Little!Germany x Little!Reader- Closet Adventures

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You and your best friend Ludwig sat on your bed. The two of you were trying to figure out what to do. It was the first time Ludwig's ever even been in your room. Of course, the both of you were too young to actually notice what's wrong with a boy hanging around in a girl's room.

You jumped down from your bed when a sudden idea appeared in your mind. You smiled as you grabbed Ludwig's arm and slammed your closet doors open. "______, vhat are ve going zo do in a clo--" He got cut when you shoved him inside. Since your parents were quite well off, your closet was more like a room. You loved playing in it, feeling like it gives your imagination a boost.

You grab a cardboard 'sword' and paper 'crown'.

"Ludwig, we're going to play the 'Prince in Distress' game." You say matter-of-factly, proudly holding up your makeshift sword and crown. Ludwig stared at you in confusion. "Uh, ______, I know vhat 'Damsel in Distress'" means, but vhat in zhe vorld does 'Prince in Distress' mean?"

You laugh at him in an arrogant fashion. "Well, Ludwig, in THIS game, the PRINCE is in distress, and the damsel saves him!" You held the 'crown' out to him. He shrugged. "Fine, I'll play zhis game, but after zhis, ve'll have zo play a game I vanna play. No matter vhat it is. Got it?" You grin. "It's a deal!"

>> Le Skipping Time by a Few Minutes >>

"Zhe Clothes Hanger Monsters are coming zo get me! Oh please, anyone, HELP ME, PLEASE!" Ludwig screams. Placing a hand over his heart, and another on his forehead. He was wearing the 'crown', and he stood on the side opposite to where you were.

"Don't worry Prince! For I, the damsel, shall defeat the clothes hangers for you!" You swing your sword around and stepped forward. In reality, on the ground were some clothes hangers. In your imagination, however, beasts with long teeth and long metal claws stood in front of you. Ready to attack at any second.

Ludwig seemed caught up in the moment too, his imagination getting the best of him. "Do your best, damsel!"

You just smirked. "These beasts are weak compared to the strength I got!" You slash one of them. They dissolved into thin air. Then you spun around and sliced through another two of the monsters. They dissolved too. You smirk. 'Two.. Wait, three down, three to go!'

Ludwig watched in awe as you stab the monster. It changed to air too! You pull the sword out. It wasn't just cardboard now, it's steel blade was gleaming. You wipe the other two out by swishing your sword around. And at last, your Ludwig can be saved. You ran to him.
"Oh damsel.."
"Oh prince.." And without hesitation, you kiss him on the lips. Ludwig turned beet red and pushes you off of him. "VHAT VAS ZHAT FOR, ______?!?!" You looked at him, frowning. "That's what princes do to damsels after they save them, right?" He looked away from you, blushing even more. "I-I guess.."

You just shrug. "So, now that's done. What do you wanna play?"
He pauses for a few seconds. Then his face turned neon red.

"Let's play it again zhen.."

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