Chapter 21 The Great War

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The fighting just begun with all the fighters charging at each other ready to kill if necessary. Fist start flying. "FIRE THE MISSILES", Lamor said. Matthew creates a dome to protect everyone. BOOM CRASH BANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The dome protected them as he throws the rocks right at Lamor. Unamused Lamor just knocks the rocks aside. Millions of soldiers continue to charge onward shooting at the Elementals. "This is way easier than I expected", Izy said. "Trust me we are only getting started", Camron replied firing right back at the soldiers. Bodies hitting the floor quickly. "THUNDER WAVE" Paralyzing lots of the soldiers. "HA YOU GUYS ARE A FUCKING JOKE", Inah said. The sages all think for a moment and decide yep it's time to step in. RAI STORMS IN KICKING INAH TO THE GROUND. "BLAZING BULLETS" CAMRON FIRED RAPIDLY HITTING RAI BUT NOT UNTIL HE PIMP SLAPS CAMRON. GETTING ANGRY CAMRON DECIDES IT'S TIME. "BOILING POINT" AND ATTACKS RAI RIGHT BACK BURNING HIM WITH EVERY TOUCH. "SANDSTROM,BLIZZARD" CALEB AND EDWARD SAID TRYING TO SLOW EVERYONE DOWN. "PARITCAL DISTORTION" TSU BROKE DOWN THE ATOMS OF THE ATTACK NULIFYING IT. "PARTICLE WAVE" NEARLYING HITTING EDWARD AS A WHITE FLASH OF LIGHT. "HA you youngters don't understand why we are sages because we are the best of the best" Tsu said continue on the attack. "ICE BEAM" Edward freezing the old sages hands thinking can't use his hands he can't break down atoms. "MATTER CRUSHER" THE ICE BROKE OFF. AS THERE BATTLE CONTIUES MIZU AND TAMIA WERE AT ODDS TO but for less important reasons. "NO MY BOOBS ARE BIGGER", Mizu said. "No mine are AND WHY DOES THIS MATTER ANYWAY FIGHT ME", Tamia said. "WATER SLASH" The water slit Mizu's throat. However with her near dying breath she covered the field with smoke healing the wound the steam was so thick that it was hard to breath. "LAVA LANCE" Lava was fired at her but she quickly avoided the attack. Inah soon gets up about to attack Rai. "LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!", Inah screamed charging her energy to attack. "STORMFORT" A WALL OF STORMS BLOCKED INAH'S PATH. "Your dealing with me now", Noel said challenging Inah directly. They clash with bolts of electricity. "Alright listen bitch I use lighting I'M A FUCKING GODDESS COMPARED TO YOU", Inah said getting pissed. "No your nothing but garbage", Noel replied attacking Inah with brutal force. Caleb noticed the opportunity to take the orb. He decides to go get it while everyone else is fighting. "SAND WALL" Kaze said. knocking Caleb down. "Your going to need to try harder then that", Kaze said using a sand hammer arm to smash Caleb. Kim noticed the little kid is still there. "Why would they bring a kid to the battle field", Kim questioned. "I want to fight as while", Candy said. "No your a healer you can't be charging into battle", Garrett told her. Candy understood her role and how important it is and decides to just sit back and wait for her time. Kim tries to attack Garrett and Candy before Izy stepped in using metal missiles striking Kim surprisingly pushes her back but she soon gets up and they fight  properly. Matthew was handling the ground forces with ease. Lamar was staring Edward down as he protected the orb daring Garrett to come take it. 

