Chapter 5 What just happened?

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2 months later of superheroing and training they all had seriously improved since before. They stopped a lot of crime and helped people they even cured a lot of cancers. They stopped monster attacks and natural disasters. However there was never any huge threat to were they got to show off there true power until now at least when old friends come back and new events unfold.

"COME ON I KNOW YOUR STRONGER THAN THIS", Camron said to Matthew.  POW!!!! "YOU HAVEN'T SEEN ANYTHING YET", Matthew said launching boulders at Camron. Dodging them Camron returns fire "TAKE THIS MATT", Camron screamed. As reporters were given a tour of the base by Edward. They were shown the living room were they hanged out the kitchen were they saw Izy and Inah currently eating at. The bedrooms were Tamia was resting until Edward showed up then the bathroom it was shiny. Studies Edward comes here a lot. The room of tranquility mystical in nature Old man comes here a lot. Hero room were we get news of trouble and meeting are held here. "Now for the training room currently in use", Edward said until BAAAAAAAAAAAMMMM!!!!!!!!! MATTHEW WAS BLASTED THROUGH THE DOOR AND CRASHING IN THE WALL. "Nice I got stronger", Camron said proudly. "Ugh and here is the room I wouldn't go in it if I was you guys", Edward said to reporters. "AAAAAAH What the hell is this I can't get up or breath", Reporter said. "Well that's because the room is similar to the hyperbolic time chamber in DBZ expect that there is a gravity adjuster its currently at 10x Earths gravity the air is thin and be happy the weather didn't change to lava heat or artic cold u would die for sure plus the fact that the air is similar to the amount in the Earth's atmosphere and it's a void plus time works differently here told you it was similar", Camron explained to them. "Wow so how long you be in here for", Reporter said out of the room. "About 1 week or 7 years(the room time)", Camron said. " WOW you guys must be strong now" Reporter said.  "Yep and only getting better", Camron said leaving with Matthew. Soon afterward trouble would begin to show itself 

The elementals have done great good for the people of Earth curing a lot of cancers saving lives from monsters and other troubles however there still under the watch of the World Government and superpower that can rival any nation. At the news station some of the elementals are present answering questions. "So tell us why heroes and not villains", Reporter asked. "Not all of us have an evil enough heart to be a villain", Camron said. "I noticed you guys all been knew each other", Reporter asked. "Are you kidding me we were all friends before we got the powers", Matthew answered. "Now a lot of people have been asking but how strong are you guys", Reporter says. "Oh that's easy were building level at lowest  continent busting level of power at max speed were speed of lighting at max normal human at lowest. Toughness we can all take nukes to the face and be fine. But it's safe to say we are the strongest people/group on Earth", Camron said proudly. AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGHHH", Monster cries. "Oh great don't worry I got this", Matthew said "VINE WHIP" using his vine to whip the monster to dust with 1 slash. "Told you strongest", Camron said. "Hey guys", Garrett said coming from the door. "GARRETT why are you here", Camron said. "I just decided to come here I'm Garrett remember well I have a mission see you guys", Garrett said leaving. "That was Garrett he's a good friend of ours speaking of missions Camron let's go we got missions to do", Edward said. "Yeah yeah fine I'm coming" Camron said flying with Edward.

At the base door. "Ok kill all the elementals easy enough", Garrett said walking into the base. "Hey Garrett" Tamia said welcomingly as Garrett smiles. At the world government headquarters the head sages are all having a meeting "RAI THAT TALK IS NONSENSE", Old man said. "Well I believe it's true your little elementals are causing to much trouble and commotion 1 more mishap and I will send the vices to take care of them", Rai said. "I'm sorry Old sage but we can't let them continue to be free as they are they  are getting too strong and too dangerous the people would get scared", Mizu said. " Tsu you agree with me don't you your almost as old as the old man himself I too young to make a big opinion ", Kaza said sadly. "I agree with the decision not because there powerful I can handle them all at my current state but I do believe there too reckless there teenagers remember I'm sorry Old sage but that's how it is", Tsu said calmingly. "Ok I see I am leaving", Old sage said going to check up on the elementals to warn them. "VICES", Rai screamed out. The vices rushed in from there intense training. "YES SIR", The vices said. " State yourselves", Rai said. "Sir I'm Lamor head vice Magma elemental", Lamor said. "Sir Noel (Black age 17 female) Storm elemental", Noel said proudly. "Sir Kim(White age 16 female) Poison elemental", Kim said focusing on Noel. "Excellent be on high alert and wait for further intrusions", Rai said. "YES SIR", They said leaving. "I wonder why we have to be on high alert", Noel said. "It's obvious there worried that the elementals will get out of hand but we can take them", Lamor said. "Right so don't worry Noel", Kim said as they proceed to go through there missions protecting nations.

