guys wanna crash at my place? I got a few new games." Surprisingly everyone agreed. "Well, if it's not a problem for Igneel." Levy said, looking back at him. "Oh no, it's fine. As long as Natsu promises to clean up after himself." Almost everyone in the group started laughing. "HEY!" Natsu snarled, but he had no room to talk. He was very irresponsible, but Igneel knew he would become something great. They got home, and instantly Igneel sensed something off. "Woah..."Natsu walked over to Igneels car, which had the windows broken in. The front door was open, and a few of the windows shattered. Igneel walked inside, his living room was torn to shreds, his dining table broken in half, his fridge door missing along with certain foods. He glanced out back, but nothing was wrong except the pool looked like it had a crack.

The kids all stood at the door, looking terrified. "Would would do something like this..." Lucy whispered. Igneel walked up stairs, the rooms where ripped apart, except his since he looked it with a spell. Besides that, everything was okay.

"Well..." Igneel sighed as he walked down the stairs, "I'm sorry, but the sleepover will have to be another day." "I'll help clean up!" Levy offered, "I could use some of my script magic if that helps."

"Well help to!" Juvia smiled, grabbing Grays arm. "Well, I guess it would be widely appreciated. But this might take well into the night..."

"We don't have school tomorrow." Gajeel shrugged, walking into the dining room. "Me and Salamander will move out all this broken stuff..."

"And I'll run over to Home Depot for some furniture I guess." Igneel turned to Natsu, "Call Zeref, I'll be back in an hour or so."


Igneel walked into the store, seeing his friend, Atlas Flames, who had the coolest hair. "Hey, great to see ya!" Atlas Flame nodded, "Is something wrong?"

"Someone broke into my house and I need a few things." His phone buzzed. He asked Natsu to text him what he needed to get. "Wow, was there a lot of damage?"

"Yes. To much actually." Atlas Flame lead him down toward where the couches where, "I'll help as much as I can."

"Thanks buddy!"

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