Romano x Reader Checkmate

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Lying on the couch, you tilted your head upwards, looking at the ceiling fan. You decided to look away, because seeing it spin made you dizzy. You were at Lovino's house. Your manfriend (well, BOYfriend, but he hates being called a boy) was also bored and was sitting on the floor, watching cat videos on his laptop.


"Wanna play chess?"

"Why do you-a suddenly wanna play-a chess?"

"One word: BORED."

".... Fine. On one condition."


"One checkmate I win means one kiss I can give to you."

"What kind of condition is that?!"

"Accept it or we-a don't play!"

"... Okay. Fine!"

And so, the game of Kiss Chess started.

"HAHAHA! I'm winning!"

"Shut up."

"Well, at this point, it's impossible for you to win, Lovino!"


"Well, hurry up. I'm waiting for your next move."

You smirk as you see the pile of black chess pieces next to your side of the chess board. Lovino was losing, badly. He didn't even get a checkmate.
"Come on Lovino."


"Hah! Do you surrender? Hahaha! I won! I won I won I won! No kisses for y"


You freeze your victory dance to stop and look at Lovino. He was smirking, and holding up your white king chess piece. Not only did he get a checkmate, but he'd won the whole game.

"So, what-a were you-a saying about-a no kisses for me?"



Lovino got up from his sofa and went up to you, immediately tilting your chin up with his fingers, and landing his lips on yours. It was all happening too quickly, and you decided to just give in.

After a minute about the.. Makeout session (if you'd call it that), you both pull away. Laughing, he turned away from you. You tug the long sleeve of his button-up shirt.
"Hm? What-a is it, bella?"

"Let's play Monopoly. I BET I can win!"


"Y-yeah. And if I win, then I give you a kiss!"

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