Chapter 7

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School had been going pretty well, I was still kind of friends with Brittany and the others and me and Austin were closer than ever, he had told me he really liked me and wanted to be more than friends. I told him I liked him a lot too, but the boys would kill me if they found out about us. He promised me that he wouldn't be with any other girl except me. He even gave me a promise ring.


"Austin, I really really like you, but the boys would never ever let me be with you. Or anyone, for that matter." I said to him. He nodded and held my hand tighter.

"I promise you Steph, I will never be with anyone else except you. Promise me you won't be with anyone else either?" I nodded, then he pulled out a little silver ring. "This is a promise ring. I promise I will wait for you." He slipped the ring on and I smiled, before he kissed my cheeck and hugged me tightly.


During the two weeks I had been at school, I had only spoken to Liam once. I had called him multiple times and the only time he answered he had yelled at me to leave him alone.


"Liam, please call me, I really miss you and need to talk." I said into the phone answering machine for the millionth time. I decided to call one more time.

ring.. ring.. rin-

"Hello?" Liam said. I froze just at the sound of his voice. I missed him so much. "Hello?" He said again.

"Liam! You finally picked up, I miss you so mu-"

"Stop calling me!" He interrupted me, "Just leave me alone! Why don't you get it? Leave.Me.Alone!" Tears started to fall. I threw the phone down on the kitchen counter and ran up to my room sobbing. Louis ran after me but I didn't let him in. That whole weekend I stayed locked up in my room, not leaving once.


He had called tons of times after that but I refuse so spoke to him. Also, to make things worse, Brittany was mad that I was spending so much time with Austin and started to spread rumors about me. I hadn't told the boys, I knew she just needed time.

"Hey" Austin grinned at me, flashing his perfect teeth.

"Hey" I grinned back. We had just come out of maths and were walking to the lunch table.

"Are you free tomorrow after school? Maybe we could go to nandos?"

"Sure, I would love to." I smiled, we had reached the table now and Brittany glared at me as I sat down.

"What is she doing here?" Brittany whispered loudly to Emily who whispered something back. They both started laughing uncontrollably. I rolled my eyes and they just laughed harder.

"Ignore it." Austin whispered to me. I nodded and started to talk to Rachel, who was on my other side. When the bell went Brittany bumped my shoulder really hard and all of my books dropped out of my hands. 

"Here, let me help you." Austin said, bending down to collect them.

"Thanks, she really does hate me."

"She'll get over it. I don't have any classes with you for the rest of the day, so I guess I'll see you tomorrow." He said, hugging me goodbye.

The rest of the day slowly dragged on. Brittany and Emily kept on laughing and whispering about me. I tried to ignore it, but I was seriously getting annoyed now. I gritted my teeth and managed to get through the rest of the day with out cracking. I jumped into the car as soon as Zayn pulled up.

"Hey?" He said, unsure as to why I got in the car so quickly, I normally took a few minutes.

"Hi." He looked at me strangely before driving away from the school.

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