Chapter 42

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Louis' POV

I woke up to the lads yelling in my face. I groaned and lashed my arms out, my eyes still closed as I tried to push them away.

"Get up Lou, get up Lou." Niall chanted, clapping along.

"Fine, I'm up, I'm up." I grumbled, forcing my eyes open.

Once my eyes adjusted from the light I looked around and saw my four best mates grinning and smirking at me.

"You drew on my face, didn't you?" I said, spying the Sharpies on the bedside table next to me.

"You're a heavy sleeper." Harry shrugged as the others chuckled.

"You little shits." I laughed, shaking my head. "Where's Steph?" I yawned, noticing she wasn't next to me anymore.

"We woke her up but she's not in a great mood today, so we put her back to bed for a little bit." Zayn said in a low voice.

"Is she upset or just in a bad mood?" I asked quietly.

"I think she's upset and that's why she in a bad mood, probably to cover it up." Harry said.

"I'll get her up." I yawned again.

I stretched and got out of bed, going to the bathroom to try and rub off the rude drawings on my face. After scrubbing hard, my face was clean and I dried it with a towel, feeling more awake. I exited the bathroom, and saw all the boys laying on my bed, Steph fully submerged in the covers in the other bed. I made my way over and got on my knees, my arms on either side of her small body so I was towering over her.

"Chicken, its time to get up." I cooed, shaking her lightly.

She made a sound from under the covers, and I glanced back to the boys, who were all watching intently.

"Come on baby girl, wakey wakey." I said, shaking her lightly again.

"Go away." She called from under the covers.

"You need to get up bud." I said, trying to sound enthusiastic.

"I don't want to get up." She said from under the covers.

"Why not love?" I asked her.

"Because I don't want to leave." She told me.

"Leave Florida or the hotel?" I asked confused.

"The bed!" She said, sounding irritated.

"Why don't you want to leave the bed?" I tried again.

"Because its quiet and dark and I want to be alone." She said quieter, her voice wavering slightly.

I glanced back to the other boys, and they nodded silently. She was like this the other day with them, when I was at the lawyers. She was upset and wanted to hide in bed, not wanting to face the world.

"You need to get up though baby." I told her.

I got no response and I sighed, laying next to her on the bed. I got under the covers and pulled them over my head, joining her under the bed.

"What's wrong pumpkin?" I asked quietly.

"Nothing." She choked out.

"Are you a bit upset?" I asked her, and I saw her nod.

"I don't know why though, I'm j-just sad." She told me.

"I think its because everything has been so stressful and demanding the past few days, and suddenly it hit you. Everything will be okay though baby, I promise me and the boys will never leave you, ever. We love you so much Stephy." I told her, holding her body close to mine.

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