#48 The Bus 2/2

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#48 The Bus 2/2.
Juvia's POV:
Once the buses had come. I went in the bus last. I looked at the seats, all of them were full except Gray's. I blushed as I sat down next to him. "H-Hey.." I said with a smile. "Hey J-Juvia." Gray said scratching his head. I blushed even more. "U-Um.. h-how l-long will t-t-this.. take?" I asked. "Two days or more." Lucy said. "Huh?!!??!!" I said surprised. "T-Two days?!" I continued. "Settle down, yes, it will take two days so remember who your sitting next to. I blushed even more. This is going to be a lONGHGGGG trip!
-Day 1-
I started to fall asleep after all the ruckus I had made. For some reason I felt a head right on my shoulder, but j didn't care because I was to tired to move. Until, the bus stopped. "Is anyone hungry?" Mr. Appebottom said. "Me." Everyone said. "Alright, let's stop here, tell the other buses to stop here." Mr. Applebottom said.
After dinner, I sat next to Gray, again. This time I'm next to the window. I start to sleep, AGAIN. There were many people talking in on the bus, so I tried to at least ignore it.
At I think about 9:50 everyone started to sleep. How did I know, you ask? Well, it became quiet.. to quiet. "Juvia! Psst!" Lucy said. "Mhmm, what?" I said, with a groan. "Soo kawaii!!" Lucy said. "Uhhnggghhh." I said going back to sleep.
Lucy's POV:
I giggled. Juvia and Gray are just to cute together. I quickly.. and silently, took a picture of them sleeping together. Oh, she wouldn't know.
Juvia's POV:
I woke up at 3:30 in the morning. Sadly, my phone was about to die. Luckily, I had a charger. So I plugged it in.
-Day 2-
The start of day two was kind of weird. Lucy kept giggling when she saw me at breakfast. "What is it?" I would ask. "Oh, nothing." She replies. I asked Natsu, but he wasn't much help. What is going on? I thought. Soon, we went back on the bus. The bus driver had to get fuel a few hours later so we stopped there. Many kids were goofing around, doing some pranks and sat in groups while they were waiting. Gray and I just talked about a few things.
"Have you noticed that Lucy is giggling around me now?" I asked. "I have actually. I felt like she found out something about us or something." Gray answers. "Your make a point." I said. "Let's not worry about that for now." Gray said. "Yeah, I guess your right." I agreed. "Ice butt, why don't you try to beat me in a game of shogi (You'll need Akashi to win 😉)?" Natsu asked. "Nah, you suck anyways." Gray says. I laughed as they fought.
Finally, the bus was moving. Everyone went back to their seats the minute the bus diver and Mr. Applebottom came back. It was weird, as if they wanted them to not see what they were doing. Probably because we would be turning back to school. I talked to Mr. Applebottom about where we're going to sleep. "Well, you'll choose a group and you each have your own rooms." Mr. Applebottom said. "Okay, thanks." I said walking back to my seat. "So, Juvia what were you and Mr. A talking about." Lucy asked. "Just where we're going to sleep." I answer. "Cool." Lucy says with a smirk. I felt nervous. Lucy smirks when she has a plan now. I'm pretty sure about that al least. "S-So.." I said breaking the silence. "You seem tired, you should go to sleep." Lucy said. "Gee, thanks." I said going to sleep the minute I sat down.
Gray's POV:
As soon at Juvia slept, Lucy started to talk to me. "So, have you started a move on her yet?" Lucy asked. I blushed even though it's not manly to blush. "E-Eh.. well.. no." I answer blushing even more. "Cmon dude, you guys have been dating for 3 months! THREE MONTHS!" Natsu said, pointing out the obvious. "Yes, I know.." I said scratching my head. "You guys can.. go on a date?" Lucy suggested. "Actually, I was planning on that.." I admitted. "You WERE?!" Lucy said, fangirling. "Yeah.." I nod, blushing even more.
That's the end of this chapter! I made it a little longer. I haven't done Gray's POV for the past few chapters was because it would be to obvious for you guys of what's coming for the next chapters. So, that is why. I don't really want to give you any spoilers.
Words total: 789.

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