Chapter 26

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I slowly ate the food Louis spooned into my mouth. My stomach gurgled as I ate and I felt like I was going to be sick again.

"I feel sick." I whimpered, clutching my stomach.

"Just have a bit more baby." Louis cooed, trying to feed me more food, but I turned my head away, not allowing him to feed me any more.

"Come on princess, just a few more mouthfuls." Niall said as I leaned against him.

"I can't eat anymore." I told him quietly.

"Okay, we'll stop for now but you need to eat more after the sound check." Liam told me in a parental voice and I nodded in agreement.

"Boys, they're ready for you." Paul said, entering the room.

"Who's ready?" I asked as Niall lifted me onto his hip and began to walk out the door.

"The stage people, we're having a sound check, they just need to see the microphones work and everything." Niall said in his thick accent.

"You can sit in the audience seats with Paul, okay baby? We'll be right there if you need us." Louis said, walking alongside Niall.

"Okay. How long will it be?" I asked him.

"Not too long sweetie. We're just going to sing through the beginning and ending of each song." I was told by Louis.

I nodded and rested my head on Niall's shoulder, feeling drained of energy once again. I hated being sick. I felt so weak and vulnerable, like I couldn't do anything.

We finally reached the stage entrance and I was handed over to Paul who held me tightly on his hip.

"Okay, be good for Paul, we'll see you in a bit." Liam said, kissing my cheek.

The others said similar things and kissed my cheek as well, before Paul took off in the direction of the seats, holding me tightly on his hip. When we made it to the front row, Paul sat me on a chair and crouched down in front of me.

"Steph, I need to go backstage and check everything runs smoothly, the boys can see you from the stage so you'll be fine. I'll be back in a while." He told me.

"Okay, I'll see you later then." I said as he left, walking back behind the stage.

I got comfortable on the plastic chair as the lights dimmed and the music began to play. The boys ran out on stage and began singing along, stopping occasionally when told to by Paul or another member of management.


Three hours later the sound check was done and we made our way back to the dressing room. The boys collapsed on the sofas, all their existing energy drained from rehearsing so hard.

"Okay boys, an hour before support acts go on, just rest and take it easy." Paul told us before he left the room.

"Come here Steph." Louis gestured me over. I walked to where he was sitting and he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me onto his lap. "You doing okay?" He asked me.

"Yeah, just tired." I told him, leaning back against his chest.

"Sleep during the show if you want." He suggested.

"I don't want to miss seeing you perform though." I said.

"Don't worry about that, you still have a lot more of performances left! You will see us perform too many times to count." He chuckled.

I grinned and closed my eyes, getting comfortable on his lap, his big arms wrapping tightly around my waist. Sleep soon enveloped me, my body desperate to escape into a calm slumber.

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