Chapter 24

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I woke up bundled under multiple blankets, however the goose bumps were still clearly visible on my skin. I looked around the room hazily, with no recollection of how I got here. My stomach was twisting and turning, making me feel like I would be sick at any moment. The door gently opened and Louis popped his head round, smiling sweetly when he saw me.

"Hey baby girl," He said, sitting next to me on the bed, "how are you feeling?"

"Bad." I managed to get out. Louis smiled sympathetically, stroking my hair back off my face.

"We have interviews today, remember baby?" He asked, me nodding slightly in response. "Well we need to leave soon. You'll come with me and Harry for the morning then we're meeting the rest of the boys at the arena. We're also leaving for Florida tomorrow morning." He told me.

"I think I'm going to be sick." I whimpered as I felt the vomit race up my throat.

Out if nowhere Louis pulled a bucket to my mouth, just in time for me to be sick everywhere. I wept as I continued to be sick, Louis holding my hair back and saying soothing, calming words to me. I heard the door open and I heard other people come into the room, sitting next to me and rubbing my back. Eventually I had nothing left in my stomach to come up although I kept on heaving into the bucket, my body still trying to be sick. I was crying hysterically and with all the heaving my breathing became out of control.

"Steph, calm down baby. Breathe." Louis instructed me.

"Look at me princess," Harry said from his crouching position on the floor. I looked at him and he began breathing deeply, instructing for me to breath in time with him.

"Good girl, deep breaths." Liam said, rubbing my back soothingly as I tried to breath along with Harry.

As my breathing became more normal I began to cry more, weeping hard as the tears came out like water works.

"Shh, its okay Stephy, its all over now." Niall cooed and I cried a little less hard.

"Come on beautiful, no more tears." Zayn said to me.

"Here, let's wipe your mouth gorgeous." Liam said as if I was five, wiping my mouth clean with a bathroom towel.

When my mouth had been wiped and the bucket had been taken away, Louis picked me up in his arms and cradled me against his chest, my breathing becoming slower and deeper as I relaxed into his chest.

"Princess, we need to get you in some clean clothes, okay?" Harry said. I nodded slowly, not wanting to be changed out of my comfy pjs.

"Do you need help?" Zayn asked and I didn't reply.

"Liam and I have got this guys." Louis said to the others, who nodded and left the room.

"We're going to change you, okay gorgeous?" Liam told me. I was so tired I just nodded, not thinking twice about it.

Louis held me in his arms while Liam took off my pajamas and put on my grey trackies and a plain vest top, putting on an over sized jumper to keep me warm. The jumper smelled like Niall, so I guessed it was his.

Louis' POV

I held Steph as Liam changed her clothes. She was so out of it and tired that she didn't even think twice about it. I guess that was an advantage to us, making it easy to get her ready, however, I felt horrible seeing her this sick and not being able to do anything about it.

When Steph was changed and ready, I carried her out to the sitting room where the other boys were. I passed Steph to Harry while I put my shoes on, but took her back in my arms after. I felt so guilty about her being ill, and even though I knew it wasn't my fault at all, I just felt like I needed to hold her and keep her safe until she was better.

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