Chapter 1: New Neighbors..?

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"Owww..." I mutter as I pick myself up off the floor.

My brothers sitting at the computer laughing his butt off. I look up on the bed where I was sleeping and I see my sister giggling.

"So YOU pushed me off the bed?!" I yelled at her.

"HIS IDEA!" She pointed at Devin, my little brother. I rolled my eyes and rubbed my head.

"NEW NEIGHBORS ARE HERE!" I yelled upstairs from the kitchen.  I sighed. I hated when we got new neighbors, but my heart skipped a beat as I looked outside. I've lived in LA for only about a month and a half now, but it feels like years.

I looked to see a cute blonde boy who looked about 13 or 14 step out of the moving van. He had on a dark blue beanie, white skinny jeans, and a pale blue V-neck.

"Well he's hot." I said while gazing out the window, not even paying attention to wear the cereal I was pouring was going... it ended up in the floor. Greeeaaaaaattttt.

I looked at my dog, Max, standing at the doorway barking his head off. Well, cereal, I love you but you'll have to wait...

I attached Max's leash to him and rushed out the door. Morning walk time. I suddenly heard a dog barkin it's head off, headed towards me.

"WOAHHHH!" I yelled as the dog pinned me down, it wasn't that big but still, I'm only like 80 pounds!

"MOLLY!" The boy said in a faint, Aussie accent.

"Gosh I'm so sorry." The boy said again.

"It's fine! Don't worry bout it!" I smiled. He outstreched his hand to pull me up. I gladly took it. That boy's eyes were going to make me melt! They looked like the sea, green/blueish tint.

He smiled at me.

"So I guess we're neighbors now?" He chuckled.

"Yeah, I assume so." MAN, He looks so familiar!

He chuckled again.

"So what's your name so I don't have to call you neighbor all the time?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Melody. Call me Mel for short if you want." I started, "What's yours?" I asked.

"Cody. Cody Simpson." my jaw dropped... I'm standing before the face of a famous singer...

I blushed as red as a tomato.. I covered my cheeks before Cody could see how red they are.

He smiled.

"Ever heard of me?" He asked.

"Heck yes, I have your new album.. but I'm not obsessed & I promise I won't go all 'fan-girl' on you." I said with a smirk. He smiled.

"Good." He gave me a full-teeth smile this time. You dont see many of those from him really, unless something makes him extremely happy.

We just stood their looking in each other's eyes.

I snapped out of the glare.

"Well, I better get going. Max is getting impatient" I told him.

"Sure, talk to you soon then." he gave me one last smile and walked back to his house. I smiled back and continued the walk.

My neighbor is Cody Simpson... My neighbor Is Cody Simpson... My neighbor is Cody Simpson.

I couldn't get over the fact that my new neighbor was the one, the only, Cody Robert Simpson..



Hope you like it! Sorry if this Chapter was a bit boring.. it'll get more exciting soon(:


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