The war rages on it doesn't seem like it's letting up as the land shakes around them all. Garrett looks down and sees what this war is truly going to do. With everyone fighting and focuses on the fighting in the shadows Dark Lord is plotting to strike soon. "Yes with you guys things will get a lot more interesting", Dark Lord said to a group. Back at the warzone the battles were getting intense. Camron roasted Rai alive his skin was nearly melting off the only protection he had was his powerful aura surrounding him as he slashed his hand across the flames like a blade cutting the flames in half and cutting Camron's head off. Rai smiled thinking he won the fight. Camron was quick to remind him of his power as he set his head a blaze as his head flies at Rai. "BURNING SKULL HEAD" EXPLODING IN HIS FACE REMING RAI THAT THIS WON'T BE EASY. Camron gains his head. "BURNING JET PUNCH" Rai's stomach smashing his organs. They move at insane speeds trying to punch each other to the floor. While that was going on Inah and Noel were having an equally intense battle. "You little bitch", Noel said sending a raging storm at Inah. She dodges the attacks and counterstrikes her with the force of 1,000,000 volts of electricity. Noel just absorbs the electricity making her stronger than before. Inah looks and wonders what's going on. "CHIDORI" INAH PROCEDS TO CHARGE UP HER ENERGY AIMING AT NOEL READY TO STRIKE HER DOWN TO TAKE HER LIFE WITH 1 MOVE. FLYING AT FASTER THAN LIGHTNING SPEEDS. NOEL SUMMONS HURRICANES TO SPEED UP INAH AND HER ATTACK. INAH DECIDES TO TAKE THE OPPORUNITY TO CHARGE UP ALL HER POWER TO GO ALL OUT WITHOUT ANY QUESTION TO WHAT'S GOING ON. Inah for a spilt second thinks about her life and realizes something.........she wasn't a good person in life. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE ATTACK PIRECES NOEL AS HUGE LIGHTNING STORMS RAGES ON AND DESTROYES THE GROUND SENDING OUT SHOCKWAVES ACROSS THE BATTLEFIELD. Noel smiles as blood comes out her mouth in a split second Noel absorbs all of Inah's power all the electricity poured into the attack that was meant to kill was now being used to fuel Noel. Noel raises her hand to the dark clouds in the sky as she has lightning rain on her hand. "Inah you never knew how to love act or even the simple task of being a human Inah you fail as a human being I'm sorry to tell you the truth but there it is now for your punishment", Noel said striking. "KIRIN CHIDORI" AS NOEL'S HAND PIRECED INAHS CORE AS EVERYONE WAS IN SUCH SHOCK THAT IT HAPPENED. NOEL HAS KILLED INAH. As the stroms continue to rage on Inah falls to the floor. "I'm sorry", Inah said for her last words turning to dust. Noel took her orb and fused it with Inah's the lightning orb is now whole again. "INAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH", Camron screams not understanding what happened. "I'm sorry Camron but she was no good she had to die", Noel said sadly. "Fine I understand', Camron said. "I came to this war knowing that there was little to no chance of all of us coming back to life Inah died because she failed to see your plan absorbing her lightning to take her down it was far to late before she realized what happened her illogical attitude is what got her killed," Camron said coldly. He flies back to battle with Rai as Noel finds Matthew and decides to fight him. "ROCK WAVE" Matthew counterstriked Noel. But Noel was stronger than he thought actually tanking the attack. "CHIDORI SPEAR" a bolt of electricity hit Matthew in the chest piercing his skin he didn't think he had to do this but Noel was leaving him no choice. "SAGE MODE" Matthew was ready to fight seriously. "ERUPTION" Noel took the full force of the attack as power from the Earth's core damages her. Noel strikes Matthew as if nothing changed. However Matthew using his Earth grounded the electricity. "CORE ERUPTION" MATTHEW'S VERY BEING EXPLODED ENGULFING NOT ONLY NOEL BUT A LOT OF THE SOLIDERS IN A POWERFUL WAVE. Noel was knocked out. Matthew reformed but was tired after such a powerful attack Kim tries to take the opportunity to strike Matthew but Izy put her in check by knocking her to the ground. Izy looks at his hand and sees it's melting from the poison. Kim smiles thinking she has this in the bag until she looks back. "FLASH CANNON" A HUGE WAVE OF ENERGY FROM IZY'S MECHICAL CORE BLASTED KIM IN A FLASHING LIGHT. Izy believes he beat Kim however he forgot something very important. "HYDRA" As a giant 6 headed poison monster surrounded Kim the poison melted the ground as she moves to Izy. He moved away from her not realizing Matthew is still in the path of the monster. Rai in a spilt second shut down Izy mech body paralyzing him in front of Matthew. Camron tries to save Izy but Rai grabs his leg and throws him around. Izy had taken the full force of her poison tearing his body apart. In confusion IZY FIRED HUNDREDS OF ROCKETS ONTO THE BATTLEFIELD EXPLODING IN THE MOST RANDOM PLACES. "SOLARBEAM" IN ANOTHER TWIST OF EVENTS MATTHEW FIRED OFF HIS SOLAR BEAM BLASTING THE POSION AND KIM AWAY BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!! Matthew tries his best to get Izy out of there. 

