#68 Duel! 2/3

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#68 Duel! 2/3

Snow's POV:
"Mystogan?!" Lis and I say in unison. I knew I should've just chose a different path.

A shiver ran down my spine, I hoped that he won't go all out on us. But of course, I knew he wouldn't.

"Shall we start?" Mystogan said as he prepared his staffs. I gulped as I looked at Lis. Lis seemed to be confident, but nervousness soon was spreading into her eyes.

I gave a look. "Let's do this!" I say, getting ready. "H-Hai!" Lis said nervously.

Lis started to attack, her attacks were pretty swift with accuracy. Sadly, Mystogan dodged every single one.

In the end, Lis became tired. "Lis!" I said. I was worried, what if Mystogan used his magic against her? What will I do? The only this I can do is: fight. I looked towards Mystogan, who is barely tired.

"ICE SHARDS OF THE ICE DRAGON!" I say as shards made of ice appeared aiming at Mystogan. Mystogan dodges most of it. And barely escaped the huge ice shard in the middle.

"THREE LAYERED MAGIC CIRCLE: MIRROR WATER!" Mystogan said as I eye started to widen. I quickly shouted, "SACRED WALL OF THE ICE DRAGON!" A wall made of ice appeared in the scene. "ICE BARRIER OF THE ICE DRAGON." I say as the barrier appears.

Mystogan's mirror water hits my first wall. I felt scared, and decided to upgrade it. "Upgrade Sacred Wall Of the Ice Dragon!" I whisper as the Sacred Wall becomes bigger and thicker. The water splashes onto the wall.

It was really strong. To. Strong. "Sacred Shards of the Ice Dragon." I mumble as big shards appeared at the front of the sacred wall. I ordered the shards to attack, but most of the shards broke because of Mystogan's Magic.

W-What should I do? I thought nervously. Wait, I have that. I thought as I opened my eyes and shouted, "ICEY BLAST OF THE WEST!" The icey blast breaks the walls I've created and attacks the mirror water.

I concentrated really hard. Until, I couldn't do it anymore. I opened my eyes and see that Mystogan has moved. He moved. I was surprised. All of the sudden, I quickly dodge Mystogan's attack and stopped my attack. His mirror magic blew a opening to the patched up cave.

I was surprised, I was glad that I was able to dodge that. I looked at Mystogan, he was all worn out. I decided to forfeit the challenge and talk to Macarov. After all, Lis is.. kind of injured and Mystogan collapsed.

I carried Lis first and went outside of the cave. I laid her down and went to go get Mystogan. Once I reached the inside of the cave, I ran and got Mystogan. I carried him over to where Lis was. "What are you doing, Snow?" Macarov asked. "I think Mystogan is worn out, so I decided to take him out here, just in case if something happens." I reply.

I explained to him what happened and he let me forfeit. I was happy that Lis was safe. And Mystogan of course, but he was taken to an infirmary. "You were so cool, Snow!" Lis complimented. "T-Thanks.." I said embarrassed. "Aw, do you want to see Mystogan?" Lis said, noticing my facial expression. "Haah?! N-No!" I said trying to deny it.

"It's okay, I'm sure you just want to check up on him." Lis said with a grin. I rolled my eyes as walked into a small building nearby. "Do you need anything, ma'am?" The nurse asked. "Hm? I just wanted to check on Mystogan." I say.

"Oh, I see.. he's over there." The nurse said pointing at a door. "Thanks!" I said before walking over to the door. I opened the door, to see Mystogan lying on the bed, tiredly.

He suddenly looks over at me. "Hey.." I said awkwardly.

Next chapter coming soon.

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