Chapter 25: New House, New Life. ***THE LAST CHAPTER***

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“Codyyy.” I groaned.

He came scrambling through the door holding a housing magazine.

“Babe! You okay?!” He was worried, I could tell.

I giggle. “ I’m fine, but look!” I point to my stomach.

“I’m already showing!” My eyes are wide by this point while still pointing to my stomach.

He rolls his eyes.

“Shut your trap, baby. You are not!” He crawls over to me and leans in for a kiss, but I stop him.

“What’s that?” I point to the magazine in his hand.

“Oh, I was looking for us a house of our own.” We’ve settled into his parents’ house, it’s been a month since I found out I was prego.

I haven’t told my folks yet, but Cody told his. He got a pat on the back by his dad and a hug. His mom kissed me, along with his dad & congratulated us.

Not sure if my dad will take it as well… I’m only 20... But I’m married. So does it make a difference? I doubt so.

“I hope you find one, dear.” I shift so I can reach up to kiss him on his cheek.

“Thanks princesses. I love you two.” He kissed me, then reached down to kiss my miniature baby bump. I giggle and run my hands through his hair.

His lips tickled my stomach and I just grinned.

“Back to finding houses.” He sighed.

“I love you!” He called back from the kitchen.

“I still love you more!” I chuckle as I holler back.

I was getting extremely bored. I flipped on the TV and changed it to MTV.

“I wanna see your peacock-cock-cock, your peacock-cock!”

“Inappropriate!” Cody called & laughed from the kitchen.

I started singing along just for fun.

“C’mon baby lemme see whatchu hiding underneath!”

“You already did, baby!” He yelled again.

I lost it by that point. I burst out laughing and trying to catch my breath.

He chuckled from the kitchen then I heard magazine papers ruffling.

I mouthed the rest of the words and smiled.

“Eureka!” Cody squealed.

I rushed into the room and slid to Cody’s side.

“Number one- nobody says that anymore. & Two, DID YOU FIND A HOUSE?!” I grab his shoulders.

He points frantically to the page.

My eyes widen at the sight. On that page was a huge mansion with a swimming pool, and everything!

“Cody! It’s gorgeous!” my face lightens and brightens with joy.

“I know! It’s not that bad of a price either! Want to check it out?” I smile as he asks.

“Of course!” he sits me on his knee.

“Let me call your parents and mine to let them know. Okay, baby?” he holds onto my hip to balance me on his leg.

“Okay.” I hand him the phone and go upstairs.

“Where are you going?” He questions.

“Getting dressed, in something other than these sweats!” I holler back.

Good As It Gets {A Cody Simpson Love Story}Where stories live. Discover now