Chapter 4 The Battle that changed everything

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Later on the 2 teams went off to complete there missions all the people scattered even the military went to check out the problem.

"Alright men let's take care of this kid shoot it now", General Savage said. "but sir he's only a kid", officer said. "Orders from the president he has to be killed NOW FIRE", General Savage says as all the soldiers shoot at the boy "AAAAAAAAHHHH" The boy said falling down in a pool of sand. The elementals came to see what happened. " What the hell happened here" Edward said. "We fixed things this threat was no match for the US military", General Savage said proudly. As Camron and Matthew look at the kid as he slowly regenerates they notice something" Hey Camron you notice this guys a sand elemental and you sense his energy someone corrupted it", Matthew said observing the body. "Yea maybe someone (Camron thought it was the dark elemental) came by and made him lose the test GUYS STAND ON YOUR GUARD were not done here", Camron said. "What but we shot at him with everything we had" General Savage said. "Sorry to tell you this but you only made things worst u see he was clearly trying to hold something in but now since u shot the kid out cold only the monster remains", Camron explained. Once the kid was fully regenerated Camron was shocked to see", OH SHIT WHY Caleb is that you it's been years since ive seen you", Camron said sadly. " Hey Camron I'm Caleb the Sand elemental( teenage Hispanic/black boy (age 17) NOW (As his face becomes similar to shinkau(gaaras sand demon) NOW DIE!!!!", Caleb send using his giant sand arms to send himself flying through the forest killing so many soldiers and wounding most of the elements. "That's it punk now your going to get it", Izy said turning his hand into blades and slashed Caleb in half. He regenerates and Izy noticed that his metal is rusted. Now for my turn SAND BULLET", Caleb said blasting a sand bullet the size of a tree at Izy sending him flying smashing through the dead trees and cloud of sand and dust. "DAMN I knew he would be strong but strong enough to do that to Izy in 1 shot", Camron said as the Caleb is in his half sand demon form he makes his way to town.

At the city Andre and Inah was speeding there way grabbing people to safety. There was a family tripped in a building that was going to collapse on itself."HELP ANYONE", The family screamed. "I'm coming" Tamia said becoming water and grabbed the family bringing them to safety. "Thank u so much your amazing", the family said. "No I'm not, Tamia said blushing. "LOOK A GIANT EXPLOSION THATS WERE THE OTHERS ARE", Inah said worrying about them. Back at the battlefield the elementals are trying to get the military out of there. "ROCK WAVE", Matthew said as the ground attacks Caleb. Caleb gets hit but little damage is done. "DAMN IT I'M NOT DOING ANYTHING" Matthew said angrily. " Should'nt Matthew be able to control sand", Izy asked. "Normally yes but Matthew hasn't gained or unlocked his fullest potential" Edward explained. " ICE BEAM" Caleb's arm was frozen solid. Matthew with stone gloves launch himself and smashes Caleb's arms. However they forgot about his tail. Matthew was smacked through the forest. "FIRE BALL BARRAGE" Camron blasted Caleb. Once the smoke cleared Caleb looked like his sand was wasting away. Until his true power awakened." AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH", Caleb screamed as he become a huge demon of sand near the size of Godzilla the whole city sees in shock as that is the monster they were running from. "NOW YOU ALL CAN DIE', Caleb said.  "NO WE WON'T", Izy said as he signals Camron. "Alright" Camron said. "FIRE DRAGON BREATH" as Camron blast giant amount of flames at the demon. "IRON DRAGON BREATH" as Izy does the same. "GIANT SAND BULLET" the demon and the elementals blast clashed with one another and almost comepetly destroy the forest. " Yes there winning this just a little more", Edward said. "EARTHQUAKE" as Matthe smashes the ground the demon is on making him lose balance. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMM The blast was enough to not only push the demons attack back but hit the demon as while. " Yes we did it I know its not over but at least we bought us some time Matthew get the soldiers out of here", Camron said tiredly. As the demon emerges from the smoke and ash he heals himself " GIANT SAND SURKIREN" the demon blasted once all dodged. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH", Demon said . "INFINTE SAND STORM DEVASTAION" "I don't like the sound of that", Matthew said as he and Edward make and shield around them Camron and the soldiers Izy took it full on" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH", Izy said as the was sent flying and nearly destroyed the statutory that the others made. "What the hell happened" Inah said. "The demon is tearing us apart the others should be fine", Izy said about to pass out. " Is Camon ok" Inah said worriedly. "And Edward " Tamia said. " I just said they should be fine anyway let them take care of it you have to protect the people", Izy said. "You guys can handle it I'm going", Inah said soon enough Matthew showed up with the soldiers and some unexpected company monsters created by pure darkness. " THUNDERBOLT" Inah used. " Bubble beam" Tamia said. " Rasengan" Andre did. " Stone edge" Matthew used they all went on fighting. "I sure hope those 2 can win" Inah and Tamia said. "Let's win this Edward", Camron said "Yes", Edward said they ready for battle with this beast. "FROST BREATH" as Edward tries to freeze the monsters arms again to little effect. "Damn it I'm not hurting him", Edward said as he blast away at the beast. "GRRRRRRRRR I WILL KILL YOU ALL" Shinaku said using "SANDSTORM". The sand covered a large radius of the forest kill life within in except for the 3 fighting it out. Camron was knocked aside by the monsters arm. "Damn it why can't I hurt him its almost like hes even stronger", Camron said. "He is thanks to his sandstorm he basically turn that forest into a desert which boost his power" ,old man said using telepathy.  "Why can't he be on the battlefield helping us", Edward said getting torn in half and healing. "Because this isn't his fight its ours", Camron said charging his fist with flames and jets his way in front of the beast. "INFINTE SAND STORM DEVASTAION", Shinakau blasted them with his biggest attack yet as the civilians watch from a safe distance. "RED LION FIRE FIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", Camron attack caused a giant fist to take the form of a flaming lion and KABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM THE MINUTE THE FIST CAME IN CONTACT WITH THE MONSTER 50% OF THE MONSTER WAS DESTROYED DUST AND SAND AND FLAMES EVERYWHERE. "Be careful Camron remember Caleb is on top of the monster", Edward said looking at the situation. "cough.....cough I did damage yeah", Camron said tired. However the monster regenerates his other half and he moves his arm for the attack knocking Camron into the sky pass the clouds all u see is a body about to fall and loads of blood like rain drops. "GUYS WE HAVE TO SAVE HIM" Andre said. "No he can take care of himself" Inah said caring little for him but still a little worried. "WOW ok well he did say stay and protect the people so "WATER WALL" well do just that", Tamia said. They decided to stand there ground even with the thought of Camron being in that situation and Edward fighting alone.

Back on the battlefield Camron falls and Edward tries to catch him and gets knocked away in a pool of sand. " Now for lunch", Shinaku said eating Camron enjoying until he shallows him. but in the shadows a bigger threat watches. "Perfect now to make things harder", Dark Lord said sending some monsters after the people. The beast attacked "WATER CANNON" Blasting the monsters back. "AIR BULLETS" Andre blast bullet sized air pressures at the monsters as they fall they actually get to the wall. "THUNDERSTORM" Inah brought the pain on them especially since they were around water. "HELL yeah your going to have to do better than that", Inah said. Andre and Inah tag teamed "SPEED BLITIZ" moving at insane speeds and striking enemies left and right only looking like a blur to the human eye. "EARTHQUAKE" Matthew used refusing to just be useless. As the monsters were vaporized they got back to protecting the people. 

Inside the monster Camron finally awoke and looked around. "FOOL YOU THINK YOU CAN KEEP ME IN HERE", Camron screamed charging up a huge attack. "ALRIGHT you bastard you took my friend now your going to die", Edward said moving attacking with a "ICE BALL and ICY WINDS" which slowed the monster down." DIEEEEE", Shinakau said. "ICE SHARDS" "BLIZZARD" the monster was frozen in its tracks plus with the cold winds made sure he couldn't move. "Now time to break you", Edward said sadly. After charging up the whole time Camron right under the heart gets ready to unleash his power "INCINERATE" CAMRON EXPLODES INSANE AMOUNTS OF POWER THE MONSTER WAS TO SOLID TO MOLT ITS WAY THROUUGHT THE FLAMES KABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!! THE MONSTER WAS DESTROYED CAMRON WAS LAUNCHED INTO THE SKY READY TO CATCH HIS FRIEND. Once he was caught before he passed out he said "Why did you risk everything for me", Caleb said. "I do this for all those who are important in my life", Camron said about to take him to the hospital.

About 3 hours later once everyone was caught up everyone happy to be alive but noticed something Caleb left saying only this on a piece of paper" I'm sorry my friends but I can't stay not with that demon still in me goodbye and I wish you luck". "Fine but were not done Caleb", Camron said. Things only got worse with the news. "We bring you live news to tell you about the new changes around the world about the elementals", Reporter said. "Interesting", Andre said. "People are saying there a blessing and a curse", Reporter said. "They caused so much death and destruction that tax has to pay for plus what if there not here to be heroes you saw how they acted when 1 of there own was attacked I say we end them" , Person said. "Well fuck you", Inah said. (Everyone else sadly understand why she thought that). "I believe they are angels sent from heaven here to protect us and they didn't  cause problems they fix the destruction they took out the threat they protected us sounds like heroes to me", Person said. "Whats that ok we just received word that all the worlds militaries have join together to protect people if the elementals were to dis obey the law or something similar they have made 5 extremely strong fighters head of this 3 vices and 1 secret project the 5 are all sages", Reporter said. "We can take whoever they bring", Camron said. "We also have word that 1 vice is an elemental a teenage boy named Lamor (a teenage 16 year old black male)who was captured and treated(brainwashed) to protect", Reporters said. "THOSE FUCKERS GOT LAMOR ", Izy and Matthew said. "Here are some words from him", Reporter said. " Hello people of the world I am Lamor the Magma elemental we are here to protect and serve", Lamor said dead inside. "Oh boy I feel things are going to get complicated around here", Tamia said. "Guys it doesn't matter we need to train this just gives us more reason to train to face the threats", Camron said proudly going into the training room.         

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