Chapter 13 Andre and Matthew's Adventure

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Matthew woke up in a forest hidden from society. As he walked around he wondered what happened but then he look to the sky and felt so calm and peaceful as he sleeps under a tree.  after about an hour he decides to go find food. Until he meets a 30 ft tall bear going after Matthew's food. "You will not take my food", Matthew said getting ready to fight for what's his. "ROCK TOMB" The bear smashed the ground beneath him smacking Matthew across the forest the bear went after him. Looking like Matthew would get defeated was soon saved by a giant tree. SMACK DOWN the bear was beaten. "What just happened,", Matthew said confused about what just happened. "Young one tell me what are you doing in this forest", Tree said. "I was launched here by a very powerful opponent of darkness who are you  and how did you do that", Matthew said. "You are talking about Dark Lord you should join and I am Geko a forest guardian I was just using nature energy", Geko said. "Ok Geko why should I join the tournament I probably won't win", Matthew questioned. "Because you are an elemental I know because of your core you see I can sense all that is on this planet but you must enter that tournament to give Earth a fighting chance plus you will find your friends", Geko said. "Alright fine but you have to train me and teach me about this whole natural energy thing", Matthew said. "Very well", Geko said.

After a while Matthew got to training. "So about natural energy it's very similar to ki/chi/qi but wht makes this different is that it strictly focuses on Earth and nature I already know your the Earth elemental that's why I was so insistent on you entering this tournament now calm yourself and focus on the world around you absorb what the Earth provides ", Geko said proudly. "Alright", Matthew said focusing as all the trees the land the forest and the plants and dirt. "Yes I can feel it the energy of it all it's awesome now I must transfer it to my power my element is loving this", Matthew thought as his body flowed with energy. "Wow to think this kid would understand and learn this power so early and easily what a pro," Geko said proudly. Matthew had done it" SAGE MODE" his body was glowing with a powerful aura(green) his eyes were green with a black dash through it he grow fangs as well. "Epic", Matthew said. "Now try fighting the bear", Geko said. "Ok", Matthew said as the bear woke up charging at Matthew. Matthew caught the bear and through it 50 ft in the air. "Wow i'm stronger", Matthew noticed as he jumped up passed the bear. "And faster", Matthew noticed. The bear SMACKED Matthew back to the ground" And tougher", Matthew said not feeling a thing. "Now better not use full power", Matthew said.   "EARTH POWER " The ground erupted and smashed the bear in crashing it Matthew stopped before it killed the bear. "WOW and I wasn't even trying", Matthew said. "Yes now we can start training you more because Sage mode will wear out so when your running low absorb more energy and don't absorb to much energy or else you will transform into a SAGE BEAST an uncontrollable killing monster because at that point your body can't handle all that power and it's clouding your mind will with that said let's get to training", Geko said, "Ok", Matthew said calmly.

Andre soon woke up in the middle of the street. "MOVE OUT THE WAY", Driver said as he was about to hit Andre. In a spilt second Andre got out of there at super speeds. As he was running he was trying to put everything together of what happened. "DANG IT we lost I wonder how everyone is doing", Andre says as he tries to call the one answered. "That's not good", Andre said as he stops to look where he went when he ran into a poster. "Huh a tournament interesting and I bet money that the others will be there I guess I'm going but it's training time don't want to be the first one out", Andre said racing off. While he was running he ran into a place with constant heavy storms. "Hey old man tell me about this place please", Andre said. "This is Maelstrom of the eternal storms this place has winds moving at Mach 2 thunderbolts that start instant fires and those fires get added into the storm the waves are strong enough to break stones like it's paper rocks fly all over the place at insane speeds.  500 mph hurricanes and tornados whirlpools and more", Old man said. "Your overreacting if it was that dangerous why do people live here", Andre said. "Free Wi-Fi and the world government doesn't come here unless they absolutely have too but see for yourself about how bad it is", Old man said. "Ok I will let me put on some heavier clothes too I think I just found my training spot", Andre got 50 ton weights for his arms and legs and made it to the location. "Alright I will be training in here no help no slowing down and my only food will be from nature itself. I was too slow to beat Inah in the race I was too weak to beat Dark Lord and I was too easy going to let this get out of hand but now it's time", Andre said launching himself into the dangerous storm. "REMEMEBER KID WATCH OUT FOR THE EYE OF THE STORM", Old man said. A hurricane showed up with all Andre's strength he put up his hand "RASENGAN" The hurricane and Andre's attack clashed but Andre got ambushed by 5 more tornados falling into the water lighting struck him and the rocks attacked him. "BLOW AWAY" As the water backed away for a bit and Andre had to face a big wave "RASEN-SHURIKEN" Andre's attack took a lot of energy but he did it the wave exploded. Andre dodging the tornadoes realized "I got a long way too go", Andre said.    

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