"Hey guys, the Alpha is going to start talking." Sarah whispered and we all look up at the stage. The Royal Alpha was Ryan De Luna, father of Daniel. His aura screamed authority and power.

He was one of the Royal Alphas to be in that position for so long. They usually give their position to their heir when they are 16 years old. It seems a little young but they are trained all their lives to be ready for this charge.

"Has you know, very soon my son will take over my position of Royal Alpha and before he does that he needs to be mated and I know he will do this very quickly. Another thing is that we have guest of honor and they all the three females that have change the hunter society for good and are the only internationals females for now, come here please." He said, looking at the three of us in the eye. His gaze lingered on me a little more that the others, but no one noticed except me.

We all look at each other and got up from our seats and started walking to the stage. I knew that my family was going to recognize me now because their table was very close to the stage. I look right at them and the recognition covered their eyes. Mine turn to look at the Royal Alpha and I still felt their shock and surprise gaze on me, nut kept my eyes on him. His eyes look over at me and recognize me too.

"Savannah LaCroix, is that you?" He whispered surprised.

"Yes Alpha, is me and thank you for inviting us here. The ball is very lovely and glamorous." I answered and the Alpha's daze was quickly gone and smiled.

"Of course Savannah and who are these gorgeous ladies that are here with you?" He said and winked.

"Hello Alpha is very good to meet you, my name is Sarah." Sarah said exited. Sarah always talks about how she was going to meet the Alpha Royal and how amazing it would be if it happens and I'm very happy that her dream could come true.

"Hello sir, I'm Isla." Isla said in a bored tone. The thing with her was the she was very funny and happy in front of her friends, but with strangers she turned serious and uncaring until she knows the person better and she will relax. She calls that being cautious and I'm with her at that point. I heard the Alpha starting to talk and put all of my attention on him.

"The huntresses are going to stay a while to train the pack, would that be okay huntress." He said, referring to me and I answered:

"No problem Alpha, it would be an honor." After he heard that he smiled and the crowd applauded.

"Now that I finish what I had to say, everybody have fun at the ball." He directed the message to everyone and got out of the stage and we went back to the table.

The ball was going great, a lot of people came to talk to us, the little kids were begging to us to tell stories from our missions and a lot of unmated males ask us to dance with them. After like two hours of dancing and chatting, I excused myself to go to the restroom. When I found the restroom, I entered and check my makeup. I look the same as we first got here, so I just washed my hands and look in the mirror, but I saw someone I didn't want to see. It was Natasha Sharp, looking at me with hateful and disgusted eyes.

I was not going to take bull from a bitchy Barbie like her.

"What do you want Sharp." I said coldly and her face turned in to a wide smile.

"Well, well, well... If it isn't the whore that got rejected and how those that feel uh? I have never experience that before, so tell me." She said laughing and I had to grip that counter. I could feel my eyes changing in the hazel one from my wolf.

"Well honey I got over it and it felt a little bad, but it got out of my way really fast." I flashed a smirk and she huffed.

"Good because I'm still with Daniel and I'm not going to let a whore like you take him away from me." She growled out deep from her throat and I rolled my eyes.

"Trust me honey, you don't have to worry about that." I finish washing my hands and was about to open the door but turned around.

"Oh and one more thing... you should look at a dictionary for the definition of whore, because honey, that perfectly describes you." I said innocently and got out of the restroom, when I heard a screech of anger from the inside of the restroom.

That is music to my ears.

When I was about to open the door to enter the ballroom, I smelled him a few feet behind me and froze in my tracks.

"Is that you Savannah?" He asked.

I'm totally screwed.

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