Chapter 4

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Just got my first vote!! So, I decided to post chapter 4! enjoy!

This chapter is dedicated to @unknown143love because they were the firt person to vote, so thank you very very much!


I woke up in a cold sweat, shaking and trembling. I had just had a dream about my dad murdering my mum. I was screaming, trying to save my mum but she was dead, her lifeless body limp in my arms. My dad then hit me hard and beat me until I wished I was dead.

I got out of bed and had  shower. I then changed into a pair of red skinny jeans and a white top with gold patterns on it. I walked into the kitchen and saw all the boys sitting at the kitchen counter talking to Rachel.

"Morning sweetie, sleep well?" Rachel asked when she saw me.

"Where were you last night?" I asked the boys, ignoring Rachel's question.

"Sorry, we got a little bit held up at work. It sounds like you girls had fun yesterday though!" Liam said grinning at the last part.

"Why didn't any of you answer your phones?" I asked again.

"Steph, I told you, we were at work."

"But why couldn't you answer your phone?"

"Steph, please we had a late night and we have to head off to work soon, just give us a break." Niall said.

"I thought we were going to Disney World today?"

"Oh, Steph, we're so sorry, we completely forgot! We can go tomorrow." Louis said. I nodded and walked over to the sofa, turning on the tv.

"Okay, Steph we're going, we should be back about 4 this afternoon, okay?" Liam said, kissing me on the forehead. I just shrugged because they probably wouldn't be back at 4. Liam frowned, but stepped back as the others kissed me goodbye.

"Have a good day, we'll see you later. Bye!" Louis called as they left.

"So, what do you want to do today?" Rachel asked, sitting down next to me. I just shrugged again, not wanting to talk. "Come on, don't be like that Steph! We had fun yesterday and so we can have fun today too." I just sighed and nodded.

"Rachel," I began. She looked up at me, "Do you know what the boys do for work?" I wanted to tell her I knew, but I had to be sure she knew. A look of panic flashed across her face and she seemed unable to answer.

"Umm.. do you know what they do for work?" She seemed pretty happy with her answer because she smiled slightly.

I sighed, "They're One Direction, biggest boy band in the world."

Rachel's mouth dropped open into an 'o' shape. "They told me you didn't know!"

"They don't know that I know, but I googled One Direction and saw them."

"Why haven't you told them you know?"

"Because I was waiting for them to tell me, to see if they ever would. I haven't told Dani, El, or Perrie I know though because I know they would just tell them. Please don't tell them I know."

"I won't. I understand why you haven't told them, it's okay, your secret is safe with me." She grinned. "So, what do you want to do today then?"

We spent to whole day just lazing around in the hotel room. I was so bored, and I was really upset we weren't going to Disney Land like the boys promised, but I suppose work was more important. One time when we were watching tv a interview with One Direction came on. Rachel didn't bother to change it, seeing as I already knew, but looking back I wish she had changed it. The interviewer asked some basic questions, and then they brought up a picture of me and Niall from the restaurant.

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