Chapter 2: Irregular

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, Masashi Kishimoto does.


Chapter 2th (Geddit Tooth... I'm terrible... :P ) : Irregular

 By the time of Ayame's 2nd birthday she knew how to talk, walk and run. Unfortunately she barely showed any emotion. When she talked it sounded dead, with a touch of that high-pitched kiddy voice. It was scary to talk to her. Most people in her age group were usually all happy and energetic. She was lifeless. It scared the living crap out of the kids so they ignored her. Her family saw this happen but did nothing to stop it. Except for Itachi and Sasuke. They would come to Ayame's rescue if that ever happened.  One day Ayame's curiosity got the best of her.

" Nii- chan what is happy?" Ayame asked.

People around her would have reacted weird if they every heard this coming from a kid. But to Sasuke it was normal. 'She always asks questions like these' Sasuke thought to himself.

" Happy is a feeling Aya. It's like smiling and laughing." Sasuke replied smiling.

" How do you laugh or smile Nii- chan?" Ayame questioned confused by this one emotion.

 Sasuke taught his young sister how to express her feelings and emotions. After a couple of weeks her voice was filled with emotion. No longer monotone all thanks to Sasuke Uchiha.


HAPPY?!?!??! N3ko? HAPPY? I finished the chap fer ya xDDD so yea.  If u likd it.





FAN and such! Hope u like it! xD Lone ~.^

oh and P.S. if u want 2 b dedicated in the next chap jst comment! and such!

Halcyon Days (Naruto Fan Fic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora