Chapter 17 Round 2

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The next morning all the people of Earth tuned in and got ready for the tournament to begin once again so far things have gone smoothly. "Everything is going according to plan I can't believe how easy this is these humans really don't expect a thing at this rate my plan will go off better than expected," Dark Lord said happily. "Aright let's see if Garrett wins this", Camron said. "I am Garrett after all", Garrett said walking into the ring. "True but his opponent is no human", Andre said. "ALRIGHT everybody welcome back and here is round 2 stepping in the arena The Evil god of pure darkness DARK LORD and his opponent the unbeatable GARRETT(100% Garrett 0% Dark Lord ) LET THE MATCH BEGIN. "I hope you trained I don't want to beat you with 1 move like before", Dark Lord said. "We will see about that", Garrett said actually doing a fighting stance. "Oh boy", Camron said hiding under a table. Garrett punches Dark Lord to the ground. Dark Lord attacks with Black lightning bolts. They strike Garrett with insane amounts of power. "BLACK FLAMES" Garrett's hand was the only thing hit he quickly removed the skin from his hand and kicks Dark Lord in the face. "Wow I am actually in pain", Dark Lord said. "SHADOW CHAINS" the chains grab Garrett draining his energy but Garrett was too crafty jumping into the air with an insane amounts of force. "I won't lose that easily", Garrett said about to punch Dark Lord in the face again only to be knocked back by "DARK PULSE" . "DARK VOID" As a void of darkness tries sucking in Garrett. Garrett allows himself to be sucked into the void. "HAHAHAHA I DID IT I KILLED GARRETT", Dark Lord said feeling triumph. "SUPER POWER MODE ACTIVATE" GARRETT BREAKS THE BARRIER OF REALITY AND SMASHES DARK LORD TO THE GROUND. DARK LORD GETS UP AND POWERS UP. GARRETT AND DARK LORD ATTACK EACH OTHER FRIECELY WITH ENOUGH POWER TO DESTROY THE SOLAR SYSTEM. "What the hell is wrong with these 2 are they trying to kill everyone", Matthew said.  "Knowing them maybe", Camron said under the table. Dark Lord chases Garrett down as they exchange punches with each other. Dark Lord charges up his attack "DARK END BOMB" THE ATTACK HITS GARRETT WITH IT'S FULL POWER. GARRETT EXTREMELY DAMAGED TAKES THIS TO THE NEXT LEVEL. "TIME TO END THIS" Garrett actually charges up a punch and BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GARRETT DARK LORD  OUT COLD AS THE CLOUDS BECAME CLEAR AGAIN. Dark Lord was out cold. "THE WINNER IS GARRETT", Host said as Dark Lord's body evaporates into shadows. "GARRETT FUCKING BEAT HIM", Camron said. Now don't worry people the tournament will still go on we have the prize and we still have fighter", Host said as the crowd cheers for them begin safe and having more fights. "Dark Lord secretly showed up in a dark ally. " HAHAHAHA those stupid humans I didn't care about the tournament I just needed a way to distract everybody while I do my real plan but Garrett did do a lot of damage to me so I will rest first", Dark Lord said. "I can't believe you did it Garrett", Everyone said. "Thank you but you got to remember I'M GARRETT", Garrett said. "This is Garrett this has always been Garrett that's why he won", Edward said.

Later on when everything was cleaned up the tournament continued. "Now for the next fight "The Sun being of legend SUN WARRIOR and his opponent the Lava master LAMOR (45%Sun Warrior 65%Lamor). "Damn it Lamor is last for the Government", Rai said "Don't worry even if he loses we still have a plan", Tsu said. "NOW LET THE BATTLE BEGIN", Host said. The sages look at Lamar seriously. "Look Sun Warrior I'm not trying to waste time with you", Lamar said. "LAVA GOLEM" Lamar fires his lava fist at Sun Warrior. He dodges the attack and fires solar blast at him. It does no damage. They attack each other realizing there is no effect. "THIS IS GETTING US NO WHERE", Sun Warrior said and just punched the Lava golem. Lamar came out of the Lava Golem. "Look we are getting nowhere using our powers let's make this simple and end this without using our powers normal physical attacks" Lamar said. "Ok I agree", Sun warrior said. Lamar charges at him thinking he will have a clear advantage. Sun Warrior punches Lamar back but he counters with a few kicks to the face he quickly turned his fist and feet to lava to not burn himself while hitting him. Sun Warrior punched Lamar in the gut and throwing him around. "HA you thought I was some brawler I was on the sun training in case something like this would happen", Sun Warrior said punching Lamar on the ground. Host looks at Lamar. "He's knocked out cold SUN WARRIOR WINS", Host said. "Wow poor Lamar he could have made it a draw if they fought normally but Sun Warrior was just physically stronger he's not human after all", Camron explained.

