Chapter 8

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"What the hell is happening?" Nia shouted as they sped down the road.

"Just keep driving they're gaining on us," I yelled as I bandaged the wound on my arm.

"Brad if you don't tell me what's going on I'm pushing your ass out the car," she screamed in my ear.

Talk about love...

"Brad answer me now!" she yelled impatiently as she drove towards a corner at the end of our street. She drifted around the corner, pressed the gas, and sped towards the highway.

Damn, that was a sweet drift...

"Who the hell taught you to burn rubber like that?" I asked astonished.

"Let's just say I may not have told you a lot about my past," she replied stoically as she checked the mirror to see if the cars were still on our tails.

Her words caused me to observe her more keenly. It seemed like we both were withholding information from one another.

"Damn... they're still there."

Nia grabbed the wheel, turning left into the other lane and pressed gas weaving through the traffic until we were out of the canopy of cars. The cars trailing us mimicked her actions, gaining more speed and soon were beside us.

Thud... Screech... They hit our car, flinging it against the railing.

"Shit!" Nia hissed.

She tightened her grip on the wheel, swung right and hit the Audi. She then released the gas pedal and fell back as the car swung left. She pressed the gas and rammed the back bumper of the car. We jerked forward at the impact.

Nia then turned right, pulling up beside the Audi and rammed it hard, so it hit the railing. She sped away while the car turned and twisted in the road. The other two Audis pulled up behind her and men started firing.

The shots hit the back bumper as the men hanging out the windows fired at us.

"Brad return fire!" she yelled, swerving to throw off their aim and I sat there holding on for my life. "Brad get the fuck up and shoot those fuckers!"

Damn, I need to help my wife.

I got up, pushing my hand through the window and started firing. The shots hit the windscreen and hood of the car grazing them.

"Shit, they're bulletproof," I yelled as I focus my aim at the men, emptying the cartridge but only managing to take down two.

"I'm out of ammo. Nia spread your legs," I say slipping into the passenger seat and opening the dashboard compartment.

"What how the hell are you thinking of sex at a time like this?" Nia asks incredulously before swerving the car.

"Spread your legs!" I stare sternly as I pulled out a knife.

She spread her legs without further fuss and I cut into the seat upwards between her legs.

"Hey, hey, hey! Watch the goods," she shrieks before hissing as the side mirror shatters beside her.

I pushed my hands in the rip, pulling out two handguns and two sets of ammo. Disclaimer: 'Killers' was my inspiration for putting it there.

"You could've just said those were there," she said with a roll of her eyes before looking through her window cautiously.

"What fun would that be?" I smirked loading the guns.


"Damn!" Nia cursed as one of Audis crashed into the back bumper.

The Gangleader's Obsession  ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora