Chapter 10

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I opened my eyes to find myself in a bedroom.

Where? I had no idea.

Yet, I found myself on a queen size bed, covered with red, thousand thread sheets. I rose from the bed. My hair was washed, my body as well and I was wearing a skimpy yet comfortable pink, silk nightgown.

The room was a honeycomb yellow and the windows were covered with chocolate brown curtains. It reminded me of a gingerbread house.

I groaned. What happened last night? I wondered as I scratched my head. Suddenly everything came flooding back.

No, no, no! I need to get out of here, now!

Wasting no time, I ran out of the bed and over to a window in the room. I tried to open it but found it was locked. I ran over to the others and found that they were locked as well.

Shit... I thought as I made my way to the balcony door that was directly in front of the huge bed I was laying in.

"Leaving so soon, princesa?"

I went rigid as he spoke. I knew that voice... I turned around to come face to face with him.

"G-Giovanni?" I stuttered as I took cautionary steps back. "H-How did you find me?"

He was standing at the door beside the bed just looking at me. He was dressed in a sharp black suit looking as wickedly handsome as ever.

"Sh, mi princesa... Just know I did," he stated with his finger on his lips as he moved closer to me. I backed away shaking terribly.

He found me.

After three years, he finally found me... Why is this happening to me?

"Stop moving away from me or I will make you," the words rolled off his tongue with promise and I ceased all movements instantly.

I knew what he was capable of and I didn't want to experience it again.

He grabbed me by my arm and pulled me roughly towards him. I fell onto his firm chest and I felt his muscular arms tangle around me. My head rested on his chest and I was trying hard not to pull away from him. I hated being near him, it made me feel small and submissive.

Giovanni brought one of his hands up to my chin and raised my head. I looked into his icy, cold, blue eyes and shivered. His blonde hair brushed across my cheek as he looked down at me. He had faint stubble, small pink lips that pulled away to show dazzling white teeth.

He used his hand to rub my cheek caressing it while looking at me in wonder.

What he did next knocked me to the ground, literally. He slapped me across my face, sending me onto the floor and I shook as I tried to sit up.

"You ran away from me!" he bellowed coldly. His foot came in contact with my stomach and I cried out in pain. "Came to a town in the middle of Georgia!"

He stood over me, grabbed my hair, and hit my head into the wall. My head was splitting as pain pulsed through my skull.

"...and you got married!" he humourlessly laughed.

"You married a good for nothing piece of shit!" he grabbed me by my arm and held me up so I was looking into his eyes. "Where is he, princesa?!"


"Where is he now to protect you?"

He flung me onto the ground and spat on me.

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