Chapter 22: Lisanna's Plan

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Ooh this is going to be a bad chapter especially for Juvia... #PrayForJuvia! I hope Gray will be alright!! #HopeTheGruviaStoryEndsWell!

Lisanna's POV:
I was finally able to get Natsu if this plan succeeds. I didn't bother trying to teach Kate how to act like Juvia because I DONT KNOW! We've finally reached our destination... Juvia's House. "Uh, what are we doing here?" Kate asked. "Oh, we are going to make sure Juvia doesn't even bother coming to school for a few.. Days." I answered evilly. "But, how are you going to do that?" Kate questioned. "The old fashioned way...kidnapping!" I said briefly. "B-but-" Kate said but got cut off. "No buts!" I shouted quietly. We quietly broke into Juvia's house. "Her house is kind of big.." Kate said. Finally, we reached her room.. Kate and I started to drag Juvia without any notice. "Where should we go?" Kate asked. "Somewhere, like my house." I answered as I dragged Juvia in my car. We reached my house, finally. I dragged her into my basement and tied her up. "Hey, isn't it.. Evil?" Kate asked. "What? No way." I said. (A/N this is a Yandere chapter lol.) "if you say so.." Kate said unsure. "Look, I'll let her go.. Someday." I assured her. "Alright.." Kate answered.
The Next Day...
Kate's POV:
"Juvia!!" Lucy said.. Of crap, I forgot about Lucy. "Hey Lucy!" I shouted trying to act like Juvia. "Juvia, are you okay? You sound.. Different.." Lucy noticed. (By the way... The thoughts will be in italics so there won't be '.) "Uh.. Nothing!" I replied coughing. "Are you sick..?" Lucy questioned. "Uh, yeah!" I said coughing. "Juvia!" The voice of Gray said. "G-gray!" I said blushing as Lucy smirked. "Well, bye bye love birds! Gray, Juvia is sick, take care of her!" Lucy said waving. "So.. Juvia.. About the date.." Gray said scratching his head. "Will you come?" He asked. "Yeah!" I said blushing a deep shade of red. "Something seems off.." The voice of Natsu said. It sent a shiver down my spine. "Really?" Lucy said as I looked in her direction. "B-bye Juvia!" Gray said. "Bye!" I waved back. "Yeah, somethings really off." Natsu said looking at his phone. "Juvia Lockser is missing.." Lucy said as she read something. "But, she's right here!" Natsu said pointing at me. "Huh?" I said as Natsu and Gray walked over to me. "What happened?" Lucy said. "Oh, eh.. Well, I kind of arrived at my house very late and my parents were worried.." I said my legs shaking. "Still, this is not the Juvia we know.." Natsu muttered. "What?" I asked. "Nothing!" Natsu said sweating.
"Natsu?" Lucy asked. "It's... Nothing.." Natsu assured her. "Okay.." I said.
Natsu's POV:
Something was off about Juvia.. But, I can't pin point it. She's just acting different.. It's not really a good thing. She always acted the same and had no new year resolutions.. So I wonder.. Has she changed or missing like the news said. I wanted to tell Lucy but, she might not believe me. Maybe I should tell Gray. I don't know.. Ugh!!! Why does everything have to do with me!? Or maybe it doesn't.. Whatever!! I hit my head to go back into reality. "NATSU!!!!" Lucy said angry. "WHAT!!!!" I yelled back. "Lucy kick!" Lucy said kicking me hard. "OWW!!!" I said hurt. I want my mommy!!!!!!!!! MOMMYYY!!!!! Help me!!!!

Yeah okay.. Natsu stop.. I have no idea why I wrote that but whatever...

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