Chapter 22

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After that day, my life had returned to that of Giovanni's Slave. I was used day and night, only given a break when my baby needed me.

Giovanni, though a murder had a soft spot for children, so he had taken my child, regardless of the baby's parentage and cared for the infant, using me as his method of payment. He had even gotten a nanny to care for her while I was tasked with serving him.

How sweet of him... I sneered but in the end, I'm happy he didn't harm my child.

Over the months, I had learned so much about Daniel while staying in Giovanni's clutches. Giovanni showed me first hand that my so call husband didn't care about me or our child and it hurt.

Once the baby was born and Giovanni saw it was his, he had proposed a deal with Daniel, the child for the previous deal Kane was proposing and he turned it down, repeatedly.

After listening in on that call while gagged and tied to a chair, my love for Daniel faded like a fog that had clouded my mind and judgement, blinding me.

I had loved him too dearly. I treated him like the oxygen that kept me alive, like he was the beating of my heart and once I lost those him death was evitable... but I didn't die. I evolved and learned to live without him.

He was just an insignificant and crazy part of my past. One that proved that he really never love me...

After a year of observation and planning, I finally escaped Giovanni's prison. My baby, who was strapped onto my body by the sheets, and I escaped in the dead of the night through the garbage disposal system of his compound.

The relief I felt when I escaped was indescribable but I had no time to relish in it, I had to run.

The years that followed found me moving from state to state, trying to shake Giovanni off my tail. I was trying to live a normal life with my child but he wouldn't allow that. He tracked me down everywhere I went, he was a man obsessed. Giovanni believed that I was his and because of that, he had to have me.

He was the sadist prick that ruined my life, the antagonist to my story and the hardest obstacle – in this walk of life – that I have ever faced.

To you, this would seem surreal but this was my life. Being targeted, hunted, fearing that someday they would find me and kill me and my child but as they say: "Damaged people are dangerous because they know they can survive".

I was damaged, I have been surviving for this long and I don't plan to stop...but if the need arises, I would protect my baby even if it kills me.



LOCATION: Miami, Florida.

TIME: 6:45 a.m.

I combed through the knots of her brown curly hair as she sat in front of me on the bed. She looked in the mirror and smiled at me, her chocolate eyes wrinkling as she did.

Damn, she looked like him. Her eyes and her smile, they all reminded me of him deeply.

How could my little innocent angel, look like that bastard she should call a father?

He lied to me. He said he loved me, he would protect me and yet he left me.

He left me because he wasn't sure if she was his. He should have stayed with me. Maybe all the things I went through could have been avoided.

He should have rescued me and my baby from Kane but, he didn't. He left me for those disgusting men to do as the wanted with me. He left me alone, pregnant and heartbroken... and like always I had to fend for myself.

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