Pirate! England x Modern! Reader - Memory

Start from the beginning

"Bloody Hell _______! If that was her I swear," he muttered low under his breath, regrouping.

-----Back to You---------

You stalked away from the pirate and into the town area. You sighed in irritation. You had no way of getting back without magic or anything!

You strolled into a pub and took a seat at the counter and ordered, resting your head in your arms in exhaustion.

You could hear gruff snickers behind you and loud footsteps making their way over to you. The bartender came back and slid your mug of booze over to you. Unfortunately, it never made it.

A large, filthy hand blocked it before you could snatch it. You looked up to see a man, probably in his late twenties. He had dark brown hair and reddish brown eyes. He loomed over you with two other men at his sides. He lifted your beer and took a swing from the mug.

He looked down at you and chuckled. "This here is a man's drink little lady," he stumbled closer to you. "This also be a man's pub, now run along lass." the men all laughed.

You glared at him incredulously. "Make me." you spat defiantly.

He seemed slightly taken aback. But he smirked evilly and leaned in close to your face, his arms creating a cage around you. "Gladly."

He made an attempt to grab you but you swiftly grabbed the closest, pointed object (which was a fork) and jabbed it through his right hand, then brought your elbow around his neck and slammed his face onto the bar counter, knocking him unconscious.

"Anyone else!?" you shouted as another two came at you. You grabbed your mug and slammed it into the closest one's face. Everyone heard the sickening crunch of the man's nose breaking and cringed. He held his now bloody nose and back away.

The next one came behind you and looped his arms under yours. You struggled to get free. The men all laughed. One came over and threw punches to your face. You could see darkness at the corners of your vision. You saw the fist fly towards you and you quickly dodged it so it hit the man behind you. You took the opportunity to shove the man holding you back against the counter and kick off of him, your foot colliding with the man who was punching your face's face.

"That all ya got!?" you shouted as all of the men backed away from you, now standing perfectly still. You turned around to see Arthur. Well, pirate Arthur.

"What did I talk to you blokes about?" the Brit growled at the apparent crew men. "You never hit a woman!" He slammed his fist into the gut of the man you stabbed with the fork. No, not a fist. A knife.

The crew mate sputtered blood from his mouth and slumped on the bar stool.

You gasped and backed up. You held up your hands in defense. "Whoa there blondie! That was rather uncalled for."

Arthur shifted his gaze towards you. He eyed the bruises on your cheek bones and the split lip. "Who else hit you?"

The last thing you needed was blood on your hands.

"No one, it was only him." you said coolly. You made your was towards the pub door only to be grabbed roughly by the shoulder and pinned to the wall.

"I said," pirate Arthur nearly roared. "Who. Else. Hit. You?"

"And I said," you matched his growl. "only him." Your glare hardened. "You put your hands on me again and I cut them off." you snarled in his face.

Arthur huffed and stepped away from you. "Everyone back to the ship, we're setting off tonight," he turned to you with a smirk. "You too lass!"

You turned to face him. "Haha no." you said nervously.

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