Part 21: Bourbon and Pink Monkeys

Start from the beginning

“So you think I’m sexy!” He said with that drop dead smile.

“What the hell, I knew you were listening at the door. You jerk!”

With that Xander took my face into his hands, and kissed me unexpectedly. I parted my lips, allowing him to deepen the kiss. Tasting his tongue exploring my mouth once again; I couldn’t help but moan with delight. Feeling my body melt into his, I wrapped my arms around his neck. Grabbing the ahold of his hair at the base of his neck, I deepened the kiss myself. Trying to take control over him. Xander took that as a sign to reach down and cupped my ass with his hands, picking me up off the floor; instantly I wrapped my legs around his waist, refusing to break contact with him. I could felt his mouth move from my lips, trailing kisses down my neck. Feeling his teeth graze my skin, sent chills throughout my body. Slowly he backed me up against a wall, bracing my body, so he could free his hands. The hunger between us was growing. All the sudden I wanted to feel him inside me.

Gasping I said, “Xander?”


“Lunch… Girls… We can’t… Klaus.” I said between breaths. I knew I needed to stop this before we go too far.  

With a groan, Xander allowed me to slowly release my legs from his body, as he let me slid to the floor; I was able to feel just how excited he was from our little make out section. Knowing this, sent a smile to my lips.

“You know, you can be a real naughty boy, if I let you.” I joked, trying my best to look seductive.

“Ava, don’t temp me.” Returning my smile.

“Go, get some lunch. I need a moment.”

“I’ll wait.” Knowing damn well if I did, I’d be in deep trouble, the temptation was too hard to pass up.


“Ok, ok. I’m going.” I laughed and skipped out of the room. Knowing how nice it is to have that kind of power to make my vampire, to make him go weak in the knees.




Walking into the dining room I noticed the girls on one end of the long table and Klaus at the other. There he sat, with his feet kicked up on the table, lounging back in the chair. Acting as if he was the king of the castle. I had thought that Xander was arrogant son of a bitch, but Klaus gave the word a whole new meaning.  

“So, where is lover boy?” Klaus asked.

“He’ll be her in a minute. He’s, um… taking care of something.” I replied. I could feel my cheeks turn red, remembering what just went on between us.  

I walked over to the buffet and grabbed half a turkey and cheese sandwich and some fruit. There was so much food, but nothing looked good, still I know I needed to eat something. All I had for breakfast was some toast and coffee. Noticing a decanter of bourbon at the end of the buffet, I poured myself a double. Taking a huge gulp, before returning to the table, I could feel the burning sensation going down my throat.  Hey, it’s got to be after 1pm, and considering this morning I may need another before this meal is over.

I sat as far from Klaus as possible, next to the girls. Trying to avoid his stare. Even though he features were golden, there was a darkness about him. The same type of darkness that I had first encountered with Xander. Still, there is something about Xander that is changing. I can see the light in him more and more.  Could the change in him, be me…. I wonder. I know there is something changing in me too. I guess I have 29 more days to figure that out.

“So, A-v-a” Klaus said, punctuating my name to make a point. Breaking my train of thought.

I didn’t respond. Just took another shot of bourbon. Man that stuff burns like a son-of-a-bitch. This prompted Klaus to get up, walk over to the buffet, pick up the decanter and plop down on the chair next to me. I looked up to see both Grace and Nicole’s eyes pop out of their head. I just looked at them, shrugged my shoulders, and took a bite of my sandwich. I was shocked how good turkey and bourbon went together.

Klaus took my glass, and refilled it. Turning to face him, I tried to be as polite as possible. “Thanks.” As I lifted my glass and took another drink.

“Well, A-v-a, why don’t we get to know each other a little better? So tell me about yourself, Ava.”

“Nothing to tell.”

“Oh, now, now. Don’t be that way. We all have our stories. I’m sure you’ve heard a few about me. All good, I hope.” He said, shooting a look to Nicole.

Both Grace and Nicole just sat in silence. Watching the scene unfold.

“As I said nothing to tell. Just a boring suburban mom.”

“Come on, there is more than that. I can tell for a fact you’re not boring.” Leaning in closer, “You’ve already proven you’re a feisty little Philly, especially when you get all hot and bothered.”

Before I knew it, Klaus’s hand was on my knee, as he moved it up my inner thigh.

“EXCUSE ME!” I said, as I tried slapped his hand away. He didn’t seem to get the hint; he just squeezed my thigh a little too hard, and let out this husky laugh, the kind of laugh that unsettles your nerves. I’m sure I’m going to have a nice bruise there later.

“Klaus, leave her alone.” I heard Xander say, when he walked into the room. Thank goodness my rescuer had arrived. I didn’t know how long I could handle Klaus. I don’t know if it was being this close to Klaus or the bourbon, but I wasn’t feeling too hot.  

“Oh, dear little brother. I am just trying to get to know my soon to be sister –in-law.”

“Sister-in-law?” I stuttered, downing another gulp of bourbon.

With that, Nicole stood up and pulled Grace up with her. “We’re going to go watch a movie or something.”

“Good idea. I’ll catch up with you to later.” I replied.

After the girls left, Klaus and Xander were talking or bickering.  I really didn’t know which, I couldn’t follow the conversation. As far as I was concerned they could have been talking about purple elephants and pink monkeys wearing stripper heals.

I finished the last few bites of my sandwich, downed my bourbon, and stood up. I needed to get out of that room and fast. Being in both there presences was making my head spin. After a few steps I could feel myself swaying some. The alcohol must of hit me fast. Then again, I really don’t know how many shots I had since Klaus kept filling my drink.  I should have known better. Damb it. I grabbed the door jam, trying to straighten myself.

“Awe, poor girl can’t hold her liquor. Maybe I should help her upstairs for you brother.” Klaus offered.

Before I could move, Xander was at my side, while Klaus was still seated at the table, playing with the bottle of bourbon. The only thing I could think to say was ASSHOLE, but I don’t think it actually came out.

Taking me up in his arms again, Xander brought me upstairs to our room. Looking around I noticed it was missing a few key pieces of furniture, but was cleaned up. Who were these little elves he has working here. I haven’t seen them anywhere. I need to remind myself to ask about that later.

Xander laid me on the bed, and slipped off my shoes. Pulling a blanket over me, he laid down next to me pulling me into his arms. Curling into him, I let the alcohol take me to sleep.

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