#45 Planning For The Upcoming Trip

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#45 Planning For The Upcoming Trip.
Please check out my new story! NaLu!
Juvia's POV:
A few days later after the 'war' (@Geode_Girl: PRAANK WAR!!). Lucy has been more.. overprotective... kind of.
"Class! Please bring your attention up here please." Principal Macarov said. The class looked up at the chalkboard. "Thank you, I have some special news for you!" He continued.
"Huh?" I mumble. "Since this class has been improving SOOOO much, I decided why not take a break? In other words, a school trip to the BeACH!" Principal Macarov said. "Alright! I'm ALL FiRED UP NOW!!!" Natsu yelled. "Also... another class will.. join you, so please work out with each other!" He said before leaving. The beach.. huh? Are we going to the most famous beach, 'SanShore Stones?' I thought as curiosity hit me like a wave.
Finally, class has ended. "Gray!" I said running over. "Juvia!" Gray waved. "What's up?" Gray continued. "W-well.. we just earned a school trip! And... I-I w-was wondering if y-your class I-is.. coming.." I reply stuttering. "Come to t-think o-of it, Principal Macarov did come in and told us about a school trip." Gray said with a smile. I quickly brightened up. "R-re-really?!" I said with delight. "Yes." Gray said. I have Gray and hug, but instantly pushed away.. I was blushing.
"Sorry!" I said blushing even more. "No, it's okay." Gray said, blushing as well.
"Juvia!" Lucy said. "Y-yes?" I reply. "We HAVE to buy a bikini for you!" Lucy said jumping up and down.
"N-no way!" I said blushing. It's gonna be REALLY embarrassing! I thought blushing even more.
"Aww, cmon! I don't want you to be left out!" Lucy pleaded. "N-no thanks.." I said, 'kindly' declining the offer.
This.. is going to be a.. very weird trip to the beach.
That's it for this. What will happen to Gray and Juvia? (They'll have their first d- //slapped)

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