I haven't seen Colin in a few weeks, from time to time we would go hiking or to lunch, or whenever I had free time but the last time we were together his presence was too much for me so I stopped answering his calls.

"It's been awhile." He noted while turning onto the museum's road.

"Mhm, I've been busy these past few weeks. Studying hard for the test the exams, I'm sure you understand." I said, pressing my tongue to the roof of my mouth clutching the hem of my dress.

My fingers grazing the gold chain.

"Course, education first. I'm glad you asked me to accompany you tonight. My mother was ecstatic." He explained.

Wasn't really sure how to respond to the comment so I didn't, the light radio background filled the silence nicely  because I didn't feel like chatting all that much.

I received a text from Dana, I opened my phone

Day: Make sure you guys have fun,  not too much fun though and tell Zayn to call me when he can, I miss you both very very much.

I started typing, Will do, and I'll definitely tell Zayn, he was just telling me today he wants to surprise you not sure when, how, or where but I'm not spoiling if he tells. Gtg. Xx

Day: I'm a lucky girl!(:

Yes you are I thought to myself as Colin again opened my door, he had his hand extended for me to grab and I did.  I looked at him closely and he really did look good.

His large smile revealed a rose tint on his lightly freckled cheeks, and he scrunched his nose as he made a silly face at me.

I returned a silly face, admiring his fair complexion. I wanted to see more of his eyes but temporarily they were hidden by his short tousled dark hair.

They were stunning, he had these ice grey eyes that were framed by subtle permanent dark circles, a hollowed out look, probably because of his high cheek bones. I never really looked at him this close before but I had to admit it he did look very nice today.

We took a few photos outside, just like my mom requested. Then walked into the museum where they were hosting the event, it looked really nice, and everyone looked so well dressed.

I wasn't really sure what to expect, last year I didn't go.

Zayn, Laurel, Carter and I just stayed together talking, we ended up renting a movie. I was in a bad place, and Zayn wanted to stay with me and so did they.

The first person to approach me was a familiar girl from my psychology course, "you look amazing Maisy."

"Thank you so do you." I complimented.

Colin wrapped his arm around my waist, "lets grab a table."

I nodded, finally I saw Zayn and this girl Erica, behind them were Laurel and Carter. Erica was pretty she seemed really young and I even think she was shorter than me.

"Hey Zayn, we need pictures together my mom asked." I said pulling him into a hug.

"Sure thing maze." Zayn said.

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