Chapter 20

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"What did you just say?" I asked not believing my ears.

Tears were flooding her eyes, they streamed down her face, and her emerald eyes filled with sorrow.

"The b-baby m-may not be... yours," she repeated.

My chest started to sting, it felt like I was being stabbed a million times in my heart. I could feel my heart shattering in my chest. She was pregnant and the baby may not be mine. How? I was the only man that slept with her...

"Did this Giovanni, touch you?" I asked her as it clicked.

She looked at me her eyes red from crying before holding down her head and nodding yes.

"Y-yes, he d-did," she said softly.

She dropped to her knees and began to cry. Shania was hurting I know; I could feel it but no matter how hard she cried I couldn't find it in me to comfort her.

"Was it voluntary?" I asked.

She looked at me shocked; it was as if she was asking: how could I think such things about her?

"No, I didn't consent," she answered with disbelief on her face.

I stood frozen. My wife had been raped, she was now pregnant, and it might be for the man that raped her. I didn't blame her but it still hurt me to know that another man put his hands on her and took what was mine: her body and my baby.

She sat on the floor and continued to cry saying 'It's not my fault' over and over again. I wanted to comfort her but I couldn't stand being around her right now.

She was pregnant with another man's child, she was pregnant for someone else...It kept repeating in my head over and over again.

The baby may not be yours...

The baby may not be yours...

It was driving me crazy and I was slowly dying inside.

"Daniel, please speak to me," she said as she walked over to me trying to touch me.

I stepped back, moving away from her and she stopped. Shania stared at me wide-eyed before placing her hand over her mouth and started to cry even more when she saw this sudden retreat.

"I-I can't be around you right now," I managed to say as I walked past her entering the hall and then leaving through the door slamming it shut.

I quickly walked down the hall towards the elevator; my heart was swelling up with emotions. I couldn't hide them any longer and I fell onto the floor, crying. My heart was grieving, my wife, the love of my life was pregnant and the baby wasn't mine.

I punched the wall, hard, causing my knuckles to turn red. I needed to get out of here and release my anger. I got up off the floor, walked to the elevator drying my eyes and stepped in as it opened. As I did a man with blue eyes in a black leather coat and a black hat bumped into me as he walked out.

"Hey watch it," I said angrily.

He walked past me, without even apologizing.

"You dick," I said as it closed.

I could have sworn he said 'burro'.


"Another!" I shouted as I drank down my third shot.

The waitress refilled my glass, I quickly drank it. "Another."

Her hazel eyes stared at me with annoyance and she reluctantly poured it but before I could bring it to my lips, she held my hand.

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