"NOW ladies and gentle men we move on in the tournament with The ice agent and future president EDWARD and he will be fighting the guardian of Earth the savage sage MATTHEW(50% Edward 50%Matthew) a tie vote interesting.  LET THE BATTLE BEGIN. "I hope we are still cool after this Edward", Matthew said. " Of course", Edward replied. "EARTHQUAKE" Edward is losing balance. "ICE FLOOR" Edward slides on the floor to Matthew and punches him in the face. "STONE EDGE" Rocks fly at Edward at high speeds. "ICE BARRIER" The stones did no damage. "FREEZE" The ice tries to slow Matthew down. "VINE WHIP" Trying to whip at Edward. The vine got caught and as Edward freezes it. "ICE RING FORM" "Now Matthew freeze. As Ice chases down Matthew and freezes him. "ROCK TOMB" Matthew went underground and attacked Edward from behind making him hit the ground hard. "This is going to be a while", Matthew said a little tired. "You done yet", Edward said. "Huh", Matthew said. "FROZEN SOLID" Matthew realized he couldn't move much. "What the hell did you do", Matthew questioned. "Simple I froze all the liquids in your body the only reason your able to move barely is because of your element effecting your own bones but if you were a normal human you would have died", Edward said striking Matthew at insane speeds knocking him over. "Damn it I can't take much more of this forever I was hoping I wouldn't have to bring this out so early but I guess the situation calls for it", Matthew said as he put up a rock ball around him and gathered energy. Edward used ice beam on the ball "ICE MIRRIOR" "Let's find out what he's planning", Edward said waiting for him to come out. "SAGE MODE" Matthew burst out of the boulder. "ANCEINT POWER" As rocks homing in on Edward. Edward blows them away. Matthew jumps with incredible force and uppercuts Edward. "GIGA DRAIN" Matthew drains a lot of Edward's energy but the energy doesn't last long. Matthew with 1 punch breaks off 1 of Edward's wings. "PEBBLESTORM" As they hit Edward in the face. With Edward on the ground Matthew tries to grain his energy. But Edward's tail throw Matthew off him. "ROCK WRECKER" Matthew throw the rock and Edward catches it as it explodes in his face knocking him out. "Well then ummm The winner is MATTHEW", Host said. "WOW ok looks like Edwards mistake was letting Matthew go into sage mode and steal some of his energy. If it wasn't for sage mode Edward would have won", Camron said proud of them both. "I hope Edward makes a full recovery", Matthew said. "Of course he will", Camron replied.

"Ok everybody time for the final match of the 2nd round. Now we have TAMIA the tenuous tidal wave and her opponent the warrior that is with amazing potential CAMRON(70% Camron 30% Tamia), " Host said. "Good luck", Camron said. "U too", Tamia said. "LET THE BATTLE BEGIN", Host said as they take there stance. Tamia makes the first move attacking Camron with some rapid punches it does little. Camron then flies up in the air and starts shooting fire balls at her. "WATER WALL" Tamia was able to block the attack. "Oh yeah that's right your water that might be an issue", Camron said. He flies to get some distance. "HYDRO PUMP"  The blast smacked Camron to the ground and got him all wet. "Wow I never would have expected to have to face a female with water powers and a power boost in any other situation you would have been me for sure but I got 1 trick up my sleeve", Camron said. "HEAT WAVE" The sun burned hotter the air became warmer and Tamia became fatigued. "You see this is the heat wave it makes the sun get warmer and warmer right now it's at 200 degrees your body can't handle such temperatures even in water form you will turn to steam it has great effect when the temperature raises suddenly as well sorry Tamia you lose", Camron said as Tamia falls down. "THRAAAAAAASSH", Tamia said out cold. "Camron is the winner", Host said as Camron brings the temperature down to normal. "Well not bad Tamia had a great advantage being water elemental and having sex but luckily for Camron he knows how to use the sun to his advantage water can't fight the sun", Matthew said as Tamia goes to the infirmary. Camron walks back in. "Well Matthew looks like you and me are in the semi finals", Camron said. "Yep good luck", Matthew said. "ALRIGHT EVERBODY THE 2ND ROUND OF THE TOURNAMENT IS CLOSED WE WILL MOVE ON TO THE SEMI FINALS TOMORROW IT WILL BE GREAT Garrett vs Sun Warrior and Matthew vs Camron who will win and make it to the finals we will see you soon. ", Host said.               

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