TSU tried stopping them from escaping however Edward stepped in. "ICE BEAM" Blasting TSU'S back. "You're not going anywhere old man not until we finish what we started," Edward said. Matthew races back to Candy to get Izy healed up. "NOT TODAY", Lamar said attacking Matthew. "LAVA BOMBER" Lava launched at the 2 as Lamar is right on top of them. "NOT SO FUCKING FAST", Garrett said screaming announcing he is entering this war. Garrett runs upward as the military fire bombs at him Garrett takes the explosion as if it was nothing Garrett punched Lamar launching him back to base. Garrett cuts the air and shakes the whole battlefield. Andre in the air tries to get the orb back. While that was happening Tamia was facing Mizu and giving her a run for her money. "AQUA DANCE DISATER" The resulting water works knocks Mizu to the ground for a while. Caleb as his Sand Demon form takes on Kaze as he uses a Sand Kaiju overwhelms Kaze. Rai is even having a hard time dealing with an enraged Camron as he knocks Rai to the ground. Candy heals Izy. Using the power of the zodiac Camron prepares a special attack. "Sagittarius FLAME ARROW"  The attack was fired and burned the World Government flag. Rai thought that was going to far and called for some reinforcements to come. As Android 2.0 waking up tackles Camron to the ground they fight it out. Camron blast him back he counterattack. by absorbing Camron's energy. "This one is completely emotionless sad", Camron said not wanting to waste time. "SOLAR FORM" Camron speed blitzes the Android like it was nothing but scrap metal. Andre just about to grab the orb was immediately blasted back. Everyone looks and couldn't believe there eyes they saw Dark Lord with what it seems like corrupted copies of us. "Now my children attack them all", Dark Lord commanded. "Everyone stand there guard there just as strong as us", Camron said. EVERYONE BATTLES THERE COUNTERPARTS BUT THERE WAS 1 HUGE PROBLEM NOBODY GOT REST SINCE THE TOURNEMENT ENDED. "Damn it there fighting us with our full power but were not even at half strength. "RETREAT YOU GUYS THERE'S NO WAY OF YOU GUYS WINNING ME AND CALEB WILL HOLD THEM OFF", Garrett said forcing everyone to flee. Edward decided to leave a going away present. "SHEER COLD" THE COUNTERPARTS WERE IN CASED IN ICE. "SHATTER" IT WORKED ALL OF THE COUNTERPARTS WERE KILLED. The heroes left except Garrett and Caleb. "This is amazing my plan is going perfectly I never wanted the orb I just needed an excuse for you humans to fight each other to distract each other so I could create my own universe and it worked now I have no use for this place and guess what now I can truly have fun since I don't need this universe your all about to experience chaos and pain the likes you never felt before especially the elements", Dark Lord said. "(Especially if something happens that I'm hoping will happen)", Dark Lord thought. "DARK VOID" THE SOLIDERS DIDN'T STAND A CHANCE AS THEY ALL GOT ENGULFED BYT THE DARKNESS. Dark Lord teleports to Garrett. He moves out the way and grabs the orb breaking it to get his wish. "I wish for peace again", Garrett said confused. A black smoke came from the orb. "YOU FOOL I WANTED THAT TO HAPPEN NOW YOU WILL UNLEASH DEMONS MORE SPECIFICALLY THE DEMON LORDS THE 7 DEADLY SINS, " Dark Lord saying as this just gets better and better for him. Before the Sins can come out Garrett goes into the orb and tries to confront the Sins hoping to stop them. Caleb looks around and sees nothing but hopelessness. So he fights Dark Lord dying in the process. "DARK HELL GAZER" Killing him in 1 shot. The Elementals sees all of this as they leave and just hoping Garrett is ok. "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA COULD THIS GET ANY BETTER," Dark Lord said as he fights all the remaining sages at once. Garrett currently in hell about to fight and find the Sins before they escape. "Ah Garrett long time no see", ??? said. "Yep long time no see Lucifer or would you prefer your sin name Pride," Garrett said angrily.           

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