Chapter 4

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"Okay, so basically, I've got most of what you need written out for you. I'll be here to help you whenever you need it, but most questions that you'll have should be able to be answered in here." Corey told me, sliding the binder across my kitchen table to me. 

 My mom was downstairs in the basement, sleeping. She had taken a double dose of her nyquil, so she would be out for awhile. Having Corey over now was fine. 

My stomach sank as I took in the binder; it was a pink 1" binder (he conveniently got my favorite color. Well played). It was so discreet, I would be able to carry it around with me, it just looked like a binder I would use for school. 

"You did all of this last night?" I questioned. 

This seemed like a lot of work for overnight. 

Corey laughed, his perfectly straight teeth flashing as he did so. 

"My mom's a dietician, a lot of what's in there are from packets she had in teh house that I thought would relate to you." 

Tentatively I opened the binder and looked at the first page. 

WORKOUT PLAN was printed there in big block letters, scrawled messily in Sharpie.

I gulped. Oh man. The workout plan. This was going to be one of the hardest parts; sticking to a workout plan. I would probably need Corey the most for this, just to have somebody pushing me to actually do this. 

I almost walked away when I actually SAW what the workout plan: 

Monday: 1 hour of cardio

                30 minutes of leg work

               30 minutes of ab work 

Tuesday: 1.5 hours of cardio

Wednesday: 1 hour of cardio 

                        30 minutes of leg work 

                       30 minutes of arm work

Thursday: 1.5 hours of cardio

Friday: 1 hour of cardio

             30 minutes of ab work

            30 minutes of arm work

Saturday: BREAK

Sunday: 1.5 hours of cardio 

"Corey, I don't know if I can do that much..." I stammered, my palms starting to sweat as I gripped the sides of my chair. 

Corey was looking at me sympathetically but I could see a firm determination in his eyes. 

"I know it looks hard, but it's really  not." he assured me. "This is basically the same workout plan that I use, so you can come to the gym with me, and I can show you waht I do. Wait, do you already have a gym membership?"

I shook my head, embarassed. I had had one in the past, but I had stopped going a few months ago. 

"Well, that works out then, I can talk to Brian and see about adding to our family membership. It's cheaper that way. He's cool, he'll probably let you." 

The workout schedule was the first thing, and then there were a bunch of dividers. The first one said "workouts", the second one said "diet", and the third one read "log", which had the most papers in it. 

I opened that section first, and tilted my head as I read it. It was set up like a chart (yay, more charts). 

"With that." Corey said, reaching over and pointing at the page. "organization is really important with weight loss. At least I think so. You've got to keep track of what you're eating, how much you're exercising, it really helps." 

On the left side of the chart, it was marked off with a box for how many calories i was taking in, how many calories I burn off, how many cups of water I drank, and how many hours of sleep I get per night. There was a box for every day of the week corresponding with the boxes on the left. Underneath Thursday and Sunday though, there was a box labeled "weight". 

"Why am I only weighing myself twice a week?" I questioned, glancing up at him. "Shouldn't I be doing that every day?"

Corey shook his head. 

"Honestly, even if you just did it once a week, that would be fine. Just as long as you can see progress happening. If you weigh yourself every day and don't see anything happening, you'll probably just give up early on." 

That actually made sense; I knew firsthand how disheartening it could be to stop on the scale everyday, twice a day even, and not see anything happening. 

"So when do I start?" I asked, fiddling with the pages in front of me. 

I wished this was instantaneous. I wished that I didn't have to work myself to the breaking point every day for months and months and months. Being skinny was my priority, I wanted to be able to wake up and feel beautiful, not to be ashamed of myself or my body. I just wished it would happen over night. 

"Today." Corey grinned, flashing those teeth at me again. 

Oh boy...... 

"Have you ever even used these?" Corey laughed, nudging the shoe box that contained my Nike running shoes. 

"Yes, I have actually." I replied defensively. 

Using them once counted.... right? 

"Alright, well grab those then, and something that you can run comfortably in. 

Shorts? No. Yoga pants? No. 

I settled on a pair of sweatpants that were sort of big on me, with a plain grey t-shirt. 

"What exactly are we going to do today?" I asked, dropping my shoes and clothes into a backpack. 

"Not a lot today. I'll pretty much just show you around, get you used to the place. There's actually a sheet in that binder somewhere that has this running schedule to help you get acclimated, because I really don't expect you to just be able to run for an hour straight." 

Well good. At least he wasn't completely crazy. It wasn't even the end of the first day and I was already having second thoughts. This was precisely why my diets must never work though. 

"Well, I'm ready to go whenever you are." I sighed, slinging my bag over my shoulder. 

"Make sure to bring headphones with you!" Corey called to me as he made his way down the stairs. 

Here we go....

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