Chapter 25 - Reliving the Nightmare

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"Annabel! Annabel! Wake up."

"Huh? What time is it?"

"Just after eleven. You're about to go to that job interview."

"That means Edith will have Taylor. Why didn't you wake me up earlier?"

"You needed your rest."

"Has Edith already taken Taylor?"

"She just came for him now. You're in your room getting ready."

I looked a mess, but I guess since only Aaron can see me, there was no point making a big deal to fix myself. I went into my bedroom and watched as I put on my make-up in the mirror. I don't know what I was thinking, when I tried breathing on the mirror to mist it up, so I could warn myself. But nothing.

Nothing came out.

"Annabel? What are you doing?"

"I have to try Aaron. I can't just sit back and let this happen."

"Nothing you do will stop this."

"So I have to stand here, and watch myself go through all this again?"

"We talked about this last night Annabel. Stop getting worked up about it, please."

"Fine, I want to see that bitch. I want to go to her apartment."

"Okay. But, before we go, I need to tell you. You're about to see something that will upset you. Please just remember to keep calm. I need you to stay focused. Okay?"

"I trust you Aaron."

I let out a deep breath, and walked with Aaron. I have to admit, it felt weird walking through the walls, to Edith's apartment. It made me feel dead. As we got inside, I heard a familiar voice, and it wasn't Edith.

"Just remember to stay calm Annabel."

"That's Paul's voice?"


I walked to Edith's front room, and there he was, sitting there. My own damn cousin.

"You sure about this Edith?"

"If you want to pull out of this Paul, just tell me now? Don't need someone bottling it at the last minute."

"No, I'm not pulling out. I just know Annabel will be devastated. How can you even be certain she will survive?"

"You think too much Paul. That has always been your family's problem. You have an opportunity to make a lot of money here and have a very secure future. So, are you in or out?"

"She is family Edith, it's not a case of being in or out. It's not as simple as that. There is the moral and loyalty codes that are going to be broken. Everybody I know would disown me, if they ever found out. What would being rich do, if I had nobody?"

"How are they going to find out? You going to go and tell everybody? Stop being a little bitch Paul."

"Okay, okay. I'll do it."

I was stood there in total shock. Frozen to the spot and felt even colder. My own family. I felt Aaron's grip on my hand getting tighter, as he started to feel my body shake with anger.

"How much!!?? How much was the price on my head you bastard!!!?"

"Annabel, please. His time will come."

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