Chapter 21: Forest of Death! Part 1

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Hey people! Long time no post... I do this a lot don't I, 'specially during breaks... hehe me and my laziness to write... :P

ATTENTION: I'm kind of sort of watching the episode but not completely so.... Sorry for any mistakes or changes you find in the speech or something....


Chapter 2ne1: Forest of DDR! I mean Death....

Ayame P.O.V. 

We made it to the place where we were supposed to meet up. In front of a creepy looking forest of doom.

" Looking at the forest it's pretty creepy..." Sakura whined. 

Anko smirked, " Today! You lucky little kids are going to experience why this place is called the Forest of Death!"

Naruto being the awesome, sassy one went and imitated her! But in a more high-pitched, super annoying voice along with an awkward dance of sorts. Then he went on to say, 'I'm not scared! None of are scared! Why are you trying to scare us with stuff like that? It's not working on me!!!' and so on.

" He's totally scared." Sachi whispered to me slightly laughing.

I giggled a bit and looked at Anko who was giving Naruto a creepy smiley face, " Really? You sure are enegetic."

Suddenly, she somehow got a kunai in her hand and threw it Naruto. It missed him and it landed near a group of people wearing cool looking hats. She then, somehow, got behind Naruto. I looked at Naruto's surprised face to see a cut where the kunai had passed.

" Boys like you die the fastest here in the forest." she said, " After spilling the red blood I love all over the place." 

" Weird lady..." I mumbled.

" Agreed..." Sachi and Shizu say as they avert their eyes away from the scene.

Anko went to touch the blood dripping from Naruto's wound when she pulled away slightly got another kunai in hand , when one the guy/girl with the cool hat gave her, her kunai with his/her tongue.

" Gross.... Tongue alert..." I whisper and Sachi and Shizu looked back to the scene and made faces.

" The heck is wrong with these people..." Mithawk mumbled.

Naruto had the BEST facial expression EVER. His eyes looked as if they were about to fall out of their sockets. He looked so uncomfortable that I wouldn't have been surprised if he started yelling for his parents! If he...had any...left....

Missing completely what Anko said about whatever it is she said, I find a form in my hands. Mithawk nudged me and gave a look that said 'pay attention!'. I watched Anko making it seem like I'm listening and paying attention! She then held up two scrolls one marked Earth and the other marked Heaven. I then tuned in to the conversation.

" This is the Scroll of Heaven and the other is Earth. You will fight over these scrolls. 27 teams passed the First Exam. 13 of you will get a Earth scroll and the rest of you will get a Heaven scroll. From there once you obtain both Heaven and Earth go to the tower with your teammates. So basically, 14 or more teams will fail."

" Wait, but I thought that 13 will will pass." Sakura blurted out.

" Obviously, you didn't think because it is called the Forest of Death. Other teams will try to kill you just to get your scroll." Anko replied.

Sakura shivered.

" Also, this exam has a time limit of 120 hours, exactly 5 days."

" What about food?!" awesome guy with cool headband that looks like a diaper shouted. ( A/N: YAY FIRST APPEARANCE! :D Choji style! )

" Find it yourself. The forest is full of food you can catch." Anko replied.

" However, there are a lot of man-eating beasts, poisonous plants and bugs." A guy with glasses said. ( A/N: KABUTOOOOOmon.... xD )

 Slowly I wasn't able to hear them due to me being distracted by the ominous forest behind the fencing.

After a couple of minutes I got shoved by Mithawk.

" Hey!"

" Hey, what? Your team is over there, stupid." he said and pointed to where my team was.

" Oh... Thanks!" I said and ran over to them.


I did say Part 1 sooooo EXPECT MORE FOREST OF DEATH!!! :D Hooray for arcs that are long! :D

Anyway I hope you enjoyed! did anyone catch the little thingies I put throughout the chapter? If you did leave a comment! :D ( fail attempt at getting comments.. :p )




and that one other thing.... :p


hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!!! 

~ Lone =^.^= Sorry if it's a bit short I plan on getting into the regular updating thing this week!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2013 ⏰

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