Back at the base. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING", Tamia said "WATER BULLETS". "Orders I'm doing orders," Garrett said slicing Tamia with his sabers. "Hey you...think ...that...what how am I hurt from that", Tamia questioned on the ground as blood spilled. "Simple these weapons and more were specially designed to cancel your elements on contact", Garrett explained. " HYDRO CANNON" As a giant blast of high pressure water bust through the wall of the base and 3 miles into the forest. "That should have bought me some time", Tamia said relaxingly. STAB!!!! through the back. " Sorry Tamia but I'm too strong for basically anyone in creation didn't Camron warn you", Garrett said as Tamia passed out. "One down more to go", Garrett said." HEY YOU BASTARD", Inah Andre and Matthew said ready for battle. "Time to take out 3 birds with no stones", Garret said.   

Back with Edward and Camron currently are helping citizens cross the road. "Alright ma'am let's get you across the road", Camron said. "Oh thank you young man you elementals aren't as bad as I thought", Old women said. "Oh thank you your too kind well there you are enjoy your day", Camron told the Old women. "You I suspected that we would have a bigger mission on our hands", Edward questioned. "Oh come on guys come at me at full power", Garrett said as he stands above the nearly beaten elementals. "DAMN YOU", Inah screamed "THUNDER CLAP" The attack almost pushed Garrett back. "THUNDER" A blast from the black clouds came down and strike Garrett he almost felt it. "RASENGAN SHURIKEN" "WIND BUSTER" the combo attacks surprised Garrett who proved tough enough to tank both the attacks each with enough force to take out a mountain. "EARTH POWER" Matthew forces the ground to strike Garrett. "Really is that it", Garrett said using a bomb to break the rock. "I got you now", Matthew said learning how to control someone through there bone narrow. "You CRUSH", Matthew said crushing all of Garrett's bones. Using his mouth he injected a bone nullifier  to his system. "HOW THE FUCK" Inah said. "He's Garrett I expected him to be tough", Andre said. "HA tough you haven't seen anything yet", Matthew said getting up. "SPEED BLITZ", Inah and Andre said moving at top speed they attack Garrett at full force striking his body with insane wind pressure and electric shocks all moving at blinding speeds. "NOW BLAST AWAY", Andre screamed. "HURRICANE BLAST" "THUNDERSTROM" "EARTHQUAKE". BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!! Garrett felt the full force of that head on. "Yo you feel that Edward let's check it out", Camron said. "Right", Edward said as they both began to go back to the base.

After the smoke cleared they see an unharmed Garrett. "CAN ANYTHING HURT THIS GUY", Andre said. "Congrats as a reward for living so long you get to fight me while I'm using my hands", Garrett said. "So it's worst now", Andre said. "I GOT THIS", Inah said charging right at Garrett with huge amounts of electricity. But 1 punch later BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!! Inah's body was completely destroyed fortunately she regenerated but she was clearly out of the fight. Andre was attacking Garrett but 3 slaps later he was out. "Matthew tried to leave to get help surfing the rocks but Garrett zipped right in front of Matthew and SMASHED THE EARTH AND MADE A SMALL CRATER THE SHOCKWAVE WHICH KNOCKED MATTHEW OVER. "Alright then bring it on", Matthew said using his rock body "ROCK POLISH" To up his defense. Garret uses 5 quick punches to make the armor crumble 3 Garrett punches hit Matthew's gut before he could react. "Wow*cough cough* didn't think there was this much of a difference in power between us", Matthew said falling out cold. "Damn I got to get help before Garrett finds me", Izy says leaving. Later on Izy ran into Camron and Edward and told them what had happened enraged they left to deal with a friend turn trader. "WHY GARRETT WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS", Camron asked himself.         

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