Chapter 7 Mr.Invincible vs Ultimate Potential

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The rest of the elementals  soon awoke still very injured noticing the current situation. "WOW Camron vs Garrett should be interesting", Tamia said. "Nope Camron is going to lose", Andre said. "What you guys are wrong Camron will win", Tamia said. "Sorry Tamia you don't know Camron like we do he will lose this", Izy said. "Yeah his ass will lose", Inah commented. "Aren't you his girlfriend why you say he will lose", Edward said. "I call it like I see it", Inah said. "Let's just see how this goes", Matthew said.

BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The 2 powerhouses clashed with enough force to destroy the space around them insane gust of wind surround the area. "BLAZING FIRE PUNCH" hit his face with burning mark left behind. Garrett punched Camron's body after the burn affect Camron was rocketed across town crashing into buildings after the 10th building Camron stopped himself on the wall and launched himself towards Garrett at insane speeds "FLARE BLITIZ" Garrett turned and saw a meteorite flying right at him Garrett launched himself right at Camron and Garrett CRASHED RIGHT INTO EACH OTHER MAKING AN EXPLOSISON SEEN ALL AROUND THE WORLD WITH FIRE COVERING THE SKY AND A FORCE THAT LEFT CITIES NEARLY IN RUIN!!!!!!!!! "AAAAH Damn it I didn't expect the recoil damage to be this much in this form ah well", Camron said "FIRE SHOTGUN" Blasting a shot fire ball at Garrett who took the attack and Mashed Camron into the ground. Camron got up and flied up in the air turn to find Garrett. Just when Garrett saw Camron he vanished BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!! Camron appeared out of nowhere and socked Garrett to the next state with a punch with more power than 10 nukes. As he crashed into the ground he got up and said "OH ok Camron didn't know we were bringing out the big guns" Garrett said getting pissed off. He rockets back to Camron and uppercuts him to the sky. "BLAST BURN" Flames surround the sky but Garrett doesn't even flinch and tackles right at Camron. "INCENERATE" Garrett being burned up still punches Camron and Camron returns with powerful fire punches. The other elementals wait and see how this battle will turn out even if some know the answer. The people of Earth are scared but still curious to see how this will go. The fight continues in the sky. "TORRENT OF FLAME" the attack pushed Garrett aside. "FLAME ORB" "INFERNO GUST" BAM!! Garrett punched the orb away but was hit with the gust. Garrett returned with a punch that made Camron cough up blood and explode his body. Camron reformed but a lot of his wounds were getting to him. "Man after my bones breaking and organs being crushed on top of all the blood lost I know I can continue but ho long and just look at Garrett his clearly hurt but is still not at 100% doesn't matter got to end this", Camron said attacking Garrett. "FLAME TURBO" Tackled Garrett with insane force Garrett kneed Camron into the stratosphere Camron charges back down but Garrett continues to attack Camron as they fly higher and higher. "See there's still a problem Camron in order for fire to ignite it needs oxygen but in the vacuum of space where I can breath perfectly you will have major trouble", Garrett said as Camron loses his flame but was still in boiling point. "Ha you thought I would lose by that the fire is inside me even if I can't bring it out I'm still in my BOILING POINT SO BRING IT ON", Camron said charging up his energy and strikes Garrett. "I'm ending this", Garrett said giving Camron a Planet level punch. BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!! CAMRON LANDED ON THE GROUND IN 0.03 SECONDS AS HIS PHYSICAL BODY EXPLODED ON THE ROADS WITH GARRETT GOING DOWN WITH HIM. After the smoke cleared Garrett was standing up but Camron wasn't until. "I guess that it", Garrett said. " I'M NOT DONE YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", Camron said trying his absolute best to stand up. "RED LION FIRE FIST" THE HUGE ATTACK WAS CHARGING RIGHT AT GARRETT. BUT GARRETT WAS READY WITH ANOTHER DEADLY PUNCH AND BOOM THE ATTACK SCATTERED. In that small amount of time with jet like speed Camron got in close and hit him with "INFINTE FIRE PUNCHES" each punch moving at 10 times the speed of sound top speed. "Garrett was damaged but not beaten. "BNK PUNCH" "FIRE FIST". BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!! WITH THE ATTACKS CONTACTING Camron went to his normal base form and got on his hands and feet just trying to stay in the fight. "It's over 1 punch", Garrett said punched Camron's head into the ground to where his out cold. "You put up a good fight Camron but I won", Garrett said seeing the rest of the elementals ready to protect Camron.

"Your not killing us that easily", Edward said. "WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", Inah said to Camron. Camron wakes up. "Of course I'm not going to kill you guys I'm going to join you. "WHAAAAAAAAAAT", The world said. "Yeah of course were friends right", Garrett said. "That's true", Camron said. "Welcome Garrett", Andre said. "Let's get back to the base this doesn't look like a good location to be in right now", Izy said. "FACTS", Tamia said. Back at the base The old man showed up to meet the newest member "This is great and all but he's not an elemental besides we got a bigger issue the sages are about to make there move on us", Old man said. "Well he can be the normal elemental", Camron said. "So more threats nothing new", Inah said. "But we also have another threat on the way even stronger than me", Garrett said. "WHAAAAAAAAATT", Everyone said. "Yep his name is Dark Lord he's supposedly the Darkness elemental and he's the one bringing the monsters and he's the one who made Caleb fight like that and the same guy who had me try to kill you guys and I think he's mad that I traded sides", Garrett explains. "OH GREAT ANOTHER ELEMENTAL SAGES AND MORE ENEMIES JUST WHAT WE NEED AFTER A BATTLE LIKE THIS", Matthew said. "Sorry but were just going to have to win", Camron said. "No time for training so let's just be on our guard and look and see how the world is doing", Edward said. 

In the void of Space. The Dark Lord is just getting the news. "So he changed sides good all a according to plan now all I have to do is go down to Earth and make good first impression", Dark Lord smiled sinisterly as dark energy oozes out of him being excited to see his brother again and all the new elementals.     

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