Some hunters have powers that can be physical or mental. They are very rare but they exist and I have powers. The power is passed by family, so it must have come from my mother’s side of the family. Since the elders told me that I understood why my mother called me special. I knew about that because my father would mention it, while screaming at me when I was little. My power is what the elders call the cat sight. This sight means I can see and sense people's auras and I can see very far ahead of me. For example, when I am running through the forest I can see ahead if there is something blocking my way or if there is any danger.

“Savy the job has been done.” Sarah said, dusting her hands in her pants. Sarah is one of the girls on my team, she was bubbly and always happy, but when we’re doing a mission she would become serious. She had blonde hair and nice brown eyes. She was an international hunter from England and had a cute English accent.

“Savannah, can we go to the hotel already?” Isla said in a bored tone. Isla was the other girl in the team. She was hostile when she wanted to be, but most of the time she liked to tease us a lot. She was an International Hunter from the Caribbean, born In Puerto Rico. She has tanned skin, long brown hair and hazel eyes. She has learned to control her accent but when she got really mad it came out. It was funny when she started cursing in Spanish.

We were the only females that were international hunters, all the others were males. We met at a hunter tournament and since then we had been together as a team and as friends.

 “We'll go to the hotel now Isla, stop your whining, it doesn’t suit you.” I said smiling and Sarah started laughing.

 “It’s true, it doesn’t suit me. It suits Sarah more.” She said defensively.

 “Hey! That's not true, right Savy?” Sarah said giving me the puppy eyes.

“Don’t give me the puppy eyes Sarah. You know it doesn’t work on me.” I said, walking away from the verbal fight.

They spent the whole car ride arguing about everything and when we reached the hotel, they kept arguing. So, I parked the car and got out of it with letting them know and went to my room. My room was a very big suit with a wonderful view of the city of London, England. I could see the whole city and the London eye and it was beautiful. Too bad we had to leave tomorrow to do another mission. I remembered I had to call Simon when we finished, every time we finished a mission we had to call him. I couldn't find my phone and looked everywhere and still couldn’t find it. 

“Where the hell did I put it?” I murmured over and over. After a while I felt my butt vibrating and knew that it was the phone. When I answered I heard a very angry Simon.

 “Savannah! You were supposed to call me one hour ago!” He said screaming in anger. 

“I know Simon! I was looking for my phone when you called.” I said defensively.

“It’s okay Savy, but I called because you’re not going to go to France tomorrow.” He told me.

 “What!?” I was shocked; Simon has never cancelled a mission.

“You are not going to do the mission because you, Isla and Sarah have been invited to the Royal Family’s Ball tomorrow.”

When I heard that, I froze. The Royal Ball it means that HE will be there. I haven’t heard from him in the last five years I have been away. How will he look? Is he still with Natasha? Did he forget completely about me? Did all of them forget about me?

  “Savannah, are you there?” He asked. That snapped me out of my thoughts.

 “Why are we invited?” I asked curious to why we were invited to such high society party.

 “Because the Royal Alpha wants to meet the three females that have changed the hunter world.” Simon told me and I snorted.

“Oh really.” I asked and he growled trough the phone.

“Yes and you guys are going wither you like it or not.”

  “Fine I’ll tell the others right away.” I said. 

 “Savannah you will have a private plane waiting for you in the morning.” Simon explained. 

 “Okay Simon, bye.” I said. “Bye Savannah, see you at the ball.” He said and hung up.

I sat on the bed, my body felt numb. My family will probably be there too. How will they react when they see me? Getting up from the bed, I went to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water. I drank it all under two minutes and threw the bottle in to the trashcan. I took a shower and got dressed to go to Isla’s and Sarah’s suite. I had a key to their room and opened the door and what I saw was comical. 

 They were jumping on the beds and throwing pillows at each other. Both of them were in their underwear and bras and screaming like lunatics. Their hair looked like a rat nest and featheres were all over the damn place.

 “Stop!” I yelled and the both of them fell off the beds. "You should be ashamed of yourselves! Change of plans, tomorrow we're not going on the mission because we got invited to the Royal Family’s Ball. Goodnight.” I said, walking out of their room. 

I walked to my suite, and changed into my pajamas. I laid in bed thinking about everything, especially my past, the past that had hurt me and humiliated me in my teenage years, the past that still haunted me. After a while I finally was able to go to sleep thinking about the plans for tomorrow and preparing myself to what was about to come.

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